Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is a picture Eddie drew of Bell the superhero (hooray Eddie is drawing again!!!). She thinks it is bad but I say it isn't so its going up (after all we all know that I am the Queen of the universe and everyone/thing must do as I say :-D hehehe)... she also has drawings of all the other superhero's but wont give them to me... maybe all she needs is a little encouragement.... anyone up for the task?

(Eddie is she based on sailor Jupiter by any chance... ;-P)

I don't know what to call this so I name it the post with no name

First i need to vent... then i will get into all the fun stuff... why is it that all - well that's a bit of an generalisation but 'most' or 'some' just doesn't have the same ring to it... so I will continue with my first statement - why is it that ALL teachers and lecturers have absolutely no idea how to use a microphone. Oh don't get me wrong, they love to use them, but the problem is that they love them so much that they have a habit of eating them, that's right eating them. Speaking from the perspective of someone who is currently sitting in a lecture - look I would love to be listening and paying attention but! My ears have been raped by the screeching of the microphone as my lovable lecturer (you can hear the sarcasm dripping out of my mouth right?) puts their wireless microphone way way way to close to the box thingy that sends the sound to the receiver and I think that I may in fact be legally deaf... Oh thank the good lord... he finally gave up after 56 minutes and 48 seconds of screeching hell... I can move on and think.... *sigh*... I feel much better now, thanks.

Now, onto corsets lingerie and other pretty little things...

Those of you who know me in person and see me on regular occasions will know that I have, over the last 2 Sundays (and last one this Sunday!) been completing a corset making course... I have, I must confess been just a little (read very) annoying about it as the days approach and my excitement escalates...

But now its just getting out of control... not only do I want to make corsets but all other forms of lingerie, slips (which I've already made one of and am wearing now... just to give you more information than you wanted), lacy undies, teddies (teddy's?), night gowns, and dressing gowns and all kinds of other pretty things... (although with this sudden cold snap here in Sydney I'm starting to think that I chose the wrong time of year for my new found interest... I'm constantly torn between all things pretty and my nice, warm, sensible flannels (at the moment common sense has lost the battle, but the war has not yet been won, I think there are approximately 120 battles/days left... I'll keep you updated on its progression... or maybe not)

Anyway that's my little blah for the day... if you can make any sense out of it then you are doing much better than me...
bye for now

P.S.... comments... I love comments... lets me know what your thinking :-D... makes me happy... which makes me write more... hopefully more sense too...

Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Monday again... :-S

Hi everyone, welcome to a new week... not sure whats so important about this week that marks it as special enough to deserve its own welcome party (of one, obviously, me) but I just felt like it okay?!

Today marks 11 days until my birthday (which will make me 20 and NBK :-(... if you don't know what that means please don't ask me as i won't explain... I really need to get out this weekend, not that that would make much of a difference)

But... more importantly it marks exactly 2 months until Eddy and I take on the world (Western? Europe). BTW thanks Eddy for reminding me of this fact... I would have been quite happy to go through my day/week/month without this knowledge, I mean, how on Earth can you expect me to have the self discipline to knuckle down and finish this semester of uni when I keep getting over-excited about the 27th of June?!?! Its just not fair!!!!!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Just an aside nothing to do with anything really

I was on facebook today, and I just thought I'd share a little something with you. According to one of the apps that have been popular with my friends in recent days... this is what my chosen name says about me...


I'll leave this one to the judges...

But following on with this posts theme... I was also sent an e-mail from my dear Auntie, its one of those ones where you write down a list of numbers, answer some questions and then at the end of the e-mail it tells you what they mean, so, I now know that...

- I 'have' to tell 16 people about this game... lets just ignore this one because I don't forward e-mails
- I love a guy named David ?!?!
- I like a person named Michael but the relationship cannot work (for the record I chose the name Michael because I know so many people with this name... so I don't know who its referring to)
- I care most about Eddie
- Ariel knows me very well
- Bell is my lucky star
- The song I wrote down in #8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3 (David)... ummmm for the record the song was Animals by Nickelback.... bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
- The song in # 9 (Get back - Demi Lovato) is the song for Michael... ummmm I don't know this one...
- Song #10 (Sexy back - Justin Timberlake) tells me the most about my mind
- Song #11 (Promiscuous Girl - Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland) tells me how I feel about life :-P *wink wink*

Hehehehe... it was just too entertaining not to share... so I did and now I'll leave you alone to go back to your lives none the wiser for this post at all... :-P

a poem and a few thoughts

by Jenny Joseph

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit on the pavement when I am tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along public railings

And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other peoples' gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
So people who know me are not shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.


Mum introduced me to this poem today, and it was love at first sight. I think it has something (a lot) to do with its irreverence, kinda reminding me of Billy Conelly and how at the end of each of his series (show?) he does something in the nudder... I've always wanted to have the guts to do something like that... but I hear that such public displays are illegal and can get you into trouble from the police... so your all safe for now. Then again maybe its just because I can see so much of myself in this poem...

In any case, I'll have to be satisfied with what's described in the poem. As many of you who know me personally will recall, I already do most of the stuff here anyway... I wear bright colours in the middle of winter because everyone else thinks its only appropriate to wear black, and if you were to see me as I walk through the city crowds on my way to uni you would be forgiven for assuming I'm a little messed up in the head, as I smile to myself, imagining the view above, my colour (and if I'm honest my cleavage too - never dismiss the cleavage... after all its always there and I can't escape it so there is really no point in trying to hide it) in the sea of black.

Oooo... and I do sit on the pavement when I'm tired, and the station escalators and any old set of stairs (especially the train stairs in morning peak hour) and, well, just about anything that will take my weight off my feet. Apparently this is a strange habit, I don't really understand why, it has always made sense to me. When I was younger and felt any form of discomfort, my thought process - and from memory that of my cohorts also - went something along the lines of: Feet hurt. Sit down. It was a simple as that... but as I begin to 'grow up' as it is so termed, I have noticed that its starting to become a little more lonely, down on the pavement. In fact an old friend, who used to (back in the olden days of first year) catch the train home with me after wednesday night labs, called me his little homeless friend because I didn't really care where I sat or who saw me :-D

... and run my stick along railings... I do that too... except I don't always have a stick so I generally just use my finger and clean the dirt off later... :-P

So, I suppose what I've been wondering is, why do I do all this? and what makes these actions so important...

I think part of it is just because they are little things in my everyday life that make me happy, little rebellious moments where I choose to stand out from the crowd and embrace my inner child. Like when I take my Mickey Mouse pen into an exam (which for your information, one of my exam supervisors couldn't help but comment on the other day... in my bad exam... you'd think that would be distracting but it really helped), they kind of remind thats its not all about the big picture and that it okay to just be, be happy, be in the moment, be average, be worse than average, be whatever, be me.

I mean, I do these things because I HAVE to remember, to FORCE myself not to care sometimes, because if I care too much about what other people think I'll forget what I think. And I think that its crazy and stupid to think that I have to act all grown up all the time, or that now that I am of a certain age, I'll have to wait until I'm "old" to act a little crazy again because... because what if I don't make it, what if I don't get to that age where its acceptable to act a little crazy and wear funny hats, even worse, what if I DO get there, but after all the years of being grown up and living for others - for work, for kids, for a husband - I've forgotten how to sit on the pavement when my legs get tired or that sometimes its fun to wear clothes that don't match.

Maybe I'm just a little less than a hop-skip and a step away from being that eccentric that walks up and down the street and everyone just wants to send to a mental institution. But I honestly think about these things all the time (is that normal?)

I think I've said enough for today. Does anyone want to add some other notes?
nighty night

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today I had a bath...

Everyone stop the presses! There is an important - no make that... major? critical? historical? - news update... Today, Darcy had a bath! I know I know the sheer magnitude of this piece of information astounds you, so I shall give you a few moments to soak it all up...


... have you soaked it all up?...


... I can still see a puddle over there to your left...

... no! Your OTHER left :-P...


there all gone.

Now, I should probably make clear to you the fact that we are amazed by the fact that I had a bath, NOT that I washed... I like to think that on average I tend to have relatively good personal hygiene, the occasional 'forgetting' to brush my teeth when i get home at 3 in the morning withstanding (they get washed in the morning when this happens and since I don't share my bed with anyone, well, I can get away with it... for those of you who do share your beds on regular occasions however, I don't recommend it...).

Whilst I would love to say that the reason I haven't had a bath in ages is because I care deeply for this dry, drought ridden country called oz, well that would just be a lie... I would have a bath every day of the year drought or no drought, if only the water pressure in this place I call home didn't suck so badly! (Yes you read me right... it SUCKS as in there is generally more water in the bath BEFORE you turn the tap on because the tap sucks it all back up) To give you an idea of how long it takes, I normally turn just the hot water on and leave it to run for half an hour because by the time the water is at a reasonable level to get in, the water that first entered the bath has cooled down sufficiently to make the overall water temperature of the bath quite pleasant...

So, now that's all done and dusted I think I might tell you just how this Earth shattering event came to pass. Do you want to know? Well too bad if you don't because I'm not giving you a choice... of course you could always just stop reading, I can't control that, but then where would the fun be eh?!

You see, yesterday I went shopping (please don't kill me Eddie... I needed to go shopping and I only bought something that was on sale and just because we are missing a month of winter does not mean we will be skipping the season altogether and I shall therefore be in need of some new winter clothes at some point in the very near future - I'm still saving for Europe I swear - and if you really want to get angry at me for something I have done in the past few days, make it the laptop charger I lost and has since cost me $89 to replace. An item, might I add, which until only a few days ago I was already the proud owner of...) grrrr I went off topic again... just bear with me there's a point in here somewhere...

Anyway, whilst I was shopping I bought a beautiful, new, knitted, Grey and blue, winter dress. It has short t-shirt like sleeves which are perfect for the Aussie winter as I can layer a jacket on top, long sleeved top and opaque tights underneath when its mid-winter cold but can also wear it as is during these long can't-decide-what-season-to-be-today type days we seem to be having a lot of at the moment (the type of days which seem to play havoc with my skin... more on that later).

So I have this new dress, and then mum points out that if I wear tights underneath it will ride up because of the friction between the two fabrics - damn! - but never the less there is a solution... mum suggests a slip - oooooo I think, how cool! - I've always wanted one of them, they just seem so classy, sexy and grown up that I've never really considered that they might actually serve some useful purpose when it comes to getting dressed in the morning.

Don't you just love it when one purchase leads to another which leads to another and before you know it your on some serious high that apparently dates back to our cave woman gathering/collecting ancestors instincts... *nods enthusiastically* I do love it :-D hehehe

Now for a slip... (hang in there I'll get to the point eventually... everything connects to everything else). I came to the conclusion that I wanted to make the slip, partially because I'm stingy atm and don't want a scolding from Eddie, partly because I thought it would be fun, but mostly because its quite challenging to find an undergarment of this sort that makes the most (read: fits) of my bust:waist:hip ratio - especially since this particular garment seems to have gone so far out of fashion that I can't off the top of my head think of anywhere that sells them (nice ones that I can't imagine my nanna wearing that is) unless I go to some of the higher (high being relative to my budget - in this case I'm thinking Alannah Hill) end designers - So off I head to my local Spotlight.

At Spotlight, as can be expected, I leave not only with what I am looking for but also with a whole host of other assorted stuffs most of which I am planning on using in the near future for a few corset projects I have planned - more on that later - but what is important here is that I leave with 2 lovely, silky, flowey, drapey, slightly stretchy pieces of satin material, one of which is a nude colour that I am currently about half way through manipulating into a slip, and the other a fantastic scarlet red which will soon become my new favourite bed/night dress.

Now we come to the point of this whole story - I promised I'd get here is the end didn't I? We just took the scenic route that's all, and after all don't they say that taking the road less travelled makes all the difference, of course they also say at the beginning of that poem that both paths are exactly the same... I never understood what the big deal was after I noticed that...

You see, while I was fitting my new slip to my body last night, a job which involves putting it on, pinning, taking it off, adjusting and repeating, I felt sorry for the poor material which in all its beauty was being forced to scrape and scratch over my all too rough, dry and sandpaper-esque in-between-seasons skin. So after work today I decided it was high time I took some time out for myself to fix said skin and make it worthy of my silky new slip (Wish I could think up some more powerful adjectives for its graceful femininity but your getting the point right?). So I epilated, brushed, scrubbed and soaked. And then I lotioned up and even made an effort to soften my cave woman feet (thanks to my penchant for dancing on the concrete floor of our garage) with lanolin and sox...

So that's it! Those are the events over a 48 hour period that lead me to the point where I needed to have a bath... I just had to feel worthy of my new clothing... and you know what? It was so worth it!

thanks for listening/reading/leaving comments... *hint hint nudge nudge*

Monday, April 20, 2009

I take the cake!

You are currently looking at #1 stupid person for the day... well her blog anyway.
So I'm going to take the cake, and eat it too (virtually of course... there is no actual cake in my house at the moment :-( we just eat it too quickly and so I must refrain myself from making it lest we all turn into

Guess what I did... and no its not funny in the least (well to me)...

I took a plastic bag to uni today and then proceeded to get a HUGE tear in the bottom of it. Luckily nothing was lost - or so I thought - until... dun dun duhhhhhhh...

I got home you see, and started doing my normal home stuff, checking my e-mails, facebook, online uni noticeboards, SMH online, etc, then my computer freezes, and that awful sign comes up... "your battery is about to die. Please connect to a power source immediatley if you don not wish to loose any unsaved data"... SHIT! Where is my charger?!?!?!... well its not at home so I think you can guess the rest.

On the plus side, I finally have a week off uni (I know I know, I've only been there for 8 weeks and you know, like *insert high pitched bimbo girlie voice and twirling hair* (its not hard to imagine... I do it so much I've begun to notice my friends doing it to... its contagious... ahhhh!!!!) 24 weeks of holidays in the year is just not enough :-P

So. I'll be annoying you with regular posts this week I'm sure
But as for now I'm off to find a new background for this page... I'm not happy with this one and want to find one that I'll be happy with for a long time, but I can't seem to find any that I feel suit the mood and name of the page at the same time...
I'd love any suggestions... otherwise I'll probably have to make one



hey... So I am currently sitting outside the "Great Hall" of my uni, waiting for my second exam of the day to start... its 35 multiple choice questions on the first 6 lectures of semester and i have NO idea what they will be like because we weren't allowed any practice questions and so far the whole subject had been very hands on/practical... no idea what type of MC questions you can ask really.... as for the other exam, well, it was just painful... not looking forward to getting that one back already.

Anyway! All that depressing stuff is not why I trekked all the way here, opening my laptop, asking please oh pretty please will you decide to connect to the uni's Internet connection today... PLEASE!!!

All I really wanted to do is say hi and let you know I am still alive with story's aplenty to tell... its just that when I have an exam my stomach becomes all liquid and tries with all of its might to exit my body in whatever direction possible... that and my brain stops working as I attempt to cram as much information into my head as is physically possible, wrote learning things that I know that I already know, but even though I know that I already know it I freak out and think that as soon as I step into that exam room all of everything, an entire lifetime's worth of knowledge, will decide to take a temporary 3 hour vacation to the Swiss alps... and I, will be left a vegetable, barely able to breathe or hold myself upright, as i sit at an examination desk watching the letters swim around the page. (Not sure how cramming will help me in this situation but there is something inside of me that says... whatever you were thinking of at the time you walk into the exam will be trapped and unable to escape... so i try to think of everything at once... and my brain explodes... and I start thinking of Finding Nemo instead... and that doesn't help.)

Anyway, to tide you over until I actually write about something substantial/funny/corset related/ superhero-ish I wanted to share with you a video that mum showed me... even if you don't agree with what it says, I mean its pretty cool... backwards and forwards like that... i want to try it one day... although it'll probably take me a while to come up with something remotely legible.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ahh the dentist... what a wonderful world :-P

Today i had my biannual trip to the dentist. Now maybe its because I still go to the same dentist that I have been going to since I was a baby and maybe also its that my parents still pay for my exceptional oral hygiene (*cough cough splutter, insert angelic smile*)... but I don't mind the dentist.

Now don't get me wrong it is most definitely not my favorite place in the world. I don't enjoy having my mouth pried open for an hour (open wide, now just a touch more, we just have to reach back and... for g-d's sake my mouth is about to split open but hey if that happens you may as well just dislocate my jaw... now that would make it all easier wouldn't it) or the high pitched noise the ultra sonic noise thing makes (its like a thousand fingernails being dragged down a blackboard - but not simultaneously... oh no!!! that would be all to bearable... they are total un-synchronised and out of time) as it gets ride of my old sealant on my 12 year old molars to be replaced by a brand spanking new one.

Neither do I enjoy having a jelly band aid put over said new sealant (because its now 1.30 and i am HUNGRY and this means that I can't eat for another whole hour!!!!! - I love food, I measure my day by food, its just such a pleasurable sensual experience, the flavors the scents the texture, the indulgence... wow I would die if you put me in a world where your every nutritional need was met by a collaboration of pills...) and most of all I HATE! having a fluoride treatment at the end of every session, holding the thing o in my mouth and having to bite down for 5 whole minutes just hurts and it tastes funky and i just don't like it! OK?!

But what I do like is having a whole hour to just lie there and do nothing (can you tell that I also dislike it when my dentist - who is really lovely BTW - talks and asks me questions while searching through my mouth and prying it open... I mean come on! How on earth do you expect me to reply?!) and just stare at all the pretty pictures on the ceiling. That's the plus of going to a children's dentist you see... they have all of their walls and ceilings painted for your enjoyment, and the room I was in today was and under water room and I got to check out the pelican who was dipping its (he or she?) head under to look for fish.... mmmmm lunch!

I also love the fresh clean feeling your teeth have after being professionally clean... I don't care what the adds say - the oral B cross action electric dubiwacker is NOT the same as having you dentist do it themselves.

I also get this tiny perverse pleasure every time they have to ask me whether I have had braces - they know its either me or Ariel - and "oh my your teeth are so straight! They look like you've had them!" I know, its crazy, its not like I had any sort of control of the direction in which my teeth grew, but it never ceases to make me feel so proud that MY teeth managed to do it all by themselves without any metallic assistance... :-P (I know I'm strange and so do you so just smile and nod and I will move on eventually)

anyway thats all from me for now... I really need to get out and do something silly... it appears im running out of material :-P


P.S. special shout out to Elizabeth - Queen of toys, glad your enjoying my crazy banter, I'm having fun writing it :-D.

superhero's ep 4 - flying

Today I want to fly, I want to stretch my arms out to the sky and feel the wind whipping through my hair, above me, below me, and all around me.

I want to soar as high as the clouds and dive back to Earth, to feel the energy pumping through my veins as I pull out mere millimeters from the surface. To feel safe and secure and wanted and loved; to have complete faith in myself and my abilities, yet not loose that sense of adventure, danger and newness that existed when you saw the world for the first time. (Is it even possible to feel all this in the same moment? are they not each mutually exclusive? I don't care, it doesn't matter)

I want to swoop and glide and see the world from a different angle. To do 360's and 720's and 1080's with out a care in the world! I want the sun to be shining but the air to feel cool and I want you all to be with me as we spur each other on, smiling and laughing until we can no longer breathe.

I want to be free, yet to be taken care of and not have to worry about a thing, not food or shelter, the future, the past, money, getting hurt or lost. So that all I have to think about is how high, how fast and in what direction I want to move right now, right this second. Which would be most interesting and exhilarating and fulfilling.

I want to spiral through the trees of the most beautiful Rainforest; to glide along the forest floor, rising ever so gently through the dense undergrowth with its array of exotic flowers, animals, reptiles and ferns, up towards the canopy and then burst through the tree tops into the suns warm glow.

Or, if the feeling takes me, to be as slow as a Sloth and as sleepy as a Koala.

I want to chase the sun as it rises and sets over the highest mountain tops and watch the patterns it makes as it paints all the colours of the Earth. To fly over, above and around a rainbow from its beginning to its end and see its jewel toned water droplets sparkling everywhere, like thousands of tiny diamonds winking at me.

I want to skim the tops of the wide blue oceans, barely breaking the water with the tips of my fingers and toes, to have dolphins swimming along beside me, frolicking and dancing, euphoric in their watery home.

I want to remember how to see the fairies that live in the bottom of my garden, to let them dance on the palm of my hand. To fall asleep to the voices of angels, lulling me into the land of nod.

I want to feel all these things and more but I want to take you with me so you can feel them too. I want you to experience what its like to have wings and to soar above the world and everything we live in. I want to help you see all of the joy and beauty in all the fear and hurt. For your cheeks hurt because the smile on your face wont go away, for this smile to be just the tip of the iceberg that goes straight down in to your heart, the heart of your being that is so full and so alive you may just explode.

I want to do all of this and more, I want to lead you on this journey,I want my words to have an eloquence and beauty that bypasses your mind and speaks to your soul, but I don't know how. So I'll fly high high up in the sky, and then, I'll come back and tell you the story, and hope, that for now its enough.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


There is something that has been stuck in my head well pretty much since I bought my new Camera "snappy." (and yes I realise that its strange to name inanimate objects but I do - my computer for example is called eve and my ipod Adam for the apple you see... and because Adam plugs into eve.... moving on!) You see every time I say/think/type the name I think of this...

And I am of course then flung back to 2005 when I went on my last trip to Europe with a whole bunch of year 11 school kids from the catholic arch diocese of Sydney for World Youth Day. And then of course I start thinking about my trip-to-be THIS year (I know its soooo close, I cab almost taste the pasta) and how I just can't wait to go.... but then... I remember that first I have to get through the rest of this semester at uni and all of the exams that this entails... and I get depressed... Clearly it is just much better if I stop my train of thought right about at the point where I get to this (above) song. It makes me happy :-D. And then I laugh. Laughter is the best medicine did you know?! And I do love to laugh :-D

Talking about things that make me happy... I had my CMS exam yesterday (yes it went well but I'd rather not dwell so we will continue with the story now) and you know how dreary and drab exams are Normally I am lucky just to get to the end without leaving early because they really bore me to the cliff face of death... but yesterday was different... yesterday I too my mickey mouse pen (you know the type that's big and the whole top part is bent into the shape of Mickey's silhouette?). This pen really makes me look like a ditz, but I love it and it makes me happy and the dreary grey walls of my exam centre in Wentworth Park just that little bit more bearable. And by the end of the exam my face looked like this :-D instead of like this :-(

The End.

Someone hates me... I swear its true

So I woke up this morning and... I can't walk. Well actually thats a bit of an overstatement, I can walk, its just that my heel keeps shooting daggers up my leg... not a good start to a day in which I am planning to attend Bell's 20th (and Bells twin brothers 1st aniversary of his 19th) birthday and dancing the night away... where did it all go wrong.

Anyway I plan on soldiering on... just wanted to put it out there... makes me feel better you see :-D

anyways that was all

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I love the Sydney Royal Easter Show... don't you? :-D

Yes it's that time of year again!!!! My oh my I do have lots of favourite times of year... and this is definitely up there.... the EASTER SHOW! So this year, I, along with everyone else in Sydney (or at least that's what it felt like) went on Good Friday, and whilst I attempted to juggle seeing the show with my parents and friends in the one day, I don't think I really succeeded.

Now I must say that from what I have heard, I am in a teeny tiny minority when it comes to respecting the sanctity of the Easter Show... I have never missed one! In my whole 19, nearly 20 years on this Earth... well that's actually a little white lie, there was this one time... but that doesn't count because the one time I missed it, I had a serious bout of sinusitis and was finding it challenging enough focusing my eyesight on a point across the room, keeping my head up without being sick, and dragging myself from the lounge to the bed while my head was spinning at a thousand miles per hour... I think I should be forgiven *nods* well that's settled then... I've never missed one :-D

Here is Ariel:

more corn

She like's corn on the cob... what?! you couldn't tell???

Mmmmmm... Corn on the cob - except I hate corn, in fact i pretty much hate all vegetables... I know, I should just 'get over it' and grow up but its very hard undoing a whole lifetime of thinking of veggies as the enemy that should be smothered in Tomato sauce (master foods only please and none of that ketchup crap) before desecrating my precious, sacred mouth.

But Ariel seems to be enjoying it so - each to their own I say :-D

Easter show_0205

And here we have the entrance to the showbags pavilion... and yes that is a major line to get in, and yes i trudged through all the people to enter but no I didn't get any :-(. I don't know if its just me getting older and discovering that they just aren't the same value (or don't have the same value to me) that they used to be, or maybe I just don't have the same stomach stamina that I used to and the thought of ingesting more confectionery than I had already willingly inhaled throughout the day was enough to make me green, but I just didn't feel the same magnetic pull towards my favourite pavilion that I normally do (not even for the glorious Bertie Beetle!). Let me tell you... it is a sad sad day, the first day a girl comes home from the Easter show without and bags to show for it...

And following... my second favourite part of the show (oh who am I kidding, I can't decide what my fav parts are... there's more coming up I promise I'm just so undecicive today - thats what happens when you mix a post exam euphoria with a bike riding induced endorphine rush - my brain stops working)... but anyway...I hereby introduce THE WOODCHOP! mwahahahahaaaa

Easter show_0212

Now really, whats not to like about the woodchop, men, sweat, muscles and a blazing hot sun that makes me scream at the top of my lungs in a high pitched cackly vioce "I'm melting!!!!" Well its normally good... just not when your sister literally starts to turn red before your very eyes as the Australian sun and its deadly UV rays burns microscopic skin cancers into her flesh... and so you leave before yo even have time to check out the age groups competing on the day, but not before taking snappy out of her suffocating bag to get some fresh air and a few clicks.

Easter show_0190

And here we have more of the nutricious food available for your enjoyment... Its okay though folks, Bell survived her dietary cholesterol induced heart attack and lives on to save cute little kittens and ladies who have lost their cars in the parking lot another day.

Bessie again :D

It's Bessie!!!! I love the cows, I love all the animals. Actually, I really shouldn't be allowed to go to the Easter show... it makes me think that I want to live in the country with cows and sheep and horses and stuff... but then I get home ad crash back down to earth because I realise that I don't know anything about living on 'the Land.' In fact, everything I know about it comes from farmer wants a wife (a show that I love btw) and the pioneer womans blog... I wear rose coloured glasses when it come to the country and I like it that way.

I shall call her Bessie

Oh and you know why else I love th cow pavilion?... I'll give you one guess... its not that hard... I'm pretty obcessed with them all the time anyway... thats right... cute farmer guys :-D

Unfortunatley the rest of my family were tired by this point in the day and did not share my special interest in the cows... so it was a brief *wow drool pick jaw up off the floor and moove on* for me.. sigh another year I guess (You know maybe I am just denying my true self when I claim that I'm not a tweeny bopper boy crazy pre pubesent teen... there's a little of her left in all of us isn't there?.. yes? no?)

Easter show_0235

And it was time to go. But before I say goodbye, there is one more pic I have to share... now it really is my favourite of the day. It sums up everything that I love about my sister.

corn on the cob... all buttery and yellow

So thats all from me for today again.
Nighty night

Monday, April 13, 2009

just one more for the day... Ensemble, c'est tout

Okay so I did do some study... (emphasis on the some part) - but whats more important here is that I just watched a movie that I have fallen in love with. Its a French movie called "Ensemble, c'est tout" but its English name is "Hunting and gathering." And if your like me and don't mind reading the subtitles then I strongly suggest it... just for something a little different... its even short! :-D lol only a 1 hour 37 mins! That's perfect for avoiding anything you are supposed to be doing!

Now at this point I should probably confess that part of the reason I liked the movie was because of the character Franck (played by Guillaume Canet - who by the way I am also having an affair with... in my head that is - he was married to Diane Kruger so in reality I wouldn't have a chance... but its nice to dream don't you think *smiles*) who starts of being a bit rough but you grow to love him... In fact can I please put one of him on order for my visit to France in July? No? Eddy says I can't buy him at the store :-( what a shame... it would be nice though wouldn't it :-P (I'm doing that thing with the emoticons again aren't I? I'll try to refrain for a while)

I swear I'm not a hormonal tweeny bopper stalker (well maybe the hormonal part but not the rest), I just thought you might be able to use a visual aid to understand to break up the monotony of my text.

Anyway I loved it and will probably watch it again tomorrow... or tonight

P.S. I think I'm having a bit of a thing for facial hair at the moment... don't know i I'll grow out of it, only time will tell...

Just another Saturday... except its Monday now so I guess I'm running a little late

I wrote this post on Saturday after work but didn't post it... I don't know why, I just didn't. Reading over it now it seems a little over dramatic to me but then if I think about it most of my posts are about a mile up drama creek so I figure meh! Why not :-P Hope you enjoy...

My eyes hurt! My ears hurt! My head is splitting open and my nose is bleeding. I feel violated, abused, upset and... a whole lot of other synonyms that I can't be bothered thinking of at the moment (your getting the picture right?). Why? I'll tell you why... Sunnyboy made me watch and listen to heavy metal on Rage ALL morning!!! Apparently I was being educated - grumble, swear, shoot eye daggers, stamp my foot and throw a silent tantrum - all I learnt was that these people must speak a different language like some Orc dialect because I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING!!! For three whole hours!

On the plus side however I do have to say that most of the bands I heard - and no I did not catch their names or those of their songs because I was trying really hard to pay no attention at all and act like a spoilt brat OK! you got it? rightio we can move on - play some pretty mean guitar solo's (now that's something I never thought I'd say... since when do I use phrases such as "pretty mean." Oh that's right! I don't... so where did it come from?) In fact, if all they did was play their guitars and forget about the screaming, screeching, yelling, shouting, wailing racket that they have the gall to call singing (I don't know about you but to my ears 'singing' implies a melody) then I might even consider paying them a little more of my precious time and hearing.

And there endeth my education. You'd think that one of these days we might actually have to do some work whilst at work but you know us young folk... we are excellent at finding ways to divert ourselves from the issues at hand. Things such as my Cost management systems exam that I have on tomorrow (yup I have seamlessly moved from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon again - come on *insert hand signal* keep up!)... I should really get around to looking at what it is I should know but there are just so many distractions and I'm just not sure that I WANT to give that subject an extra few hours of my life... ahh well I'd better hop to it. The sooner I start the sooner its over right? We'll see.

Bye for now

PS please all take note... on this Saturday in question I did not get caught reading any embarrassing material *cough* men's mags *cough* nor did I find myself in any compromising situations... it must be a first in a long time and it was good :-D Probably one of the reasons I thought it would be acceptable to wear a corset to a friends birthday party later that night... but that's a whole superhero episode for another time ... :-D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blog award :-D

Okay so earlier this week I recieved a blog award from the lovely Arty Marty, and i have been exceedingly slack in my obligation (although I don't think it of an obligation) to pass the award on. So here is what the award is all about...

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."

... I only have one problem... I've been blogging for about 1 month now? And I don't really know of many other blogs... so I'm going to spend some time figuring it all out and get back to you :D

To facebook or not to facebook... that is the question

I have a confession to make... I'm hoping my friends who read this won't hate me for it... but I've been fantasising about something recently. Its my guilty pleasure you see. I don't know how to stop. The thoughts consume me day and night, preventing me from living my day to day life, taking up large sections of my brain which would normally be reserved for important things like chocolate, boys and the chicken dance. I tell you am going slowly and surely insane just trying to appear normal to the everyday observer... so I'm just going to put it all out there and you can judge me if you want but it is what it is and I am tired of living a lie...

I have been dreaming about -deep breath, just spit it out -......... deleting my facebook page - there, oh wow what a weight that just vanished off my shoulders... ahh *dreamy smile*

Now before you go straight down to my comments section and start flaming me, please just listen/read and let me try to explain the thought processes behind my... abnormality.

Okay now think about it, Drew Barrymore's (spelling?) character in "He's just not that into you" was right, and it applies to all communications these days, there are just so many things you have to check - I send people a text and then I have to check my mobile, my phone, my facebook page, my e-mail, and a whole host of other networking sites, just to see if they have replied... to delete my facebook page would just mean that I have one less place to check.

I've been thinking about this a lot you see, over the past few months, it is an issue that has been really irking me. Everywhere I feel I am being told that communicating and keeping in touch with friends enemies and your bf's brother in-laws step-mum has never been easier, and while this is true I'm not altogether sure its a good thing. We have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 52 weeks in a year (give or take), and in that time we have to sleep for 8 hours/day go to work/school/uni (anywhere between 6-9 hours) cook, eat, wash, exercise, and... check my 3 e-mail accounts, make sure no one has posted and bad photo's/ new events/ funny comments/ status updates/ changes of details etc on facebook and all of that doesn't even start to include actual person to person communication or chill-out, space-out, recharge, turn-off and ignore the world time (of which I need at least one hour a day just too keep me sane).

In my personal experience I feel like I spend so much of my life trying to keep up to date with the what everyone is doing and when and how they are feeling about it (courtesy of facebook's new layout and sites like twitter) that I have no time left to talk to the people I am living in the same house with let alone anyone else. I am now in touch with more friends, family and extended family on a regular basis than I have ever been in my relatively short life, but, by keeping in touch with all of these people far and wide I feel that there is no longer any time for those close to me... is that supposed to be an even trade?

I get:
- those I share an interest with but have never met and who live half way around the world or
- those I was once best friends with back in Kindy '96 or
- my second cousin three times removed

in exchanged for my
- mum
- dad and
- sister and
- other friends who I have the chance to meet wit on a regular basis?

Is all of this social networking and technology really building stronger relationships? Am I any happier now than I was 3 or so years ago before I joined this whole circus? (Oh any yes, don't worry, I am quite aware of the irony involved here as I write on my blog about the time I am loosing with those closest to me whilst trying to keep in touch with everyone else, but I'm not ready to give this up yet, Its way more fun :-D)

But in all honesty... what would really happen if I just logged off for good? Would people still try to keep in contact with me? or would I be left out in the dark with nothing to guide me home? From what I've seen of others who don't keep up to date with the latest social networking sites... well everyone just kinda forgets about them and they no longer get invites to social events - the organisers rely on said persons friends to invite them making no contact themselves, and if said person just falls off the face of the planet... well if a tree in the forest falls down and no one is there to witness it, did it really fall at all?

So I have a choice; I can continue as I am, or I can make my fantasy a reality and delete my facebook in the process risking isolating myself from my friends and peers. For now I have chosen to leave it the way it is... but I can always dream.

P.S. Does anyone feel like commenting??? I'm not a comment whore, really I'm not... well maybe just a little (read a lot) *You will comment*- See I'm using the Force on you, thats right THE Force (capital F and all) - even if its just to tell me how silly it is that I'm using Star Wars references. :-D

See this bone... I'm Picking at it...

Now I have a bone and I'm going to pick at it. Its name is .... harem pants. And they look... like this

Can someone pleeeeeeeeeaaase tell me what the appeal to this garment is? I mean honestly, we women put ourselves through the pain and agony of 6" heels on a regular basis so that we may create the illusion of longer, leaner, sexier legs... and then we put on a pair of these so that we can have the joy of making our thighs appear 3 times their natural size, reduce their length by half, and finally, make it look like we are walking around with adult diapers on... and they're in desperate need of changing - WTF?!?!?!

I have been watching this trend in the mags for the past few seasons, hoping, praying, pleading!!! that it is just some bad dream and they will return from whence they came, never to enter the mainstream. It started with the upmarket European fashion houses about this time last year, from there it has spread all through western civilisation to land in our own backyard right now - places like target and supre - (my sister has a pair of these leg magnifying pants... and she thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread!!!).

But alas some almighty power greater than myself must be enjoying the entertainment humans are bringing them by adorning these hideous garments and so is encouraging their propagation. They're everywhere... and they make me want to cry :'(

There we go - rant done... I feel much better now :-D

Happy Easter!

OK so this is just the obligatory post saying HAPPY EASTER to everyone.

Enjoy your chocolates and bunnies and all (Yes I already have a chocolate hangover... at least I think the chocolate caused it). Think of all the new life, baby lambs (mmmm... slow roasted lamb - I can smell it now and my mouth is watering - all vegetarians please don't hate me... If I didn't eat red meat there would be no other food groups left for me and I'd waste away to nothing... now that would be a terrible shame wouldn't it :-P), new chicks (the feathery kind not the females) and the warmth of spring - oh wait I've gotten my seasons mixed up (we southern hemisphere nations have a tendency to do that - I mean roast turkey for Christmas in 40*C weather?!?!?! Not exactly the best idea)... its Autumn here in Australia so no new babies and the weather is getting colder... now what am I supposed to do? I suppose I'll just continue enjoying my chockies and start working on my extra winter layer (which for the record I think I may still be holding on tightly to from last year...). Anyways enjoy all!!! :-D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mmmmmm.... cake!

So this afternoon I felt like a bit of chocolate... you know that craving where you don't just want it, you just neeeeeeeed it - if you are to live until the end of the day and see through the light of tomorrow then you must have it! NOW!... just a little :-) *halo*

(and then please sir may I have some more - yes *nods furiously* you mean no :-( *bottom lip starts to jut out, eyes start to water, sniff sniff* oh but why!!!...)

Anywho, that is how I was feeling about - oh say - 15 minutes ago, and since my local corner store is under new ownership, well the chocolate there just isn't doing it for me anymore... *sigh*
So, I decided to make chocolate cake :-D

Now those of you who know me well, know that I love to cook (especially dessert), and that when I am cooking for you there is a clause - I cook, you clean - personally I think I'm getting the better end of the deal (of course if your name is Eddy then you don't get a choice because you are not allowed in the kitchen lest you start a fire whilst attempting to make cheese and tomato toast... before the cheese and tomato have been added, that is, bread!) because I'm not exactly the cleanest cook... now thats an understatement.

I'll describe to you how I cook, but first we must make a little detour...

You see, I live my life at the centre of my own little movie (or choose your own ending book, or magazine or whatever), basically whats going on in reality is not always whats going on im my mind - sometimes my mind can be running through 4 or 5 different 'realities' at any one time, which while making the whole world in general just that little bit more interesting for me... well, it can have some unfortunate side effects - and is probably one of the main reasons I seem to embarrass myself all the time (although its only embarrassing if you are embarrassed and most of the time i choose to just laugh at myself with everyone else)... well here is whats going through my head while I cook...

I am Nigella Lawson (yes that's right - I love chocolate, am a little pudgy around the edges and have the rack to boot!), I'm sexy and a little crazy, cool, calm, collected and everything in my life is peachy (with sugar syrup and ice-cream). But to be honest, I think any cook worth their salt and pepper would have a full blown heart attack if they saw me cooking....

Okay, let me paint a picture for you... grab a handful of flour and throw it in the air, repeat on yourself. Get out your handly mix-master, fill the bowel with choolaty stuff and begin to mix, realise you have forgotten an ingredient so add it and turn it back on - forgetting in the process to put the spinny whisky things back down thereby flicking bits of chocolate goo everywhere (your new t-shirt should now look like an impressionist artists million dollar masterpiece... on LSD)

So if you continue with this process for about the time it takes to make a chocolate cake (plus icing) you would start to get some sort of idea of what I, and the kitchen looked like by the time i finished with it... (now you also may understand why I believe that I get the better end of the deal when I cook, you clean... and why I always have to clean after I make desserts)

Anyway I'd love to write more but I have to go and eat my cake...

hey where did it go!!!
(Okay i know its been a while and I promise more fun soon :-P)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

OMG, so so so embarrasing... no i mean it

Okay, so we all know that I work at a news agency. Whilst at work there are certain times in the day when there is quite literally nothing to do... nothing! So what do we do? Well we read magazines of course!

Now whilst in the beginning I avoided even standing in front of them, it was only a matter of about 6 months before I started to be curious about what exactly it is that they write in men's mags (not the restricted ones with the piece of white paper strategically covering the front cover - its pretty obvious what their about - but the other ones like FHM, Zoo, and Ralph), I mean I know what they put in girls mags like Cosmopolitan and Cleo... is there any comparison? Don't deny it! You know you've thought about it - we have all seen the adds on TV and headlines but whats really IN them?... Okay so your not at all curious? Its just me? Really? Oh well... I was curious anyway.

So, one day Saturday, just a few weeks ago, under the strict supervision of the one known as Sunnyboy, I decided to relieve myself of the growing burden that was my curiosity, and find out just what it is that they have in there. I of course was sure that it would all just be exactly like the front cover, pictures of women pasted all over the place with their oiled up skin and breasts almost bursting out of their teeny tiny bikini's - but I had been assured otherwise - and do you know what I discovered?... I'm sure you'll be pretty amazed by this... I found that while, yes, as was to be expected, there were a few pages of women and teeny tiny bikini's... well the rest of the mag was pretty low key - in fact, I'd go as far as to say that there is less sex in any one of these aforementioned men's mags than there is in the woman's ones, because lets face it, Cosmo and Cleo are really just women's sex mags (with pics of barely clothed hot men and all) with a few bits of fashion thrown in here and there to make it all seem respectable.

But, anyway, as always I am getting off topic, well kind of. So have I held the suspense for long enough? Are you dying to find out what it is that was just soooooo embarrassing for me today? Well too bad if you are not because I've run out of fillers. So here's what happened... I'll just blurt it out a quickly as possible shall I?...

Today was a particularly slow day at work, so of course it was a mag day. Only one problem with that theory... I have already read them all. Great. What do I do know? Well, I decided to clean the place up a bit, sort out the mags, straighten them up, you know that sort of thing. Then, I came across FHM, and on the cover in big bold letters was a headline to the effect of "How to convince your partner to partake in a Threesome"... WTF?!?!?! How the hell do they think they are going to do that?!?!?! So of course, being the curious creature that I am, and having recently overcome my complete aversion to such mags, I decided to find out the type of techniques my future lover is being taught to implement in order to convince me that I would like to partake in a threesome...

So I take the mag down from the shelf, open it to the page in question, double check that there is no incriminating stuff on the opposite page, and proceed to take it back to my seat at the front of the store. Mistake 1! (For the record, Sunnyboy was equally curious although I suspect his was a much less wholesome curiosity than my own...)

As I am sitting there, minding my own business, a man approaches... normally this would be a non issue - Hi how are you? Just the Daily Telegraph today? That will be $1.60. Thanks! Have a nice day! - and they're off. But... apparent;y my luck for today had already run out, either that or I was being punished for something or other that I did in a past life... He decided to ask what news I was reading - umm, err, nothing much! *insert sweet angelic smile and a halo for good fortune* - I thought I had gotten away with it... Oh no, not so fast girly, as I finished processing his transaction he decided to remark on the fact that it looked like a sports magazine and - since apparently it is uncommon for a woman to be interested in reading sports mags - he decided to ask which one it was... BUSTED!!! I didn't think there was much point trying to get out of that one so I simply closed the mag so he could read for himself, smiled, and hoped that he would be embarrassed enough to simply smile back or avert eye contact and leave... no such luck... hmmm I really need to work on my diversion tactics.

Now I would like to point out at this point, that thankfully this man was not particularly old, not exactly in my age bracket but I'd say about mid to early thirties? Which of course means nothing because when we were all lining up for our share in the ability to guess ages, well lets just say that I must have been otherwise distracted - probably by the donuts or chocolate or show bags or whatever - the point here being that he was not one of those sleazy old guys that simply put makes me want to run to the hills and scrub myself until my skin turns lobster red just to feel clean again. Which made what was about to happen slightly more bearable...marginally... microscopically, maybe (actually I was still mortified). How is it that I always manage to get myself into these situations??? I mean last week it was - No, actually, I'm not going to tell you that - and this week its... well you'll get the picture soon...

In case you haven't already guessed, he didn't decide to pick up and go, leaving me to try and pick up the microscopic pieces of my dignity that were remaining on the floor, no, he decided to stay and chat...

To be quite honest, everything from here on in is quite a blur - I seem to have a talent for repressing embarrassing memories - I believe he said something along the lines of 'its good to see a girl reading that mag' or' its unusual for a girl to read that sort of mag' or something and then I responded with God only knows what, maybe something along the lines of 'I was just curious about the article - you know - just to see these things from the male perspective' or the like, because we somehow we got to the point where he knew what the article was about *horror* and noted that it was actually written by a woman, to which I think I said, 'Well maybe its true for SOME women' hoping to imply that it wouldn't work for me.

During this period, I should mention that there is a lot of blushing going on on my behalf (but not his) which was at least amusing to sunnyboy - who was quite enjoying watching me digging my way to China- if not for this other man also.

And then! To top it all off, we must have gotten onto the topic of 'those' mags or something, and their content, who knows, maybe I was just trying to justify the fact that I was reading one of them but I seem to recall... vaguely... its all a bit cloudy down there... I wouldn't hold me at my word... saying something along the lines of 'yea well I was actually surprised, there is a lot less sex in these mags then there are in Cosmo and Cleo' *OMG yes I do recall that clearly, I said the 's' word to, and was having a discussion that to be frank was really skirting around the whole 's' issue with a complete and total stranger!!!!! Once again I ask you... how the F#%K to I get myself into these messes????

Anywho, he eventually left the shop, which allowed me to die in my little/big hole, before remembering that I was supposed to be at work, at which point I dutifully revived myself and caught the earliest Flying Red Kangaroo back home to Oz. And the rest as they say, is history.

That's all folks!
Hope you enjoyed it. :-P Leave me a comment if you did ;-D I love comments.

P.S. In case you were wondering, I came to the conclusion, after reading the article that got me into this whole mess in the first place, that, the way in which my future lover would try to get me to agree to a threesome, is by making me believe it was all my idea in the first place, and not seeming too eager (because then I might get the feeling that its only really so he can cheat on me with my permission)... its not rocket science really... in fact i think its just common sense... but maybe that's the double X chromosome in me talking... ta ta

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lesson 1 – a leopard will never change his spots, not a tiger his stripes.

Let the records show, that on Thursday the 2nd of April 2009, a level of doe eyed innocence and faith was lost to the lives of those recorded here. To be replaced by a tiny seed of cynicism, bitterness and distrust. Not a fair trade in my humble opinion, but, what’s done is done and it cannot be undone. (Go head – cue the operatic music if you like but I’m being kind of serious)

The topic under discussion of course is one that has baffled women throughout the ages, it regards boys – specifically boys (for when they act in such a manner they are in fact BOYS and not MEN) – and a close friends first real taste of the pain they are so easily capable of evoking without the slightest whiff of effort (of course the same can be said for ourselves, but we are not the ones on the examining table at present)

I’m sure there will be many lessons that we each learn along the way – after all the problems we face are by no means new… our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers and (almost) all women throughout the ages have encountered varying but similar issues on the same theme – but that doesn’t make it any easier. So what did we learn that fateful day? Well…
  • that people don’t change
  • that we as individuals will always be judged based on the other persons previous experiences no matter what our true colours really are
  • and, that if you ever meet a boy who doesn’t know what they want… RUN… run as fast as you can, get out of there and don’t look back, because if they don’t know what they want, they will never have the ability to see what they have, and both YOU and WE all deserve better than that.

And finally, I have personally been reminded that I have instincts for a reason and they have not let me down left. I should know by now that even in the absence of hard physical evidence there is something, some sense, that gives our bodies the ability to recognise things that we have not yet been able to register – see, hear, feel or touch - on a conscious or physical level.

These lessons were hard learnt, they are painful lessons that we would all much rather forget, although I won’t discuss the circumstances here directly. Lets face it we all know what happened, and although I was not the person directly involved, I don’t easily forgive – I make close friends slowly and I guard those precious few viciously. I am a Taurus, and as I fit the bill pretty damn well, I am stubborn, bullheaded and steadfast and I make no apologies for it, but I am also aware that most others are not like me and go with the flow more easily, they have every right to behave differently to me (hey in most cases it will certainly save you a lot of diputes in the long run I'm sure).

And you know the worst bit? The part that sucks the most?...

In all situations like these where an element of trust has been broken, the person hurt is always going to be left to stew over all the happy memories, and in my vicarious experience (because we all know that in matters of the heart and boys I’m completely inexperienced), will always be left longing for a past, that connection, that friend or lover, that relationship that no longer or never did exist. Because the person it was with has displayed another side to themselves that can’t be so easily covered up again.

I don’t know why but all this stuff reminds me of a statement made in a book by Ian Caddwell and Dustin Thomason called “The Rule of Four.” The book is told from the perspective of Tom, a male student at Princeton, he is obsessed with solving the riddles contained in a book called the Hypnerotomachia. Whist working tirelessly on solving the mysteries contained in the book, he meets the love of his life, Katie, however their relationship is not based on a thorough understanding of each other and is thus plagued by trouble. Tom tell us,

“And so a period of many pleasant weeks began, built on a misunderstanding as complete as the one we started with. In the first month we dated, up until the night Katie spent at Dod, she built a façade for me, trying to create something she thought I wanted; and in the second month I returned the favour, avoiding all mention of the Hypnerotomachia in front of her, not because its significance had diminished in my life, but because I thought Colona’s riddles made her uneasy.”

For the record it also has one of my favorite friendship quotes

“a good friend stands in harm’s way for you as soon as you ask – but a great friend does it without being asked at all”

I hope that one day I can be a great friend to someone… but that’s another matter entirely :-P

Anyway this is all just my opinion/perspective on the matter, I don’t know what the future holds and its not my choice cause I’ll be sticking around regardless… l0l this was supposed to be another superhero’s ep but I guess I just didn’t feel like making light of whatever it is that’s going on.

Love you all.

Until next time ☺

P.S. Didn’t I tell you guys that you were supposed to stop me from thinking over things too much?! You left me to my own devices and look at the mess that I got myself into!!!! Great friends you lot are :-P I must be mental. Nighty night.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I hope this makes you laugh :-P… warning… do not read whilst eating…

Okay so this morning I was sitting in my Cost management systems lecture (oh yea it was riveting I tell you) everything was fine, I was playing tetris, looking at new pictures on Flickr, checking my phone to discover that none of you love me because I am not worth the 25c that it costs to write me a text ☹, imagining what super power I would love to get me outta here… I swear there was something that I was forgetting to do… anyway all was good.

Only it wasn’t, something just wasn’t right, something was dawning on me… oh no… I think I need to go to the bathroom – and not for an innocent tinkle either – no, I needed to use the bathroom for a much more sinister reason…

So there I am, sitting in my lecture, in the middle of the row and about 10 rows from the front, trapped with one whole hour to go and no way of a quiet escape… SHIT!!! (Excuse the pun)

The first few minutes were okay… I could handle this, I’ll make it through but time seemed to be starting to slow… before I knew it I was bouncing up and down on my seat like a lunatic trying to distract myself from the urgent bowel movements that my body was trying to engage.

By the time we were dismissed any attention I had been paying to the actual content of the lecture had GONE completely! (ahh that’s what I had forgotten to do :-P) Please let me make it… oh please please please!!! Don’t let me be that girl… Oh God I can’t even think about it.

I rushed to the bathrooms ploughing through the scrum of people meandering on their way out as if they had no better place to be * well I do so get out of my way now!!!!!* Omph, ahhh! Crash, splat… oops didn’t mean to do that…

I make it to that beautiful door, you know the one, it looked to me like the gates to heaven, my thoroughfare to redemption, my release!

Amazingly there was no line, I had my choice of throne! Of course I wasn’t thinking about that at the time I just ran into the first one I saw. Ahhhh!! That’s better, release… ;-P

The world was right again… how could it be that just a few moments ago I could not fathom ever feeling sane again? *Dreamy smile* (Don’t deny it I know you’ve felt that way before – you just don’t like to admit it and publish the fact on the world wide web where anyone can read it… Oh God what have I done??? Eek!)

Its time to go, so I turn to my right and – no, that can’t be right… surely… omg no… no seriously… what did I do in a past life to deserve this?... Am I really that bad a person?... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Oh the terror, the shame! WTF do I do know. So I sit there… considering my options (oh don’t laugh at me… its not funny… I mean it… its not like I’m the first person this had ever happened to!... I think…).

And then I sit there… waiting… hoping that the after lecture rush leaves soon so that I can save my dignity… oh this is not going to be fun.

Its quiet… finally… right here goes… get-up, pick up things, everything covered? Right onwards and upwards. I open the cubicle door (no longer feeling like I’m in heaven I must be in hell) damn it! Theres someone there… ahh well nothing for it… I don’t want to look like a fool… was hands... still washing hands…. Still washing hands… girl did you forget to apply you make-up this morning?! Whats taking so long!!! There she’s gone… New cubicle!

And a few minutes later my its over, the whole ordeal is behind me and I’m moving on… thank you all for being my therapists… I hope you are not scarred for life.

Goodbye for now… until next time ☺

(NOTE: not all specific details in this post are historically accurate… l0l… hope you had fun – I know I have a warped sense of humour)