Can someone pleeeeeeeeeaaase tell me what the appeal to this garment is? I mean honestly, we women put ourselves through the pain and agony of 6" heels on a regular basis so that we may create the illusion of longer, leaner, sexier legs... and then we put on a pair of these so that we can have the joy of making our thighs appear 3 times their natural size, reduce their length by half, and finally, make it look like we are walking around with adult diapers on... and they're in desperate need of changing - WTF?!?!?!
I have been watching this trend in the mags for the past few seasons, hoping, praying, pleading!!! that it is just some bad dream and they will return from whence they came, never to enter the mainstream. It started with the upmarket European fashion houses about this time last year, from there it has spread all through western civilisation to land in our own backyard right now - places like target and supre - (my sister has a pair of these leg magnifying pants... and she thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread!!!).
But alas some almighty power greater than myself must be enjoying the entertainment humans are bringing them by adorning these hideous garments and so is encouraging their propagation. They're everywhere... and they make me want to cry :'(
There we go - rant done... I feel much better now :-D
hear hear, i couldnt agree more. they r the most ugliest things i have ever seen in my life :) xoxo