Wednesday, April 15, 2009


There is something that has been stuck in my head well pretty much since I bought my new Camera "snappy." (and yes I realise that its strange to name inanimate objects but I do - my computer for example is called eve and my ipod Adam for the apple you see... and because Adam plugs into eve.... moving on!) You see every time I say/think/type the name I think of this...

And I am of course then flung back to 2005 when I went on my last trip to Europe with a whole bunch of year 11 school kids from the catholic arch diocese of Sydney for World Youth Day. And then of course I start thinking about my trip-to-be THIS year (I know its soooo close, I cab almost taste the pasta) and how I just can't wait to go.... but then... I remember that first I have to get through the rest of this semester at uni and all of the exams that this entails... and I get depressed... Clearly it is just much better if I stop my train of thought right about at the point where I get to this (above) song. It makes me happy :-D. And then I laugh. Laughter is the best medicine did you know?! And I do love to laugh :-D

Talking about things that make me happy... I had my CMS exam yesterday (yes it went well but I'd rather not dwell so we will continue with the story now) and you know how dreary and drab exams are Normally I am lucky just to get to the end without leaving early because they really bore me to the cliff face of death... but yesterday was different... yesterday I too my mickey mouse pen (you know the type that's big and the whole top part is bent into the shape of Mickey's silhouette?). This pen really makes me look like a ditz, but I love it and it makes me happy and the dreary grey walls of my exam centre in Wentworth Park just that little bit more bearable. And by the end of the exam my face looked like this :-D instead of like this :-(

The End.


  1. Ok, so I am commenting on pretty much the last three or four posts in the one comment because I don’t know if you ever go back and read older posts..anyway..
    I did indeed survived my cholesterol induced heart attack, survived enough to continue eating a seafood pie AND chocolate and ice-cream covered waffles! Yuum! I also absolutely LOVE the photos you took at the easter show, they are amazing, the colour and focus is great! And we didn’t leave with any show bags either, it was such an odd experience, walking away from the show “empty handed”, well almost, I did buy a dress and a necklace :P

    Now, how is your heel?? Was it just a cramp or have you hurt it? Are you ok, because I neeeeeed you to dance away the night with me!! But if you can’t, then I understand. Hope your ok, because heels (as in shoes) are painful enough let alone with shooting daggers running up your leg!

    And now to the comment that actually applies to the current post..hehe. The video is so cute! I’ve never seen it before but I’ve heard you sing it on numerous occasions. I’m glad the exam went well, and I would just like to say, that once again..i am grateful that I don’t have to sit through them, but I’m glad you have found away to manage and entertain yourself :P

    See you tonight :)

  2. ok so now we all know what ur going on about wen u start singing this random song...which is really cute but i am going 2 have 2 kill u considering it will now be stuck in my head and drive me insane :P
