Sunday, May 26, 2013


139/365 by Darcy89
139/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Why must my skin insist on being the same colour as the walls in my house? Why? WHY?!!! I ask...

I'll admit this was one of those "oh shit I haven't taken a photo for today yet" days... Its growing on me I guess.

P.S I think I have given up trying to name my shots... maybe I should just have a photo naming theme that has nothing to do with the actual pictures but is just amusing to me... hmmm...

Much love,


138/365 by Darcy89
138/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
You know what I am doing right now? Well its not research for one of the three essays I have to write before Friday week thats for sure. But then I was starting to feel guilty because Steph accused me of not keeping up-to-date with my photo project thus forcing her to resort to reddit for her own assessment avoidance. Thats my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it.

Alas, a warning and apologies to everyone as due to the aforementioned essays and the pesky promise I made to myself to actually aim high for this years assessment marks (rather than being lazy and accepting passes and credits) I may or may not disappear for the next 2 weeks... :S

Sigh. I miss you guys already ;)

Anyway, I am going to totally geek out on you here and admit that I am really looking forward to the uni holidays because it will give me a chance to do all of the extra subject reading thats built up over the semester. You know, the stuff that the lecturer kind of just throws out into the ether as 'stuff you might find interesting if you want to read some more into it' but that you don't actually have to read to pass the subject? Yeah, that stuff... I REALLY want to read it all. lol :-P

Also looking forward to writing better descriptions. That is all.

Much love,

137/365 Big Ears ;)

137/365 Big Ears ;) by Darcy89
137/365 Big Ears ;), a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Blog updates for Steph -> don't go reading them all in one hit ;)

So I bought this headband/beanie thing on a whim earlier this year and have been waiting for a day when it was cold enough to wear ;)... Haven't quite decided how best to photograph it yet but it was a lot of fun walking around campus with a goofy smile on my face while everyone else stared hehehe

Much love,

Saturday, May 25, 2013

136/365 Rooftop parking

136/365 Rooftop parking by Darcy89
136/365 Rooftop parking, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Just chillin'

Much love,

135/365 Under the spotlight

135/365 Under the spotlight by Darcy89
135/365 Under the spotlight, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Just playing around in the garage today and doing funny things like hanging a torch from the ceiling and playing around with the light... I think I have an idea for this set up but to be honest it was late and I was tired and just wanted to go to bed... so I'll keep it in mind for future days.

P.S.... getting used to this new flickr set up. I have to say I don't mind it terribly much except that I have one of those HUGE mac screens and so this morning when I first logged on all these pictures were GINORMOUS!!! And by that I mean they were really too too big to look at from the screen-to-face ratio that I usually employ... and the only way to make them smaller is to make the browser window physically smaller :( that and it frustrates me that it feels harder to see peoples descriptions now, from the home page you can favourite and comment etc but not read the photographers description which is kind of my favourite part of Flickr. But hey only two gripes in an entire site overhaul isn't terribly bad... right?

Monday, May 20, 2013

134/365 Sun gazing

134/365 Sun gazing by Darcy89
134/365 Sun gazing, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
It feels a little apt that this photo was taken just before my philosophy class... just saying. I will not however say I had the best time taking this photo... focusing was a bitch! even with my trusty new radio trigger ;)

Anywho, its late and although I have more photos I want to upload, my internet keeps crashing and I am about to throw my modem out the window. I'll see if I can get a photo of it flying away for y'all.


Much love,

133/365 Afternoon nap time

133/365 Afternoon nap time by Darcy89
133/365 Afternoon nap time, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
In continuing with this semesters theme of finding random places at uni to set up my tripod, do silly things and take photos of it. Today I got down and dirty. That is all... starting to look forward to "uni break" (read back to full time work and CASH!!!) so that I have a little brain power left over to spend enjoying (rather than rushing and doing a relatively good job taking decent pics in a hurry) and improving my pics :D hehehe... but also still loving uni so ... lets just say its a balancing act between my two loves, and I am lucky that one of them only really takes up 6 months of the year.

Much love,

Saturday, May 18, 2013

132/365 Fogging up

132/365 Fogging up by Darcy89
132/365 Fogging up, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I woke up this morning to a landscape covered in fog. It was beautiful but I was tired and went back to sleep accepting the fact that I was loosing a chance at a beautiful shot. Fortunately enough for me by the time I dragged my sorry ass out of bed the fog still hadn't lifted :) so I rugged up in my favourite new rug and set to work ;)

Much love,


131/365 by Darcy89
131/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.


130/365 by Darcy89
130/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I honestly don't know what this was meant to be... Which I guess is why I avoided editing it for almost a week :S That and the depth of field/focus point is all off :S

Much love,

Monday, May 13, 2013

129/365 Feather light

129/365 Feather light by Darcy89
129/365 Feather light, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
This is one of those ones I might end up re-doing later when I am out of ideas because the framing I wanted is almost there but just not quite... but I like the dreamy quality of it :)


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Via Flickr:
I should really learn not to type a whole description without saving it somewhere outside of the internet... just in case it deletes itself like this one did :(

Its My birthday!!! Enough said :D

I decided that in celebration of this very special occasion, I would make individual rocky roads (malteesers, starburst jelly babies and marshmallows), take them to uni and hand them out to strangers. I think they were appreciated, once people got over the suspicion that I was going to ask them to do something. I even got a marriage proposal! (Although it was said as I was already walking away and I don't think I was supposed to hear it).

So here is what I would do. I'd grab my box of chocolates, walk up to some random who was perfectly content by themselves or chatting with their friends and say, "Hey guys! It's my birthday :) and I'm celebrating by giving away free chocolate. Would you like some rocky road?" Followed by some brief banter, Happy Birthdays and a quick retreat.

It was all really very selfish of me. You see, birthdays aren't all that fun if no one knows its a special day and there is nothing that will bring you down off cloud 9 faster than seeing someone who isn't having a good day. I am of the belief that you can't expect to get what you don't ask for. So if I want to celebrate my birthday I'll make certain people know about it and have a reason to be happy with me :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful May 8th :)

Next up - Christmas! :-D

P.S. I glittered this hat all by myself and have the remanent glitter specs all over my body to prove it.
P.P.S. I very seriously considered wearing my hat to uni as a message to all in the world that I am a crazy lunatic woman... but in the end between the rocky-road and the normal uni stuff I already had it would have been just too much to carry.

Thanks to everyone who made it such a great day :)

Much love,

127/365 Colouring Autumn

127/365 Colouring Autumn by Darcy89
127/365 Colouring Autumn, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
You don't understand how rare it is for me to see leaves turning such a pretty colour. Most of the time everything is just green, most of the trees never loose their leaves (or do so in an annoying fashion all year round)... So when I saw the trees at uni - I just had to make the most of it really :)

I believe this action is called "seventies" or something :) Just a little different in the colouring
127/365 alternate

Much love,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

125/365 NOT Impressed

125/365 NOT Impressed by Darcy89
125/365 NOT Impressed, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I have three words for you...

Clear Fluids Diet - now does that sound like fun to anyone else?! (insert sarcasm here). Yeah me neither... it sounds like some sort of crazy, Hollywood crash diet that was first introduced to help an actor loose enough weight to look like a prisoner of war. But no, alas it was doctors orders as my tummy discomfort continued for the second day in a row and they started to suspect developing appendicitis. That and 2 type of antibiotics one of which will mean that I CANNOT DRINK ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! Which is I suppose preferable to being hospitalised and having an operation on my birthday... but only marginally.

On a brighter note, I managed to get of the couch for long enough to venture to a localish camera store with mum to buy some last minute birthday presents!!! :D

This did however also remind me just how uncomfortable I feel going into a real life, in the flesh camera store. I don't know if its because I decided to go with a minority brand camera and most sales people just don't understand why I made that decision or if I'd be just as intimidated anyway... its like I don't want people to know how much I enjoy it because they might shoot me down and tell me I know nothing or else they might laugh at me or I might get some crucial bit of jargon wrong or worst case they would just shut me down and tell me to leave (which FYI did happen once when I mentioned the word Pentax" :S

Anyway I am now so excited for Wednesday because I am getting a new remote radio transmitter shutter release!!! :D It has so many cool options that my current one doesn't plus I will never again have to worry about the stupid line of sight thing grrrr.... aaaahh haha! So excited :D

(See I am not really all that hard to please)

Much Love,

P.S. Note the mass uploads today... its because I actually have a photo PLANNED for my birthday and I would preferably like to post it on the actual day.

124/365 Grumpy couch potato

124/365 Grumpy couch potato by Darcy89
124/365 Grumpy couch potato, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I won't deny it - I spent most of today curled up in front of the TV because I had a tummy ache all day :( the kind that means it hurts to eat anything remotely tasty :(... you don't understand how important food is to me!!! And this is why I hate todays photo.

Moving on to the next one so I never have to look at this again...


123/365 A personal perspective

Via Flickr:
Taken at a park on my way home from Uni... I thought I deserved a bit of outdoors time considering I've been stuck inside at my computer for the better part of the last two weeks. (Yes I am aware some people manage to live their lives like that and maybe I was even one of them once but these days I much prefer to spend time stretching my legs). My cousins Ronan's 9th birthday dinner was to follow and I knew I wouldn't get much time to take a selfie so I had a little play with the iPhones panorama feature.

Much love,

122/365 Feet in pool

122/365 Feet in pool by Darcy89
122/365 Feet in pool, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Didn't really have any time at all this day to take a planned and constructed photo... ***WARNING: RANT AHEAD***

Have I mentioned that I hate group assessments?And that I hate even more talking to your tutors about them?

How when you have an issue, say for example that the rest of your group has decided they don't have the time or inclination to help with the assessment until 12 hours before its due...

or when you one of your group members messages you to say "can you write the introduction and conclusion because I don't really understand anything other than my section"...

or when you have to re-write someones section because even though English is their first language the sentence construction is so terrible it is barely legible? (and you know its bad when I am noticing it)... and even if it was it is also just WRONG...

or when its a multi-media assessment (create a wiki page if that means anything to you) and your other group members don't bother to learn how to format/edit the page so you end up doing all the work?

AND you can't even bother telling your tutor about these issues because someone else from another group already has and you overheard the response which was "that is just one of the challenges of this assessment, in the 'real world' and as part of your 'graduate capabilities' you are expected to be able to work in groups. So everyone in a group gets the same mark and you will have to figure it out" Which basically translates to - "lucky them, they get a free ride" (and PS I also take issue with all this 'real world business' because in the REAL WORLD if someone isn't pulling their weight they generally face consequences, consequences of which I - as a hard working individual - do not bear the brunt)

You know those group assessments?!...

Yeah, well that is what I spent 17 out of the 23 hours of my Thursday completing (which does not include the Saturday and Sunday I spent completing my own component.

Phew, that feels better now. Thank-you for letting me rant. In all fairness there was a separate component in which we had to reflect on the experience of working in a group, and I was able to use this section to very diplomatically reflect on some of the above (Had I not been so diplomatic I am afraid I might have failed the 'group work' section... lol!). But its just not the same as saying it straight. You know?

Much love,

121/365 Taking title suggestions

Via Flickr:
I just wanted to wear my "Define Normal" t-shirt okay?!

Phew, good. On another note, I am terrible with photo titles and had absolutley no Idea what to cal this one... so I'm taking suggestions.

Out-take 121/365

Much love,

120/365 Sometimes it seems like my feet never touch the ground

Via Flickr:
Its just the way I roll.

Taken during a 30 minute break between classes.

Much love,

Sunday, May 5, 2013

119/365 Dark liberty

119/365 Dark liberty by Darcy89
119/365 Dark liberty, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
There is just something I love about a bit of contradiction in my outfits. This headband was so spiky and outrageous yet also non-threatening which amused me. And then I wore it to my cousins 9th birthday dinner, my uncle took one look at me and said, "Where's your torch?"

Even when I was ordering it online I called it my statue of liberty headband so of course I just HAD to take a photo with it. Unfortunately my torch kept going out :(

Lighting was only the flame from the torch and an the same LED light I used in the digging for treasure photo as a tiny bit of fill light on the other side. I knew this would give me substantially different lighting colours and I wanted to play around with that.

But essentially this is my dark liberty. Careful what you wish for ;)

Out-take 119/365

Much Love,

118/365 Define Normal

118/365 Define Normal by Darcy89
118/365 Define Normal, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
What can I say? I went to see Tha Adams Family Musical on Sunday and this t-shirt just spoke to me. And in the time-warpy fashion that I am posting my photos atm (ie 1 week late) I can tell you that I've spent the better part of this week wearing it around.

Much love,

P.S photo was taken on my knees just before the curtain went up... therefore according to my definition its a self portrait

Saturday, May 4, 2013

117/365 Pretty pretty eye make-up

116/365 Autumn sunshine

116/365 Autumn sunshine by Darcy89
116/365 Autumn sunshine, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I won't deny that I am loving the fact that its the middle of Autumn and the weather is still about 25*C... hehehe :)

On the day this was taken it was 13 days until my birthday (8th May)...

And thats all I have to say on the matter. Back to work.

Much love,

115/365 Afternoon on the Swingset

Via Flickr:
Ahh it feels so good to be back :)

I felt so lost without my regular Flickr updates but I came to the realisation at the beginning of last week that the only way I was likely to get all of the uni work I had on my "to do" list done would be to put the photography to the side :(

I still took photos though! Its just that more than a few of them we quickie iPhone shots of random things that I could complete in the 5 minute break I allowed myself between assessments ;)

So glad to be back :D and I'll be catching up on everyones photos soon... assuming the appendicitis my body has brewing remains at bay... but hey! If it doesn't I'll have a whole heap of time to do catch-ups whilst recuperating. Hehehe.

Much Love,

114/365 Bossy Boots

114/365 Bossy Boots by Darcy89
114/365 Bossy Boots, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
So I had set up for this photo, taken a few test shots and was about to go stand in the picture myself when guess what happens?... my batteries die, like really die where they wont turn back on no matter what and its REALLY time to charge them only I don't have time because I HAVE A PHOTO TO TAKE DON'T YOU KNOW!!!

So iPhone and human tripod to the rescue ;) thanks Adrianna.

Than because I was so frustrated and angry at myself I couldn't bare to look at it on my beautiful computer screen so flickr app to the second rescue.

But I still like the idea of the shot :D I got to put my "Bossy Boots" on! Hehehe... and that is always fun ;) LOL, scroll over the picture if you want the deets on the story... then again maybe not... I think I let my imagination get the better of me this time... in my head these boots have lives of their own - kind of like Toy Story but better - with BOOTS!