Monday, April 13, 2009

just one more for the day... Ensemble, c'est tout

Okay so I did do some study... (emphasis on the some part) - but whats more important here is that I just watched a movie that I have fallen in love with. Its a French movie called "Ensemble, c'est tout" but its English name is "Hunting and gathering." And if your like me and don't mind reading the subtitles then I strongly suggest it... just for something a little different... its even short! :-D lol only a 1 hour 37 mins! That's perfect for avoiding anything you are supposed to be doing!

Now at this point I should probably confess that part of the reason I liked the movie was because of the character Franck (played by Guillaume Canet - who by the way I am also having an affair with... in my head that is - he was married to Diane Kruger so in reality I wouldn't have a chance... but its nice to dream don't you think *smiles*) who starts of being a bit rough but you grow to love him... In fact can I please put one of him on order for my visit to France in July? No? Eddy says I can't buy him at the store :-( what a shame... it would be nice though wouldn't it :-P (I'm doing that thing with the emoticons again aren't I? I'll try to refrain for a while)

I swear I'm not a hormonal tweeny bopper stalker (well maybe the hormonal part but not the rest), I just thought you might be able to use a visual aid to understand to break up the monotony of my text.

Anyway I loved it and will probably watch it again tomorrow... or tonight

P.S. I think I'm having a bit of a thing for facial hair at the moment... don't know i I'll grow out of it, only time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. no i dont blame u darcy - and u've always had a thing for rugged men :P xoxo
