Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today I had a bath...

Everyone stop the presses! There is an important - no make that... major? critical? historical? - news update... Today, Darcy had a bath! I know I know the sheer magnitude of this piece of information astounds you, so I shall give you a few moments to soak it all up...


... have you soaked it all up?...


... I can still see a puddle over there to your left...

... no! Your OTHER left :-P...


there all gone.

Now, I should probably make clear to you the fact that we are amazed by the fact that I had a bath, NOT that I washed... I like to think that on average I tend to have relatively good personal hygiene, the occasional 'forgetting' to brush my teeth when i get home at 3 in the morning withstanding (they get washed in the morning when this happens and since I don't share my bed with anyone, well, I can get away with it... for those of you who do share your beds on regular occasions however, I don't recommend it...).

Whilst I would love to say that the reason I haven't had a bath in ages is because I care deeply for this dry, drought ridden country called oz, well that would just be a lie... I would have a bath every day of the year drought or no drought, if only the water pressure in this place I call home didn't suck so badly! (Yes you read me right... it SUCKS as in there is generally more water in the bath BEFORE you turn the tap on because the tap sucks it all back up) To give you an idea of how long it takes, I normally turn just the hot water on and leave it to run for half an hour because by the time the water is at a reasonable level to get in, the water that first entered the bath has cooled down sufficiently to make the overall water temperature of the bath quite pleasant...

So, now that's all done and dusted I think I might tell you just how this Earth shattering event came to pass. Do you want to know? Well too bad if you don't because I'm not giving you a choice... of course you could always just stop reading, I can't control that, but then where would the fun be eh?!

You see, yesterday I went shopping (please don't kill me Eddie... I needed to go shopping and I only bought something that was on sale and just because we are missing a month of winter does not mean we will be skipping the season altogether and I shall therefore be in need of some new winter clothes at some point in the very near future - I'm still saving for Europe I swear - and if you really want to get angry at me for something I have done in the past few days, make it the laptop charger I lost and has since cost me $89 to replace. An item, might I add, which until only a few days ago I was already the proud owner of...) grrrr I went off topic again... just bear with me there's a point in here somewhere...

Anyway, whilst I was shopping I bought a beautiful, new, knitted, Grey and blue, winter dress. It has short t-shirt like sleeves which are perfect for the Aussie winter as I can layer a jacket on top, long sleeved top and opaque tights underneath when its mid-winter cold but can also wear it as is during these long can't-decide-what-season-to-be-today type days we seem to be having a lot of at the moment (the type of days which seem to play havoc with my skin... more on that later).

So I have this new dress, and then mum points out that if I wear tights underneath it will ride up because of the friction between the two fabrics - damn! - but never the less there is a solution... mum suggests a slip - oooooo I think, how cool! - I've always wanted one of them, they just seem so classy, sexy and grown up that I've never really considered that they might actually serve some useful purpose when it comes to getting dressed in the morning.

Don't you just love it when one purchase leads to another which leads to another and before you know it your on some serious high that apparently dates back to our cave woman gathering/collecting ancestors instincts... *nods enthusiastically* I do love it :-D hehehe

Now for a slip... (hang in there I'll get to the point eventually... everything connects to everything else). I came to the conclusion that I wanted to make the slip, partially because I'm stingy atm and don't want a scolding from Eddie, partly because I thought it would be fun, but mostly because its quite challenging to find an undergarment of this sort that makes the most (read: fits) of my bust:waist:hip ratio - especially since this particular garment seems to have gone so far out of fashion that I can't off the top of my head think of anywhere that sells them (nice ones that I can't imagine my nanna wearing that is) unless I go to some of the higher (high being relative to my budget - in this case I'm thinking Alannah Hill) end designers - So off I head to my local Spotlight.

At Spotlight, as can be expected, I leave not only with what I am looking for but also with a whole host of other assorted stuffs most of which I am planning on using in the near future for a few corset projects I have planned - more on that later - but what is important here is that I leave with 2 lovely, silky, flowey, drapey, slightly stretchy pieces of satin material, one of which is a nude colour that I am currently about half way through manipulating into a slip, and the other a fantastic scarlet red which will soon become my new favourite bed/night dress.

Now we come to the point of this whole story - I promised I'd get here is the end didn't I? We just took the scenic route that's all, and after all don't they say that taking the road less travelled makes all the difference, of course they also say at the beginning of that poem that both paths are exactly the same... I never understood what the big deal was after I noticed that...

You see, while I was fitting my new slip to my body last night, a job which involves putting it on, pinning, taking it off, adjusting and repeating, I felt sorry for the poor material which in all its beauty was being forced to scrape and scratch over my all too rough, dry and sandpaper-esque in-between-seasons skin. So after work today I decided it was high time I took some time out for myself to fix said skin and make it worthy of my silky new slip (Wish I could think up some more powerful adjectives for its graceful femininity but your getting the point right?). So I epilated, brushed, scrubbed and soaked. And then I lotioned up and even made an effort to soften my cave woman feet (thanks to my penchant for dancing on the concrete floor of our garage) with lanolin and sox...

So that's it! Those are the events over a 48 hour period that lead me to the point where I needed to have a bath... I just had to feel worthy of my new clothing... and you know what? It was so worth it!

thanks for listening/reading/leaving comments... *hint hint nudge nudge*

1 comment:

  1. now u see, that makes perfect sense, u cant freeze in winter - and i love the idea of u making clothes - now when r u gonna make me clothes :p xoxo
