Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hi and i'm so dumb...

hi all... so glad everyone is enjoying the trip :P... unfortunatley i wrote a whole blog plus pics on my laptop and then left my SD card which it is all stored on at home (after i changed bags) so hopefully there will be a new post tomorrow morning (your time) with pics and all... but for mow we are having fun and much better after sleeping :D

lots of love and hugz

Monday, June 29, 2009

london day 1

Okay so its now day 2 in London but here's a recap on what happened yesterday...

Yesterday was an interesting one, while excited to have finally reached our destination, well Eddy and I were so tired that to the unassuming eye we probably appeared to be walking zombies... of course along with this complete exhaustion comes an element of hypersensitivity and heightened emotion which when coupled with finding your way around a new city, getting used to different public transport and the realisation that everything you know and understand and everyone that loves and knows you (and your bed which lets face it is really the only thing I wanted to see yesterday) is over a 24 hour flight away... well lets just say that a few tears were shed.

Our aim for the day... to stay up as late as possible and try to reset our body clocks...

... we made it to 4:30 - local time

Its funny, no matter how prepared you are, something always comes up that changes your planes. After waiting in line for what felt like forever to get through security checks, we made our way to the trains with the knowledge of exactly which one we had to catch and where we had to get off... of course this weekend there was track maintenance or something going on and so that plan was thwarted however on the plus side it also meant that we could catch the London Express without having to pay extra for the privlege... hehehe. People were exceedingly helpful and kind, with strangers (okay for the record I am being safe) helping us up and down the underground stairs with our luggage and transport officers actually going out of their way to help you get to your destination! (I tell you, maybe its just because we were so obviously tourists, were trying to be polite and smiling, but I have NEVER in my entire life had that sort of help from cityrail employees who, in my own experience, have always grunted and turned their backs whenever I ask them any questions.

Anyway we eventually made it to Timtam Eddy's cousins place, and pretty much dumped our stuff, showered and left... we didn't want to be an imposition and if we had stayed any longer we may have dropped into an exhaustion induced coma...

So we left to pick up our London Pass and travel ticket thing (yay!!! I never have to think about buying tickets again... or at least for the next 5 days...)

and then.... shopping... which we didn't do particularly well... the zombie thing again I think... but Ariel should be happy to know that the first thing I bought apart from a bottle of water, some mango slices and a bread roll were 2 necklaces for her... but I think I've decided that she has to share (will that be a problem???)

On another note, all of my dreams came true... London is going through what they like to all a heat wave... ie it might actually reach 30*C on any given day, a feat which is cause for public warnings. Of course it also makes it hard to remember that my pool is back home in Oz... should really have packed it in my suitcase, oh and since I think this is at least their third 'heat wave' in as many years... you'd think that some of the shops would install aircon... but apart from that not anything to complain about really...

got to go now or I'll have nothing to tell you about today...
lots of love and hugz

P.S. on the train today there were multiple reminders to people that in this warm weather you should always carry a water bottle and if you feel faint press the emergency button at the next stop for assistance...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello from Abu Dhabi!!!

Okay hi everyone. I have just gotten myself off our first flight, so please excuse my lack of... whatever it is that makes me occasionally seem smart... I haven't slept in 24 hours. We (that is Eddy and I) got on a plane at Sydney international airport 15 hours ago and I have to say that I never want to see another plane again in my life... pity I have to board another to Heathrow in 1 hour.... *eek!!!*

I should let you know that youare being 'spoken too' via the public computers here at the airport. As I stand here there are about 20 computers an at last count 15 of them were logged onto facebook... lol (oh and it took us about 15 minutesto find the shidt button on thekeyboard... turns out its an up arrow... who would have guessed :p)

So far Eddy and I have almost missed our flight (were in the middleof collectingtax back when the final boarding call came... but i never heard the first... and this was also about 3 minutes after we passed through the security checks...) andwe hadn't even left the country yet!!! this is going tobe an interesting trip.

But really I was just writtingto checkin witheveryoneandlet you know I'm aliv and kicking... more interesting posts soon I promise.

Oh and apparently there is another new flue going around... anyone have any info to share with me on thatfront???

lots of love and hugz

Thursday, June 25, 2009

So... mum you have nothing to worry about, not if this is what happens anyway

So today I hear that my very own beloved mother got a bit of a scare when talking to my almost but not technically Big Sister Sazzle. You see while my mother was professing that as long as I come back from taking on the world in one piece, not pregnant and void of any STI's, she would be happy, Sazzle here was doing her darndest to destroy my freedom voyage by planting seeds, seeds that imply that the only reason I would want to go to Europe is to flirt (and other things) outrageously with "hot Europian men." Well I am here now, and it is my job to clear up the matter... I shall do so by describing to you a little incident that happened at work today... I'll make it short...

(Yes every good story I write begins at work)

So it had been a long day at work, busy and without my partner in crime Eddy (who had enjoyed a lovely teeth cleaning at the dentist whilst her parents were there for more sinister business) so I was due for a little entertainment, little did I know that I was to be the entertainment (as usual its starting to feel).

Suddenly, out of nowhere a guy appears at the counter - and not just any guy, oh no... a cute guy (not my normal type, more Eddy's normal type if you know what that means, its not really so important to the overall storyline)... a cute guy who seemed odly familiar (you know that type of familiarity where your like "hey I know you, but wait I don't know you, well maybe I've just seen our face plastered somewhere") anyway I have no idea who he was, all I know is that he was kinda hot and had a bedazzling chocolate melting smile (ooooo chocolate :D yummmm...)

Anywho he bought... *something* for $x and, well... I like flirtying ;p hehehehehe

oh and by "flirting"... well I mean that he was (hey at least I noticed that! its a step up for me :P), meanwhile I was trying to hide, as I realised that I had just managed to rewind time about 19 years and by that I mean - I had forgotten how to count...

you see...

it was arround about the time, when he handed over the money, that my brain made a decision, it decided that it was no longer acceptable for me - as a whole mentally capeable person - to leave the country in two days, it wanted to take of right now (and you know my brain, there is just no reasoning with it).

In my defence, I could count, its just that he changed the money he was giving me after I had already completed the transaction and then I couldn't remember how much I charged him and then once I worked it out there weren't any $2 coins so I had to hide under the ounter to find some... it was all just a complete comedy of errors... and then he walked out of my life forever, I turned a lovely shade of beetroot, died, rose again and finished off the day ~ THE END

Except it can't be the end because I havn't made my point yet... my point being that mum, you have nothing to worry about... unless, by some strange phenomenon - due possibly although not entirely to the altitudes at which I will be flying in *oh* 42 hours - I develope a sudden ability to talk to people of the opposite sex to whom I am reasonably attracted to, well.... you just hav nothing to worry about.


I mean it this time.
(2 more sleeps!!!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi and 4 more sleeps...

Hi all, so how is life treating you today???

Personally I woke up this morning with the number 4 on my mind... 4 because its 4 more sleeps before Eddy and I jet set of to Heathrow Airport (yes wish us luck). My bags are almost completely packed, I have done about as much research as I can handle (which isn't really enough for my liking but the thought of more just makes me soooooo tired :( ), I've picked up enough local currency to get me started, and yet... it still doesn't feel like reality. It still feels like I'm going to wake up on Sunday morning in my own bed in my parents house and nothing will have happened. Of course relity is that at 8am Sydney time Sunday morning I will be just about to board my second flight... but it just doesn't FEEL that way...

Meanwhile in order to prepare we (Eddy and I) have been looking at the online stores of the places we want to shop - this was a bad idea... I am going to be so bloody broke *eek!* Pretty shoes, pretty underwear, pretty dresses, pretty skirts, pretty accesories, pretty pretty pretty... my only hope is that most of the stuff I like will not fit me, and even then I run the risk of buying so much that I will never get the chance to wear it all... its kind-of like for the last three years I have been on this megga spending diet and I'm afraid/excited that I am now going to go on some sort of monumental binge (and then get back to Oz, realise its still winter, cry for a minute, and put away all of my new clothes for a month or two).

Anywho, I'm off to get my hair cut now, wish me luck! :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

Celebrate good times - come on!!!!

Ok, for the record, right at this very moment, my life is a musical... or at least there is a running backing track playing in my head (no I'm not crazy, at least the voices haven't grown arms and legs... yet...). Today it goes something like "Zip-i-di-do-daa.... Zip-i-di-de... My oh my what a wonderful day... :D" And I just can't stop smiling - hehehe...

The reason for this sudden irrational bout of euphoric (something :P) is that I AM ON HOLIDAYS!!!! and that means that:

- All of my exams are over

- Semester one of uni is finished (unless i have failed and exam and they ask me to come back and re-sit, which I don't really give a rats ##$ about because...)

- I am leaving for Europe in 12 sleeps!!!!!!!! (eek!) A trip that, for the record, I don't actually have the travel documents for yet... so here's to hoping.

Anywho, the pace of the first half of this year has really freaked me out, I mean it has flown by at the speed of infinity and beyond. Something which is just a little disturbing considering the information my dad gave me last night about our (humans) perception of time...

You see there is this professor??? researcher??? anyway someone in the USA (I'll sort all the details out later and get back to you, they are not really important right now anyway) who has been researching how we humans perceive time. He did this experiment (and once again ill sort out the details later) where he got people high up in this thing and then had them drop in free fall until they hit the bottom (I'm assuming that there were the appropriate safety measures put in place). Once at the bottom he met them with a stopwatch and asked them to measure the amount of time that they thought it took for them to reach the bottom.

What he found was that for almost all of them, their perception of time was about 2x longer than the actual time. And from this (and maybe some other things???) he put out his theory, that our perception of time is linked to the new experiences in our lives; new knowledge, moving beyond our normal boundaries etc. Which when you think about it, makes a whole lot of sense, remember those early years in primary school where every day seemed to take and age... its because it was all so new!

So what my point is (and here is the scary bit) according to him... I haven't learnt anything new all semester. I haven't improved myself in any way, learnt new information, pushed myself or anything. This semester (and a few others in recent history I suspect) I have been living in my own little safety bubble, and living is a slightly suspect term.

On the upside however... the next 6 weeks, including 4 in Europe, should go by rather slowly relative to everything else which is just what I need :D a nice looooooooong holiday :P

thats all for now

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Speaking of... 23 days

Hello hello, I'm back from the dead... its a miracle!!! and not a moment too soon either. That's because, just incase you haven't seen the countdown timer to the right of your screen...

IT IS 23 DAYS UNTIL EDDIE AND DARCY TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!! mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaa.

I know, I don't know who to feel more afraid for: myself on my first overseas trip without adult supervision (and living with Eddie fir 30 days :-P), or everyone else who is going to have to put up with me :-D

Just thought I'd let you know that