Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I was trying to think of some kind of cool racing slogan... but I just don't know any :(

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I've been going through a whole lot of photo's that I've been meaning to edit and save lately and, well, editing them :-P There is a point to this post I swear... but I'll get to it later... no point spoiling the fun yet so...

Can you guess what this event was???

I think I made that too easy... but did you know it was my first time to the races??? It may have taken me a while, but I think it taught me that... well... I don't think I've been missing much

I mean there is betting, and fashion, and.... :-D

 (which, lets face it, have always the added bonus of taking me to my happy place :-D... GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!!! Not in that way... *sigh* I suppose you have to have read the twilight saga to understand what I mean)

Oh and don't forget the pretty horses :-)... but here, and now we are getting to the point of the post... I realised that I really need to teach Eddy how to use my camera... or I will have a whole hard drive full of photo's like this...

I mean she really is quite talented. After all, every single thing in the photo is in crisp, sharp focus. 

That is, everything... EXCEPT ME! lol gotta love you Ed. ;-)

And thats my point,
Until next post,

Monday, April 26, 2010

I told you... it's Genetic!!!

You know how I'm always walking around places with my shoes off??? Or showing you pictures like this...

Well just to let you know that its all genetic, I present to you... Morpheus, a.k.a. my dad... 

At the Easter-show in the arts and crafts pavilion...


Close up...

Thats all :-D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

When my room gets strangely neat, tidy and organised... you can tell I have an essay to write

Same for when I am found holding a vacuum, a bathroom enyo glove, having multiple long showers in the daytime, sleeping a lot or hanging around in the kitchen watching someone else cook... you just know there is something else I should be doing...

Maybe I should also add blog posts to that list ... but I wouldn't want you getting any ideas that if you stopped reading I might actually do some work... that would be semantically inaccurate (and here I go murdering the English language again)...

But I just HAD to show you this...


Taken at dinner on Easter Sunday after a full day of walking around the Sydney Royal Easter Show with the family. I know its random and just a little bit strange but it made Ariel and me laugh so hard :-P... Speaking of hot ranga's...

If you don't know him, he's Owen from the TV series Grey's Anatomy... his character is real and no one can tell me otherwise! Bless his poor little tormented soul... :-P

Now who said Ranga's couldn't be hot? *cough* Elvira *cough*

(OMG did I really just put that in this post :-S... Yeah because I'm not a sad little tweeny bopper at all :-P)

We'll do this in bite sized pieces shall we...
Until next time (the woodchop!)
Much love,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Project #1 filling the void, status: COMPLETE!

Hey Y'all! How is everyone doing? Well I hope :-)

(Yuck a guy just walked by my house wearing his jeans around his crotch and held there by a belt and some luck - I hate that...)

But back on track... I am proud to say that after much procrastination, avoidance, reluctance and finally one  sudden impulse to get off my ass and do something about it... my bedroom re-decoration is complete :-D i.e. my walls are no longer blushing in their nakedness, not that its clean or anything - thats asking a bit much don't you think?

Anyway, just to remind you, this is what my walls looked like before...




Not exactly the type of room I'd like to spend a lot of my time in... but its fixed now!!!! :-D

Take a look...

See all those photo's? I took them :-D...

Much better overall don't you think?

Of course please excuse all the rubbish :-P

Anyway, I was all excited because a of last Tuesday I'm on uni break for 2 weeks... I had it all planned!!! I was going to read, and edit photo's and post blog posts and do nothing particularly taxing at all... that is until I came to the grounding realisation that my weekends leading up to and including the weeks of my 21st birthday and birthday party are all full... and then the friday after a have a 3000 word essay due... so I'm thinking that I should do some work so that I can propperly acknowlege and enjoy the milestone that is my birthday... what do you think? 

Sigh, I've never really been one for delayed gratification...

Ahh well...

Thats all,

P.S. yes i know that in some of the photo's some of the pictures are not straight.... I just thought it would be entertaining if I got constant messages of annoyance from Eddie and Bell until I fixed it. :-P

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A 21st birthday and a few e-mails...


So last weekend was the 21st birthday party of these two beautiful people here... (well the one on the right is beautiful anyway - thats Bell - and the one on the left, well, he'll tell you he's beautiful whether you want to hear it or not :-P)

(and here are some of my other beautiful ladies)...

So its about mid-day on the Saturday of the party and I am at work minding my own business and wondering how I'll ever get that assignment due in the next Wednesday done (yes its complete and handed in, thanks for your concern)

(don't ask cause I don't know the answer)

When I receive a text from the birthday girl... "Hey Darcy, feel like bringing your camera (snappy) out for a stroll tonight, lol. I was told to ask cos mum wants decent photos but I completely understand if you don't want to carry it around with you :-)"

Me = Hell yes! Any excuse to bring out the camera and take some pictures will do for me :-)... I mean this means I will be taking photo's that at least one person (besides myself) will actually look at!... plus I'll have the added benefit of being in a position of semi-authority, with a roll and everything! So people can't look at me all weird because I'm carrying around a huge camera! :-D woot! woot!

(speech practise! - If only the party people would stop trying to walk in the room!!!)

Now I just need to figure out how to take nice photo's of people without the stupid flash (which I hate using) ruining everything!

Even better, Bell you provided me with an excuse to procrastinate/avoid my assignment... because this was a problem that needed solving... pronto! *experiment time!*

(Bell has a tendency to attract weirdo's... like this one time when we were on the dance floor and some guy came up to her ad started smelling her hair like this...)

And then it hit me! I remembered this post I read on Photojojo about this thingy you could attach to your flash to reflect it off the ceiling or walls so you don't get that awful front on rirect flash deer in the headlights look... pity I only have about 3 hours notice... will have to improvise...

(Mmmmmm... don't those strawberries look just divine!)

*Darcy rummages around in her bathroom cupboards and drawers*... I swear there was a mirror in here somewhere!... Ahh!!! Found it!...

Just got to hope there will be something at Bell's I can reflect the light off now... that silver tarp above us will do just fine thanks :-D (sorry guys, the emoticons are out in force today)

(Oooo detail shots... its something only a photographer - ie the one that took the shot - could love)

This of course left me looking like that idiot walking around with a big camera and holding up a random mirror that she used to do something....?

(Me, that yellow bit is part of my mirror... sure made the whole process a bit like juggling... except I can't juggle so I don't know - just ignore my bra please - photo courtesy of  Robo)

But I didn't mind... after all I knew that the photo's were going to turn out fabulous - and all because of that silly mirror... you'll see...

without mirror...


*eww*, *yuck*, *gross*!!! Take it away, I can't bear to look at it!!!!.... and...

with mirror... get it now?


Ahhh... Much better *sigh of relief*... Don't you see the difference???

(Boys will be boys... but to be honest this is what they look like most of the time :-P)

So the night progressed, and all went well...

(She looks nakie, but I swear she was not)

I took pretty pictures (well I thought so anyway)... and only occasionally wished for a faster lens so that I could get down from the awfully high ISO setting of 1600 (I've lost you there now haven't I?)...

(dance floor whoop whoop)

I learnt  lt about my friends... like we have all become so camera aware that we automatically pose whenever one is near...

(naw aren't they cute... No wait! get that meat ball out of your mouth this instant! you are ruining my beautiful pic!!!) 

But I must admit, the boys were worst... not only were they aware when there was a camera nearby, they knew where they were at all times! I have a few photo's of the whole room... I was nowhere near anyone at the time of their taking.... and yet I still have boys in them playing it up for the camera!...

(Hey I like this one :-))

But soon enough, the time came for me to scedaddle.... after all, I did have an essay to write the next day and as much as I would have loved to stay... I just knew that if I did there would be 'no sleep tonight'.... and a Darcy with no sleep and an essay to write in 12 hours is not a sight I'd wish on anyone....

(Eddie I have no idea what you wished to achieve when you pulled that face and struck that pose... but it makes me laugh :-P)

Come to think of it.... a Darcy even with sleep and only 12 hours to write an essay is not something anyone should want to witness....

(ahem... beverages... but don't worry, no drinking and driving for me)

there are usually casualties...

Turns out it was the right idea too... the other guests  didn't go to sleep until 6am! Apologies to the neighbours... *eek* I've done that once, and then had to work all day the next day... not pretty... unlike our last photo...


This one is very pretty :-D

Thats all,

P.S.... after publishing all the nights photo's on face book i finally remembered why it is that I never do that... 656 notifications and counting!!!! My inbox did not know what to do with itself gah!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Lose yourself in Melbourne"

Those of you familiar with the recent Melbourne tourism ad - you know! The one with the girl and that big ball of string? Ahh well if you don't then you can watch it here - will be glad to know that in terms of losing yourself in Melbourne... well thats exactly what we (my shopping girlfriends and I) did when we visited... minus the big ball of string (which in hindsight wouldn't have been such a bad idea - heck even a breadcrumb train would have helped! Oooo food... right I'm back now) and probably due more to our first class *cough splutter choke* navigation skills rather than the beauty and romanticism of Melbourne's windy streets and alleyways (yea cause thats not dodgy at all)... anyway, more on that later.

We woke up early... and I mean EARLY! Like our flight was at 6:30am early, which you must understand, for university students who don;t believe in let alone acknowledge the existence of a time before 9:30... this was... interesting... anyway we made it and even managed to get to our hotel without a hitch! :-D (Something we will come in the next 2 days not to take for granted)
However, Eddy, I have discovered (after only 2 overseas vacations - i.e. 84 hours in the air - and one domestic venture) does not agree with flying (yes it took me that long to make the connection… in some respects I'll admit to being a little slow). 
So here she is after the journey… don;t try to communicate with her now… its won't be pretty and is likely to leave a lasting impression… on your FACE!

We decided that Bell, due to her apparent smarts and enthusiasm in all other respects, would be our best choice for navigator... actually I don't remember if this is true, I just remember she ended up with the map... a misguided step you can only begin to appreciate when you hear what happened next...
Someone in the group: "Bell, are you sure we are headed in the right direction? I mean I thought we were going to the city but we appear to be headed in the opposite direction to those tall buildings over there"

Bell: "Yeah I think so. I mean we started 'here' and we are headed 'here' and thats up the map... so that must mean we head up this hill right?"

Everyone else: "Uhh... no!" *all scramble for the map lest we get even more lost*

You see... I told you we have issues. It didn't get better from there...

so we want to head up the map so that must mean up this hill... right?
Trams? Oh trams!… So how do we catch one? YOU MEAN TO SAY I HAVE TO WALK ONTO THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD AND JUST HOPE NO ONE RUNS ME OVER?!?!?!… Okay, I'll do it… now how do I buy the ticket??? *insert 5 minuted figuring out how to work the ticketing machine on the tram, then another two deciphering which ticket we should get, now… are we student concessions in Melbourne? Oh look! Its our stop! Better get off before we miss it…*

I've said it once and I'll say it again… I don't like trams! They may be pretty and romantic and stuff but they are Dangerous! Thats right! Dangerous! With a Capital "D"

trams... danger!

Quacking ducks… f$%king ducks! who let the ducks out??? Sorry, random I know, but we were woken in the morning by quacking ducks... strange considering we were staying in a hotel in town... not so strange when you realise its the 'farm animals' tune on a certain someone's iPhone *death glares*...

I don't know where I am...
This one of Bell doesn't really fit anywhere or add to the story... I just thought it was pretty and to make sure you all really knew who is to blame if I ever get lost in my own backyard or on a bush walk or something (an activity I do not recommend we take up considering... everything...)
You call this a beach?!
You call this a beach? I'll show you a beach… yes the sibling rivalry is alive and kicking (you know, that fabled rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne? The one that I don't even think about when I'm in Sydney because its just not an issue? Well apparently its contagious, and Melbourne is a petrie dish full of the stuff)…
Probably not helped by the fact that my bag had broken on the pedestrian bridge we just crossed and was being held up by a hastily constructed knot and a prayer… *tourist shots*
Call this my attempt at an 'artistic shot'...

Oh look its the Melbourne Luna Park Face… much more scary than its Sydney counterpart…

let's fly Jet Star
Lets fly Jet star! We did fly Jet star… and Virgin Blue…
group shot
Oooo… group shot! We are all in this one you see? See! My feet :-D… Wait a minute… how did they get shoes on???
that face
And did I mention that we never actually intended to come here??? Nope, thats right… it only happened because we wanted to go to Brunswick Street Fitzroy but ended up on the tram to Fitzroy street Brunswick (and only knew we were in the wrong place because a nice lady on the tram informed us of the fact)…. Which I'll have you know is actually the SAME TRAM NUMBER… only going in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS!!! I mean who does that?!?!?! Only in Melbourne sheesh… I mean in Sydney you would need to change trains at least twice followed by another bus and a ferry to make that mistake. :-P

Can anyone say Crunchie?!... Or maybe just hopeless...

Mmmmm... pretty food... mmmmm
cutie pie cupcakes
And we drop!… Oh and somehow in all of this we (I) actually managed to do a substantial amount of damage… :-D Mission accomplished!
... and drop
Until next time.