Thursday, April 25, 2013

113/365 Perched in the shadows

Via Flickr:
Hmmm... I don't usually take photos of my shadow but for some reason I just kind of liked this :)

Much love,

112/365 Harbour foreshore

112/365 Harbour foreshore by Darcy89
112/365 Harbour foreshore, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Taken Monday evening after Pancakes on the Rocks in Darling Harbour (a friend noted recently how confused some of the restaurants are getting with their locations) to celebrate Adrianna's birthday! :D We had a mini photoshoot to celebrate and make the most of pretty new birthday dresses so by the time I took a minute to take my own photo I really just wanted to get it done and go home... now I kind of wish I had tried out a few more poses but you get the idea right?

P.S check out the settings... 13 SECONDS! Do you know how hard it is for me to stay still for 13 seconds? yeah. hard.

111/365 Window gazing... again

111/365 Window gazing... again by Darcy89
111/365 Window gazing... again, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Taken between 2 dance classes on a beautiful Sunday morning :) Will have to re-edit this one later as I didn't notice the colour bands (can you still call them that when its a monochrome image?) when I was processing it the first time around but they are annoying me now :S

Much love,

110/365 Empty spaces

110/365 Empty spaces by Darcy89
110/365 Empty spaces, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Take a look at the right of this picture, at about my elbow level there is a little ledge, you can just see it here. That is the window ledge to my room. One morning a few years ago when my family first moved into this house I woke up to find my cat moew-ing at me frantically on my window sill. This didn't at first seem to me to be a particularly strange situation, Beauty (as in "and the beast") like many cats loves sitting on windowsills and especially loves waking me up at ridiculous times in the morning. It wasn't until I realised that she was OUTSIDE my window, stuck and unable to turn around that I started to worry... As far as I can guess she must have snuck onto the balcony late the night before and no-one noticed, so when everyone else went to bed she got locked on the balcony and at some point in time decided she didn't like being trapped anymore and made an escape attempt... Anyway, it all ends well, I almost break the fly-screen on my window trying to get it open without pushing her off the ledge and she scrambles into my room as fast as she can. The end :).

110/365 out-take

Much love,

109/365 Digging for lost treasure

Via Flickr:
OMG it was COOOOOOOLLD at the beach! :-S

And to top it off I didn't bring a jacket :'( But it was a lot of fun hehehe

I really like the background lights here but it just wasn't working for me...
109/365 Digging for lost treasure out-take

Much love,

108/365 hide-and-seek

108/365 hide-and-seek by Darcy89
108/365 hide-and-seek, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So I had just finished editing this photo and was, you know, happy-ish with it when I took a step back for a minute, looked at it again and realised that it had been unconsciously inspired by (read: copied from) a photo my friend Stillshunter took earlier this year before abandoning (I feel like this word needs a smiley emoticon to soften the blow so ;-) ) his 365. So If you want to compare you can find that photo here.

Daily Alternate because hey! It's smiley and I like it :D

108/365 out-take

Much love,

107/365 Walking away

107/365 Walking away by Darcy89
107/365 Walking away, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
You would never have guessed that this was taken right next to a railway line would you?

Argh! I am so tantalisingly close to being caught up it's killing me!!! Lol. And thats all I have to say on the matter ;)

walking away2

Much love,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

106/365 Pool girl

106/365 Pool girl by Darcy89
106/365 Pool girl, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Lol, have been noticing lately that every time I go to tag my photos I have to consciously prevent myself from clicking the tag that says "summer" because my brain refuses to believe that we are already half-way into Autumn... does not compute. Summer all year round!

But alas, summer has faded and the cooler weather is coming in. I mean I am sitting here in shorts and a singlet but I'm wearing sox - even if they are thin ankle sox - to keep my feet nice and toasty...
The flowers by the pool are turning brown and the leaves on the few deciduous trees in the area are falling... *winter is coming*

and now if you will allow, I shall return to catching up on my Game of Thrones episodes :)


Much love,

105/365 Dandelion

105/365 Dandelion by Darcy89
105/365 Dandelion, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Can't think of a description so enjoy the photo :)

Much love,

104/365 Random hair shot

104/365 Random hair shot by Darcy89
104/365 Random hair shot, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
It only looks this pretty for about 30 minutes before I start flipping it around the place, doing head-rolls and then it all goes to sheet.

A slight deviation from my usual processing here... When I took this shot I was thinking of more of a pretty etherial type photo of the kind you might see in the comments below... but then by chance, while playing around with a few things in PS I did this and just went "wow, I really like that today!"

So, yes :)

The photo-processing I originally intended...

Much love,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

103/365 Sick :(

103/365 Sick :( by Darcy89
103/365 Sick :(, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So very sick :( I have the man flu... only I am not a man so how does that work?

Have been camped out on the couch all day watching Spartacus - as recommended by a friend -which I have placed in the genre: gore + soft core porn... P.S. I am still baffled by the supernatural talent that parents poses to miraculously walk into a room as soon as a sex scene is about to play on a tv-show/movie yet never during the tamer scenes. Anyway, good show if you like gore, buff men walking around in loin cloths and a majority mixture of aussie + NZ accents speaking in what I guess to be some sort of Shakespearian/English/Romanesque hybrid language.

My puffy face was not fit to be featured in a photo today, so instead you get my hand and a selection of used tissues I had been collecting for this exact purpose throughout this day and the night before and which I might mention completely horrified my mother who insisted I throw them away as soon as this photo was taken because "your sister is coming home for the weekend and she can't afford to get sick... in fact maybe you should stay away from her"... oops.

Much love,

102/365 Pensive Window Gazing

102/365 Pensive Window Gazing by Darcy89
102/365 Pensive Window Gazing, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So I was walking around uni on this day and had a few hours to spare before the traffic would be expected to reach what I have come to term a "decent level of flow" to be worth my while braving the roads to venture home. Normally I would just head for the library, camp out on a couch and catch up on my class reading but it seems the library has a new security guard and he doesn't like the way I choose to lounge on the lounge so I decided to do a little exploring and see if I couldn't find myself a new hidey-hole (well that and I kind of felt like I was coming down with something and didn't particularly feel like hiking all the way across campus to the library).

Anyway, in the process I stumbled upon this HUGE window on the 2nd floor of one of our lecture theatre buildings which just happened to have a windowsill wide enough to accommodate one Darcy. It reminded me of a time way back when, at the beginning of my parents search for a display home to build on our block of land when my one and only requirement was that my room have a window seat that I dreamed of filling with pillows and curtaining in layer upon layer of soft, floaty, fairy-tale fabric and upon which I would perch myself and gaze out upon my kingdom below...

I wasn't a whimsical child at all...

I like this spot, I think I'll keep it ;-) For the time being anyway hehehe...

Much love,


101/365 by Darcy89
101/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Ahh, summer is really leaving us :( and I can tell not only by the weather (okay so I am still walking around in singlets and short shorts but its not as comfortable to do so anymore and I've started needing to bring a light jacket with me wherever I go! :-S) but also by the limited amount of sunlight left in my afternoons :( I'm going to miss my naturally lit photos...

I've started playing around with tones in photoshop, this is my first attempt using a new (to me) method and I think I like the effect it had...

Not much more to say really... still playing the catch-up game :)

And just for comparisons sake, I present to you the full colour and full B&W versions of this photo...

day 101 BW

day 101 colour

Much love,

100/365 Weird

100/365 Weird by Darcy89
100/365 Weird, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Not going to say much today, just needed to get a photo up as I'm still running about a week behind :(

Much love,

Monday, April 15, 2013

99/365 Geek

99/365 Geek by Darcy89
99/365 Geek, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Yeah I know, I know, I am an outfit repeater but hey! That's what happens when I am behind in my 365 project... I forget what I wore last week :S I also am just really liking the whole concrete wall look at the moment... It just seems to make colours POP! :D

Much love,

98/365 Fallen petals

98/365 Fallen petals by Darcy89
98/365 Fallen petals, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I found some flowers on a tree that grows near my fathers place as I made my way to my car after dinner. I loved the colour and wanted to do some 'falling petal shots' for todays photo. Unfortunately for me, a sudden downpour of rain prevented getting the picture I wanted (if you look closely in at this picture you can see the first big splashes of water upon my arms) but this one was pretty enough to be worth posting (and maybe, just maybe I didn't want to venture out into the rain again to rescue my lighting gear...)

Much love,

97/365 Lazy iPhone day

97/365 Lazy iPhone day by Darcy89
97/365 Lazy iPhone day, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
As the title says, twas a lazy iPhone day - photographically speaking that is. As far as Sunday's go it was a pretty busy one, filled with lectures and discussions at the "all about women" festival held by the Sydney Opera house as part of the "Ideas at the house" series. It was a loooong day. But a lot of fun too :) Good for mother daughter bonding... not so good for attempts at healthy eating... I must confess, I had my first quarter pounder meal in YEARS... it tasted gooood at the time... the aftertaste however left much to be desired.

Much love,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

96/365 time is running out

96/365 time is running out by Darcy89
96/365 time is running out, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Saturday morning... dance still in production stages and performance that night...

On the evening this photo was taken I competed in my first amateur night. By the time I went on stage I did in fact have a full performance choreographed but then I got on stage and basically made 75% of it up on the spot because, well I was just having too much fun and thought it would be a good idea - LOL!

Now you've all seen the feather-boa that went with my costume right? Well what I forgot about when I was making up the routine is that when I pole dance I use a mixture of substances on my hands to make them really sticky... sticky hand plus feathers = ... hahaha! You can guess right? It was an interesting experience, being on stage and attempting to get rid of the feathers superglued to my hands without making it too obvious that such an episode was unexpected :-P

I was soooo nervous I don't think I ate all day, and it was a LOOONG wait as I was the 2nd last competitor of the night, however, once it was all over I was so high I just wanted to get back up on stage and do it all over again.

Oh, I would also like to make special mention of what I have termed the "educational cultural experience" that was the result of performing in a strip club... I mean we are pole-dancers and where do you find poles right? Still I had personally never set foot in a strip club... let alone one that sits somewhere in the middle of the scale that goes from seedy-classy (or so I have been told). It was a private type function with tickets sold through out dance studio so it wasn't like any old person walking in the club that night could gain access... but we still had to walk though the club to get to our function room and as I said - it was an educational experience. :-S LOL!

But back to the exactly might one add some "natural" looking light rays from the right hand corner of this image?... I wanted to get some - not quite lens flare - but light ray type stuff happening in camera but my lighting set-up was not playing nice and my subsequent google searches for tips on doing so in post processing have so far been lacking :( Anyone have any directions they would like to point me in? :-D

The ever-present monochrome alternate
96/365 Monochrome out-take

Much love,

95/365 White dress

95/365 White dress by Darcy89
95/365 White dress, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Creative title I know :-P

It's amazing what you can do with a rectangular piece of jersey, 4 straight seams and a single safety pin. But as that is all I have to say about this photo I think I might change the topic here and ask some inappropriate questions...

***PUBLIC SAFETY WARNING*** If anyone reading this thinks of me as a perfect little angel - the epitome of all things good and 'feminine' and wants to keep it that way... best stop reading now.

It is almost mid-semester break and one of my new American friends asked if she could stay at my house during this time as all of her other roomies are going away. So I discussed it with mum and said sure. It'll be fun right? It's only now that I am realising this may involve a ummmm... LOT of concious work on my behalf... I'm getting tired just thinking about it. You see, I may not have mentioned it before, in fact I tend to make a conscious effort to remove all photographic evidence of these facts and it's probably within the realm of TMI but in real life... I am actually pretty much a slob.

To put things in perspective - when my aunt stayed over last weekend to my great horror walked into my terribly messy room she gasped with glee... because she could actually see about 30cm2 worth of carpet... apparently this is a rare sighting :-S *I shall now hang my head in shame* Mess just doesn't seem to bother me the way it does other people, as long as there is space on the bed or lounge or enough space on my desk to rest my keyboard, meh, I'm pretty much satisfied... as long as the mess is mine. So I thought, in the interests of being a good hostess, I might just make a list of a few of the more pressing issues, reminders if you will, of "appropriate" behaviour when you have a live in guest...

Notes to self:
- must close bathroom door
- must remember to put away make up after use
- towels should be hung up to dry in a neat and orderly manner immediately after use
- If you're not going to clean your bedroom at least close the door
- used dishes should be put in the dishwasher
- it is not necessary to use EVERY SINGLE kitchen utensil at your disposal every single time you enter the kitchen
- it is only decent to leave SOME room on the couch for someone else to sit down
- Just because you have a uni bag, a gym bag, a dancing bag, an assortment of towels, many many shoes, spare sets of keys, etc, does not mean that you have the right to leave them on all of the clean, flat surfaces in the public areas of the house

... Oh God, I am sure there are many more things I should remember but thats a start right? This is what happens when you live like a hermit... you get LAZY.

You see, I've never had the misfortune of living with someone whom I wasn't directly related too or who didn't already know all of my little idiosyncrasies. And lets just face facts, I haven't shared a bathroom that wasn't in a hotel room with anyone besides my sister (who in this instance does not count) in, well, a really really long time.

There is just one thing that I really don't want to change... I walk around the house in my underwear okay?! Pretty much all the time... How exactly does one tell a new house guest that this is just a fact of life?

Much love,

94/365 I'm a lion - Rarrr rawrrrrr

Via Flickr:
Ummm, right. So... yeah :-S LOL!

I guess this is what happens when - nope I have no excuse for this. Basically what you have here is uni photography club + 2nd week of portraits + poo look! I have a hot pink feather boa in my bag, What should we do with it?!.... hmmmm.

Why did I have a pink feather boa in my bag? Because I was planning on skipping my last lecture of the day and hiking it in town to go to practice time at the studio and finally choreograph my dance of course. And whats a dance without a hot pink feather boa eh?!

Also I may have been going a little crazy because, well... there were a lot of rules flying around the place that I didn't understand.
"By definition a portrait must be of just the head and shoulders"... :S someone should have told me this before I started my 365... I BLAME YOU ALL!!!
"You can't use f/1.4, stick to f/5.6".... ummmm why?!
"because not everyone else has lenses that go down (up?) to f/1.4 and we need to be able to compare"... did I miss something are we having a competition?
"No"... then I have no idea why-
And it went on and on and I still don't get it :-S

*shakes head* Oh my.... lol! So you get crazy me. Congratulations ;-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

93/365 Headstands

93/365 Headstands by Darcy89
93/365 Headstands, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
FYI it had been raining all week and the ground underneath my head was sodding wet. The things I do for my 365 project ;) also in case you can't tell the light here was pretty strong which resulted in my remote not working - although its debatable whether I could actually press the button and get into position with only a 3 second delay anyway - and so I also enlisted two random guys from the 'snmoking' area to press my shutter for me.

"Okay guys its all set up! I am just going to go over there and do a headstand and when I am in position all you have to do is press this button. Okay? Awesome :D"

*insert 2 completely dumbfounded faces here*

That's about all of note I have to say on that matter :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

92/365 Bush-walking at dusk

92/365 Bush-walking at dusk by Darcy89
92/365 Bush-walking at dusk, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Ahh crap! I am way behind again :-(

It's been a crazy + fantastic week where right about 100% of my spare brain power was spent finding many creative ways to avoid choreographing my dance routine for Saturday's performance... oops! But for the record, in the end even though I had made up and rehearsed an entire routine I ended up going completely off script and improvising because well... I was just having too much fun not to!... Weird right? Lol

Ahh crap, forgot to look at the time and now I am running late for class... so more descriptions later.

Monochrome out-take
92/365 Bush-walking out-take

Much love,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

91/365 Duet

91/365 Duet by Darcy89
91/365 Duet, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I mentioned to Dad at our usual Monday night dinner that I wanted to take some portraits this week that included members of the family and therefore would he please agree to pose for a photo after dinner. At which point he looked at himself in his knit jumper, cargo pants and tired eyes and then at me in the gym gear I had worn to work that day (because it was Easter Monday and there would be no-one else in the office and this way I could practice my handstands when I needed a stretch) and said "okay… if thats what you really want."

At which point I looked down that the gym gear I had worn (and would not normally like to be seen in out in public) and the hair that I had haphazardly pulled off my face that morning and considered for the first time that I really hadn't thought this plan through properly… :-S

And so that is the story of how you end up with a photo of my dad and I playing a duet on the keyboard back at his apartment. Duet being quite a loose term since my dad is the only one who can really play… so while he played a few beautiful pieces I just placed my hands on the keys and played a few bum notes to make it look like I knew what I was doing ;-)

A slightly different angle/crop

Out-take: 91/365 Duet

Much love,

P.S. 3 months down - 9 to go!

90/365 The Easter Bunny

90/365 The Easter Bunny by Darcy89
90/365 The Easter Bunny, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Okay so the focus/dof here is terrible but in my defence I had about 30 seconds to take this picture before my little cousins came ripping through the backyard in their attempt to find and collect the highest number of chocolate Easter eggs before any one else got the same chance…

This is me and one of my older cousins playing the Easter Bunny and hiding all of the eggs… it was heaps of fun :-D but next year I think I am going to have to invest in a pair of fluffy bunny ears… its just not the same without them - you know what I mean?

P.S. Crunchie Bunny's are the BEST Easter chocolate EVER!!!!


89/365 by Darcy89
89/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Because its completely normal to spend your entire Easter Saturday sewing diamontes onto a swimming costume top for a dancing costume… right?...

hmmm was otherwise distracted today :-S don't like this photo at all but its all I got.

Monday, April 1, 2013

88/365 Friday

88/365 Friday by Darcy89
88/365 Friday, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
I have been looking at my photostream in the last few weeks and thinking that I really want to shoot some more vibrant colour shots. Don't get me wrong, I love a good ol' B&W photo but I also need heaps of colour in my life... it makes me happy :-D But what do I end up doing? More and more mono's...

So that is pretty much what happened last Friday... I wanted to shoot colour, I wanted to go all crazy like and paint myself with flowers to ward off the coming winter!... and end up drawing on myself with black lipstick and well, the evidence is clear :-P

Today's colour out-take
Out-take: 88/365 Friday

Much love,