Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wall progression update...

Rightio, remember those blank walls, well, one of them isn't quite so blank anymore! Woohooo!!!!

And we will stop the celebrations right about there or I will get terribly complacent...

Okay so I am going to show you some pictures.... now bare in mind that its not finished yet, no where near it in fact... but its on its way.

this is before...

And this is now...

Now let me explain, for about the last well 5 years or something I have had it in my head that I would just fill a wall in my house (in this case my room because lets face it I still live at home with my parents but no raining on my parade okay!) with a giant cork-board (spelling anyone?) and have one massive collage going on. You know photo's, movie/theater tickets, other memorabilia, etc.

The problem is... well cork-boards are much more expensive than I had imagined so this is me being using my ingenuity (I am sure that my use of the English language makes many masters turn in their graves each time I open my mouth) and improvising. Its birds netting (you know the stuff they use to keep birds out of trees - you didn't know that existed? well neither did I, you learn something everyday you set foot inside your local Bunnings hardware store) held up and weighted down by 2 curtain rods... still got to work out the kinks. (Bell, Eddy, my two perfectionist friends... that's your cue to jump in and rescue me or ill post picture of it looking like this and make you stare at them for my perverted pleasure until your crack - please also note the four pictures on the side which I have re-hung straight this time, I should get brownie points for doing that all by myself shouldn't I?).

Anyway that's problem one, problem two is that once it was up I realised that I haven't actually printed any photo's in... oh, around 3 years (read since high school graduation week), so.... I have nothing to hang up... enter (what I have been doing the last few days in between watching episodes of "White Collar") Europe photo's - ie finally facing the fact that I have 15 GB of photo's I have to sort through and edit... and that's not including all the other stuff that's happened in the last 3 years...

sigh... *insert me, staring up at my mountain of work...*

anywho, just wanted to give you an update... right now I'm off to see Spring Awakening... tata :D
much love

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project #1: filling the void...

Okay, so a little while ago (read some time in the lst 3 months since uni break commenced because to me everything since then has become a blur and I am no longer able to distinguish time and distance)... if you recall, I cleaned out my room... more specifically in the process I got rid of the hatch that used to reside on my desk and took down some very old photo's from the walls that had seen better days...

This left me with two very large, very bare expenses of wall in my room... walls that continuously stare at me and make me go bleh! Of course, although I went on a little complaining rant about it at the time, that doesn't mean that anything has been done about it since... my excuse shall be that life caught up with me but if forced to tell the truth I would have to admit that a more likely explanation for it is that I am just lazy... but you didn't hear that from me...

I figure this is as good a place as any to begin, lets call it a starter project... fill that void.

Exhibit A:

I mean look at that... eww!!! I stare up at it from my bed every night and my mind races a million miles and hour - how can I fill that *run run run run* and as Eddy never fails to remind me... I am no runner... but moving on to...

Exhibit B:

Another blank space! Please excuse the clutter... I'll get around to fixing that one day... but first things first... fill that void!

I'll keep you updated,
deadline, the end of the week...

Much love

Friday, February 19, 2010

I need a project...

Okay I'm having a little issue over here... I think I need a project... something to write about and annoy your RSS feeds with :-D... cause I'm that type of thoughtfull person hehehe...

I mean, last year I had the whole Europe trip, and that was great fun (and best of all you got to look at the pics instead of listening to me drone on i your heads...) but to be brutally honest I just don't have the funds to repeat that little extravaganza, so I need something new and different...

I'll be straight with you, the project has to be interesting, it has to provide me with something to focus on, something to learn etc... you see here is the thing... I have two subjects left to complete my degree and a graduate job lined up for next March (as in 2011) (which I need to decide whether or not I am going to accept some time in the next week). This means that not only will I be finished by about mid June and (assuming a good exam timetable) and then have 9.5 months of my life to colour in, but from now until then I only have 6 hours of uni a week....

Are you getting where I am going here??? I need something to keep me motivated! Something to make me get out of bed in the morning! (Because we all know I would otherwise be very happy sleeping my way through this year)...

So here is what I am thinking... a project, with specific goals and deadlines and regualr posts, no excuses...

but I dont know what... here are my options so far:

A- Some type of learning to cook challenge thing (Julie and Julia inspired of course)
B- Some type of photography challenge
C- Some type of drawing challenge
D- Lets learn a language challenge...
E- Some combination of all of the above...

The problem is, as I said before, that I need something to focus on... these are all projects I would like to complete at some point in time but unless I have specific goals and some sort of set mindset, I will never get around to any of them...

Now this is where you come in... any ideas? suggestions? please please please, I am begging for your suggestions... hey maybe I should do a challenge challenge... where you send me in the stuff you want me to do and I post my attempts... ooo I think Darcy could get herself into some interesting situations/trouble if she took that on....

So let me know, help me decide :-D
make sure I get out of bed atsome time in the daylight hours ;-)
Much love

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Nothin' left to do but stare at my feet...

'Nough said...

Much love.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Proposal - Darcy's dream.

So, the other day Bell had a strange dream... about me! (okay random) And even better, she wrote it all down :-P and so I (being out of ideas myself) have decided to share it with y'all (someone has been watching too much 'True Blood' and so my head voice - that is the one inside my head not the singing one - has started to evolve a certain Southern Belle twang... just thought I'd share)...

Now, the following I remind you - just so we are clear - is not written by me... I do not own any of the characters or take any responsibility for their actions... I only write comments in the margins :-D (because as we all are aware, I have an opinion on everything and I'll be damned if I don't use this post to share it ;-P)

The Proposal - Darcy's dream. By Bell

I had a really weird dream… (great opening line don't you think)

I (Belle) was auditioning for a coca-cola commercial with Codie (ummm???), and we were selected to go through and be a part of the add campaign on television (you two are just so multi-talented :-D how on earth did you ever become my friends) when I found out you had been proposed to and were trying to decide whether or not to marry him. (WTF?!?! please excuse my French)

So I got on facebook to see whether or not this was true (as you do) and your status update was "Darcy No-Last-Name wonders if she should say yes or no?" (because, you know, I am a fb whore and update my status all the time *cough cough*)

I wanted to go and find you to see what you were thinking, especially when you had never mentioned that you were seeing someone, let alone considering to marry them!! (your not the only one who is confused... I'd like to know who he is too!) However, I couldn't go because we started shooting for the Coca-cola television commercial and I had to be there! (ever heard of a phone there darl???, I assume you had one that you used to check my fb updates on)

So, after they finished filming me (which was all very vague) I logged back onto facebook to see if you had made up your mind about the proposal. In which I found your status update to be "Darcy wonders if she should be Mrs Robinson?" *cough, splutter, gag, bahahahahahahahahahahah* hmmm because I would leave such a life changing decision in the hands of my extended 'friends' online... (I think that was the last name but I really can't remember that detail)… to which I commented "??" (Its a brilliant response isn't it?) (your so witty :-P)

At this point I decided it was time to find you… and I traveled for what seemed like an eternity through dark streets, lanes, London suburbia, and a whole blur of overlapping locations to the point where I couldn't distinguish anything anymore, neither time or place, before I found your location. (once again, ever heard of a phone?)

I walked into what seemed to be a maze of bedrooms (I think I understand it as we were holidaying there, as in the girls?) where in the first bedroom filled with bunk-beds I found the group (all the girls with the exception of you and Eddy). I asked them if they knew anything, they didn't, but did ask me how my commercial went.

I walked away from them deeper into the maze of rooms and bedrooms before I found you and Eddy. I asked how you could possibly not tell me about the fact you were contemplating marriage and demanded to know who you were planning on marrying! (*cowers in the corner* I don't know, I don't know, you were supposed to be telling me!)

You replied (in a very laid back and blaze manner) (cause I am so laid back and Blase) that "He's just Alex, I've known him for ages from a long time back." I had never heard of him!

You then proceeded to crawl into the nearest single bed and wrap yourselves (no that is not a typo, it reads "yourselves"... why are Eddy and I crawling in to share one single bed when you descrive it as being a room full of bunks? I mean I can understand if it was the only double bed in the room - you can't expect either of us to give up the double and let the other have all that space to herself even if it does mean we both get less overall - but they are all singles!! What are you hinting at :-P) in the covers.

I asked you whether you were going to say yes and marry him, however you decided at that point to fall asleep.(LOL in true Darcy fashion... it is always sleep time :-D especially in stressful situations)

My last thought as I stood there watching you was "oh great, now where am I supposed to sleep." (in one of the other many bunks? or you could join us in the single... might start getting a little cramped tho)


So there you have it... Bell's, um, strange dream :-P. Now, to all you dream interpreters out there... what does this all mean??? and more importantly.... what does it mean for me :-D.

until next time.
much love