Monday, April 20, 2009


hey... So I am currently sitting outside the "Great Hall" of my uni, waiting for my second exam of the day to start... its 35 multiple choice questions on the first 6 lectures of semester and i have NO idea what they will be like because we weren't allowed any practice questions and so far the whole subject had been very hands on/practical... no idea what type of MC questions you can ask really.... as for the other exam, well, it was just painful... not looking forward to getting that one back already.

Anyway! All that depressing stuff is not why I trekked all the way here, opening my laptop, asking please oh pretty please will you decide to connect to the uni's Internet connection today... PLEASE!!!

All I really wanted to do is say hi and let you know I am still alive with story's aplenty to tell... its just that when I have an exam my stomach becomes all liquid and tries with all of its might to exit my body in whatever direction possible... that and my brain stops working as I attempt to cram as much information into my head as is physically possible, wrote learning things that I know that I already know, but even though I know that I already know it I freak out and think that as soon as I step into that exam room all of everything, an entire lifetime's worth of knowledge, will decide to take a temporary 3 hour vacation to the Swiss alps... and I, will be left a vegetable, barely able to breathe or hold myself upright, as i sit at an examination desk watching the letters swim around the page. (Not sure how cramming will help me in this situation but there is something inside of me that says... whatever you were thinking of at the time you walk into the exam will be trapped and unable to escape... so i try to think of everything at once... and my brain explodes... and I start thinking of Finding Nemo instead... and that doesn't help.)

Anyway, to tide you over until I actually write about something substantial/funny/corset related/ superhero-ish I wanted to share with you a video that mum showed me... even if you don't agree with what it says, I mean its pretty cool... backwards and forwards like that... i want to try it one day... although it'll probably take me a while to come up with something remotely legible.

1 comment:

  1. that is the most coolest thing ever, i love it!!! xoxo
