Wednesday, September 25, 2013

250/365 Lazy mornings

250/365 Lazy mornings by Darcy89
250/365 Lazy mornings, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I'm not entirely sure how appropriate it is to say this on an online forum but there is really just something about crisp, fresh, high thread count hotel sheets that makes me loath to get up and put regular clothes on in the morning. Just leave me here to bask in the sunlight and cool breeze and I will be happy forever :)

Big thanks to mum for agreeing to work at a seminar over this weekend so that I could enjoy the rewards of being her plus one. She did all of the hard work and I got to enjoy all of the benefits.

Much love,

249/365 poolside lights & a ghostly figure

Via Flickr:
Oh my, this seems to me like it was taken so very long ago. That weekend spent lazing by the pool is a far and distant memory, sigh.

Much love,

248/365 Tunnel

248/365 Tunnel by Darcy89
248/365 Tunnel, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
So I saw this tunnel at uni and my first reaction was to go "Hey! wouldn't it be awesome i I could crawl through that?!"... then I got to the other side and saw all of the spiderwebs and thought better of it. So instead you get the shadow of me peeking through the tunnel. Lucky you ;)

Much love,

247/365 Hair texture

247/365 Hair texture by Darcy89
247/365 Hair texture, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Another one of those days where I couldn't stand the idea of looking at my face in the lens :)

Much love,


246/365 by Darcy89
246/365, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
So it was brought to my attention by a very bossy flickr friend *jokes* (but seriously, you know who you are)... that I hadn't uploaded a new photo in a while... oops :S I promise I am still taking them its just that I, well, I don't know actually. No excuse immediately comes to mind.

So remember how I said I was going to give online dating a try? You would think that after about 230 days or so of self portraits I wouldn't have any problems choosing a profile picture...

You would be wrong.

I mean there were a few cute/suitable pics here and there but nothing NOTHING (!!!) that just looked like a nice picture of me with natural curly hair. Hence this photo-shoot...

And as for todays out-take... What can I say? sometimes its just too much to be always taking yourself seriously.

246/365 out-take

Much love,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

245/365 mum and me

245/365 mum and me by Darcy89
245/365 mum and me, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
It was dads turn yesterday so I needed one with mum today :)

I love this photo.

245/365 out-take

Much love,

244/365 Father's Day family portrait

Via Flickr:
The first Sunday in September is fathers day here in Australia. My sister didn't want to be in this photo... The only way I could force her to agree is if I could promise it would take less than 10 minutes from set up to being back in the car on the way to the shops. She scoffed at the possibility.

I did it in 7. ;)

244/365 out-take

Much love,

243/365 Pole practice

243/365 Pole practice by Darcy89
243/365 Pole practice, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Still in Perth for my sisters performance so in lieu of my usual dance classes I decided to go to the local playground. Note: it had been raining all day and there was not a child in sight therefore no children were mentally harmed in the making of this picture.

Much love,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

242/365 Onesie party!!!

242/365 Onesie party!!! by Darcy89
242/365 Onesie party!!!, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Did I mention we had a onesie party slash photoshoot when I went to Perth? No? It was so much fun :D hehehe....

242/365 out-take

There were just too many good ones to pick just one :D

242/365 out-take

Much love,

241/365 in transit

241/365 in transit by Darcy89
241/365 in transit, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I have to say that this is one of the BEST views to have ever greeted a woman about to complete the 5 1/2 hour flight to Perth... 3 whole seats all to myself! I was so excited I had to make it my photo of the day

Much love,

240/365 chatting

240/365 chatting by Darcy89
240/365 chatting, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Lunch date with my gorgeous friend from Uni :) she kindly agreed to be in my picture for the day.

Much love,

239/365 afternoon nap

239/365 afternoon nap by Darcy89
239/365 afternoon nap, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Totally not my bedroom. But the light was so pretty I just had to take a photo. You know how that is right? :)

Much love,

238/365 Glitter!!!

238/365 Glitter!!! by Darcy89
238/365 Glitter!!!, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
What can I say? I made a total mess in the garage and it was soooooo much fun! :D plus it only took me 7 days to clean it all up which is a huge improvement on the birthday sequin fiasco :D

Oh, and took the online dating plunge... Kind of... Haven't actually written a profile but turns out that's totally unnecessary :S not sure how I feel about that lol.

Much love,

237/365 hungover

237/365 hungover  by Darcy89
237/365 hungover , a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
This was not a good day for me... Had a little too much to drink the night before (which isn't very much for me - I don't get drunk but I get hungover... Which kind of defeats the purpose) and then had to go to pole in the morning and ended up feeling very sorry for myself. Add to that I migraine by 2pm and you've got the best Sunday ever :S... I thought this picture summed it up pretty well, don't you?

Much love,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

236/365 Wheelbarrow, door and a watering pot

Via Flickr:
Just some elements that I have been looking at for the last year thinking "that lends itself to a photo" but I have no idea how to make it. I kind if like this one, but I think I'll keep working on it... Hmmm.

236/365 out-take

235/365 Hiding out, safari style ;)

Via Flickr:
In my mind it seemed like the perfect day to go take some photos of the stream that trickles through uni. Unfortunately my brain neglected to remind me of the photo I took a few days ago of the dried up creek-bed-thing :(

But no matter! I saw these relatively recently planted reeds (as in they haven't completely overgrown yet so its possible to crawl through the gaps without playing "whats that thing I can't see moving on my foot") and my imagination immediately took me to a place where I was hiding in the shrubbery shoulders flexed, poised and ready to jump out and attack (!!) the next meal silly enough to come my way.

I think if I had a totem animal it would be some sort of large cat...

When I was a kid and everyone else wanted to be a doctor or a secretary or a fireman, I secretly wanted to be a safari guide. I wonder whatever happened to that dream.

So this was kind of a dream come true. In my wildly inventive imagination anyway.

Much love,

234/365 By the pond

234/365 By the pond by Darcy89
234/365 By the pond, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Been off on adventures trying to find new spaces around uni to photograph. Actually the uni is having a competition asking for students to submit photos of our "unique" campus to display at a TedX event happening next month. If you become a finalist you get free tickets. And since I am a cheap uni student and don't want to pay $50 to go to the talks I was thinking of entering... good thing I have so many photos of uni :D... only now I can't decide :( So if anyone wants to help out and look at my "around uni" set, please, be my guest :D

So glad to be back in Sydney if only because I can upload all of the photos I edited in Perth... Perth was so much fun too :D My sister and I had a onsie party! But you'll see more of that in the days to come ;)

I almost always need a B&W version but today colour won.
234 BW

Much love,

233/365 Sleepy cousins

233/365 Sleepy cousins by Darcy89
233/365 Sleepy cousins, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Silly selfies with my cousin at his mums birthday dinner. What can I say? It seemed like a good idea at the time

Much love,

232/365 Caked

232/365 Caked by Darcy89
232/365 Caked, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
So the uni has put out a call for photos of campus and I thought that was as good an excuse as any to go for a wander around my usual watering holes... it seems though that they've all dried up!

Much love,