Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just to let you know that I'm still in the land of the living...

Hey guys guess what... its me again!!!! :-D

Now don't groan... that's rude... and it hurts my feelings :-(

I love you that's why I write to entertain you and give you all excuses to avoid your dull and dreary lives consisting of study and frustrating group assignments (I don't care that a future employee needs to be able to see that my degree has left me with the tools to work as part of a team - GROUP ASSIGNMENTS SUCK!!! - thankfully I don't have any this semester... but there's always next semester...)

Now I need your opinions on my newest photographic works of art (if you can call them that - one day they will be but maybe not this day) I took them today in the Central Station tunnel around peak hour before the beginning of uni... not sure if i like them yet... we'll see... any suggestions? reactions? you don't care? Ahh well that's okay too I suppose. :-P

Personally I'm thinking that I'm liking this second one better...?

OMG! 87 days until Eddy and Darcy Conquer the world!!!! Mwahahahahahahaaaaaa

(and boy oh boy does my bank account know it :-( final payment made yesterday... there's no turning back now)

Once again thats all for now (Wow I really need to get a life... trivia on Thursday!!!! - I feel so sorry for all of you as we all know that I'm crap at trivia :-P)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Superhero episode 3

Its a funny thing this superhero business. No one knows when or where it started and how many of us in the world there are. Maybe its a disease thats spreading, maybe we are the remnants of an alien species that invaded the planet millions of years ago and bread with the humans to survive... maybe we were all bitten by radioactive spiders when we were to young to know, or we are all part of a secret government experiment as they try to create an army of female ninja mutants (yes we are all female... the men have to settle for being our side-kicks... we have the power!!!! Mwa ha ha ha ha hahaaaaaaaaaa) :-P or maybe... you see I have this slight niglling feeling in the back of my mind that this is all just in my head, that at some point in my 19 years on this earth, I went completely insane and am currently writing this from the inside of my own personal padded cell in the states mental facility... *cue eery music*

All I know is... there is a new one in town... dun dun duh!!!!!!!!

What is her power? She has the ability to affect the physical realm with her thoughts.

How did I find this out? SHE BROKE MY TRAMPOLINE!!!!!!

Thats right... the fact that my trampoline broke has nothing to do with my weight, it being out in the elements 24 hours 7 days a week or any of the other million factors that could have contributed to it breaking... she did it with her mind I tell you! Her MIND!!!!! But I'm once again getting ahead of myself here. Lets go back to thebeginning.

As many of you already know, my sister, Ariel, is completing her HSC this year and unlike her big sister who still - after 2 years of university -thinks that 'study' means cramming as much info into your brain in the two hours preceding the exam as possible, Ariel actually puts some serious effort into her work. And guess what... its mid year exam time and that means that the universe stops turning on its own axis and starts rotating about her - I'm serious its a jungle in here and you either get inline or go... somewhere else I suppose?

So we have one stressed Ariel, me, and my lovely and humble, wouldn't hurt a fly trampoline.

Now Ariel doesn't like my poor unassuming trampoline... she thinks it makes too much noise - personally I think that it has a musical quality about it that hasn't been seen in this world since, well, Mozart... she should be thanking me... really!! - I'm making the world a more beautiful place to exist, not to mention increasing her mathematical ability at the same time :-D - but alas she does not agree, to Ariel it is simply a squeaking, screeching pain in her ears and something must be done about it!

So... she did it! she broke it with her mind! While I was happily bouncing up and down and she, studying in the back room (closest to the tramp)


She somehow tapped into her previously dormant ability for the very first time and a shock wave pulsed through the Earth and 2 of the springs holding my beautiful music maker... snapped! *cries* Here is the evidence...

So she's here... we have another superhero with a currently uncontrolled power... should we have a party? get the trampoline fixed? Run for our lives? I'll leave to you you all...
Sorry I know its a short ep but that's all for now
Until our next adventure :-D

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Okay... so I'm really only writing about this because a certain someone from work - lets call him the Rabbitto - told me that I wouldn't... and you guys know how I get when someone tells what I will or will not do. It's like a switch is flicked and I loose all sense of reason and propriety... I turn into a crazy and unreasonable B$#ch. But returning to the point at hand...

Today, while I was at work a customer came in who I dutifully served with a smile on my face, then, after I had finished and they were on their way out... this woman exclaimed - SUNNYBOY!!!! And Rabbitto died a thousand deaths.

You see apparently she was an ex highschool teacher/family friend of his who called him, yup, thats right, SUNNYBOY :-P I just loved saying that.

Anyway the point of the story is that under normal circumstances I would have laughed, had my fun, and gotten over the whole issue - well to be honest I would have simple told Eddy who would have tortured the poor soul for the rest of his life... - but thats not the point because I wouldn't have continued torchuring him myself however... he threatened me today, so I threatened him back and he said I'd never go through with it and I said I would and he said I wouldn't so I did...

let this be a lesson to you all...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Just another day in Snappy land

Welcome everyone to day 2 of my new found obcession - Snappy :-D

Only one photo for you all to suffer through today, its of a thermometer in my backyard. I'm actually kinda proud of it... especially as its probably in the first 20 photo's I've ever taken with Snappy

Now, before we continue I must clarify a few points... A certain member of our readership *cough* Eddy *cough* has been going arroung claiming that I have been abusing my new love by taking her out in the cold post rain weather... Now I have discussed this with Snappy and she has told me with the utmost certainty that this is not the case in the least. In fact she went so far as to say that it was lovely to be allowed to spread her wings a bit. My centiments exectly - funny that isn't it ;-)

Ok, so I realise that this is a short post but I seem to be fresh out of ideas for the moment (thats what I get for staying home all day and varying between sleeping, browsing the internet and jumping on my trampoline... opps!)

Anyway I hope to have more updates soon... apparently I'm due for another superhero's update so you'd all better get your spandex out and save the world so that I can have something interesting to write about :-P

That's all folks!

(I hope that phrase isn't copywrite/trademarked...)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Camera in da house!!!! :-D

Ok... I did it... I held my breath, took the plunge, swiped my card, and bought that Pentax k200D... yes thats right... after over a year of drooling over cameras and the pictures they are capeable of taking in photo magazines arroung the world, I am now the proud owner of my very own... I shall call her Snappy :-D

Of course I have almost no idea how to use the thing.

So, after I saved my beloved Snappy from her mindnumbing existence, caged within the four corners of that dark dank cardboard box trapped withing that suffocating bluuble wrap... pop pop... (Oh don't you just feel for the poor girl!!!), the first thing my post purchase endorphine filled body wanted to do was play with the her, let her out to breathe, fell the freah air rush over her weather sealed body and allow her ti take her rightful place in the world...

But first I needed a subject... Eddie!

No? You don't want your picture taken by some crazed maniac with a brand spankin' new camera?

Why ever not?!?!?!

Well guess what, Im going to take them anyawy :-D

I know your hiding but i can still see you...

Wow... now that is one awsome finger. You sure your not going to poke someone's eye out with that thing? Oh right... that was your aim! Good thing my eye was covered by the viewfinder then ;-P

Eddy, you can't hide that easily... you can't stay under there forever... If I stay right here holding the camera to my eye will she eventually give up and smile?...

Apparently not.... this one I like to call the convicted criminal :-P (I'm starting to think that I use too many emoticons... meh, ahh well)

Meanwhile, in another time and place... I got hungry... mmmmm Chuppa chups... they are just so bright and colourful - and they taste good too *smiles*

Now this one is just of carpet but I had to include it just to proove to you all that I did learn something today (well I didn't LEARN it per say but I experienced it first hand...) You see the Depth of field? Thats the part in this photo about 1/3-1/2 way up from the bottom of the picture that is actually in focus... see how everything else is just nicely blurred??? Yes I did do that on purpose... and boy was it fun hehehehehehe

And here are some flowers that will probably have no interest to you all but they are special to me ;-) they are the photo's i took when i got home from work and had a play in the dieing light of the day...

Note to self... when taking photo's of pretty flowers... remove the dead one's first (Unless they are adding to the composition but these aren't they are just plain dead and UGLY!)

Thats a bit better... notice my DOF again? :-P Am I getting annoying... cause I am sensing that I am getting annoying...

Opps! there they are again... those dead flowers... grrr :-P
Anyway thats all from me for today
tata for now

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Talk about karma!!!!

Today I decided to come home from uni early... it appears now that that was a bad idea.

First, I only realised while I was walking up my street from the station that, yup, you guessed it... this morning I had left my keys in my dancing bag which is currently residing inside the LOCKED house... I am stuck outside.

At first this seemed like it wouldn't be so bad, after all i have a pool in my backyard, some money to buy lunch from the corner store, my laptop, a wireless internet connection and a power source... easy peasy... I can just wait outside until my sister Ariel comes home from school. And with all the entertainment i have at my fingertips the time will pass in a flash.

Until I find that the stupid modem is not letting me connect to the internet, the only way to fix this problem is to disconnect and reconnect the modem, only the modem is inside isn't it... grrrrrrr....

I must say that I have seriously considered breaking into my own house, only the only way I can think of getting in involved a ladder and a whole lot of luck. (I even brought the rubbish bins around the fron of the house to see if they would give me enough of a booster to be able to climb onto the balcony, but alas for my vertically challenged self this was not to be the case.

So, instead I find myself sitting outside my house in the little bit of shade that it provides at this time of day, writing a blog entry to try and entertain myself... don't you feel loved :-P

On another front (yes as you can see this is a venting post... I'm letting it all out), Ok well it is no secret that I have been wanting to get into DSLR photography for a while and in fact the only thing holding me back from buying a camera this very second (well more like 9 months ago) is my impending trip to Europe... what if I buy the camera and then while overseas I run out of money and have to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity?!?!?!

So... I thought I had it all sorted... I was going to go to Europe and then buy a camera when I get back. There. Good. Settled. Then... i find out today that the camera I have been lusting after (Pentax k200D) actually went out of production in December 2008 to be replaced by the Pentax K-m... how did I miss this?!?!?! I read these magazines all the time and the k200D is still being advertised!!!!

So, what does all of this mean? well it means that there are a very limited number of K200D's left in circulation and in fact most stores have already run out of them... What makes it worse is that the new version is actually more expensive that my baby :-( and to top it all off it doesn't come with the key features that made me decide I wanted the Pentax in the first place... weather resistance!!! I am left with two choices... buy the Pentax asap (and hopefully I can find somewhere that still sells it) or give up on my baby, go back to the drawing board and buy another brand/model when I get back from Europe.

I have to decide fast and while I believe I am financially able to buy my camera... well the whole fiasco has left a bad taste in my mouth... and I don't want a bad taste in my mouth... I like sweet stuff.

Its Karma i tell you... Its Karma.

Now I am going to go play tetris... :-D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SUPER HERO'S - episode 2

Today started out like another day, for me that is. At the sound of my morning alarm, I reluctantly got up out of my nice warm bed feeling like i had just gone to bed. I took a shower, got dressed, had breakfast, picked up my uni books and got driven to the station by the weather man (aka my dad).

On the other side of the railway though, it appears this morning was another story all together. It appears that today, Eddy was having some trouble with her super powers.

As with all our reactions to the world at large, our powers and more importantly out control of these powers are heavily influenced by our emotions at any one point in time.

If you for example were having a crappy day where you were running late to work, had spilled coffee (or my favorite, hot chocolate) on your clothes, had a fight with the person you lived with and to top it all off, there was an accident on the M5 making the traffic so slow as to make you seriously consider the merits of simply getting out of your car and walking the 20 km's (it might after all at least get you there by lunch time) well... say you had one of these mornings... you'd probably be forgiven for reacting badly to the news that your 9 am appointment cancelled and you don't really need to be in the office until 11.

I would forgive you... if I knew the background story, but, your assistant may not find the situation so funny whilst being fired for something that was completely out of her/his control.

Its all to do with our emotions you see, in this case your emotions went wild and you lost control of your reactions to everyday occurrences.

At this very moment our dear Eddy has found herself experiencing a different mix of emotions to you with your crappy morning but they are none the less having a large effect on her control.

For the rest of us this is a recipe for disaster... she has the ability to control the weather (not without consequences of course) but at the moment without her control things could get out of control and fast. So what did happen?... well lets just say that those who participated in her lecture this morning got particularly wet (It will probably be on the 6 o'clock news, I hear someone from her class sent some video footage to channel 7).

As one of her fellow superhero friends, it came down to me this morning to try and calm Eddy down... i don't think i did too well... here is the conversation that took place via sms throughout Eddy's little episode...

D - Wearing a corset to uni with white top under. Y? Well mostly because Rhonda told me it was pretentious and partly because i wanted to see how people would react. Just thought I'd add some amusement to your day. Oh and using my Mickey Mouse pen just to add to the overall ditziness of my appearance... Tata

Lovely. Don't crash and burn on me please... how many heads have you turned?

Well Im in a dangerously good and hyper mood. Lol. Codie likes it. Hows your day so far? For the record a corset is much more comfortable than a bra...

little did I know what was about to occur...

Well miss chipper, i hope you just got hit by a bolt of lightning

;-P Well i am only balancing out you. As soon as you return to normal everything will be okay... We must remain in equilibrium you see...

And lightning strikes and rain continues to poor.

Oh no! its started... please don't loose control... will a quick joke help dissapate the excess energy?...

Its okay, we can share my rain coat. I don't mind getting wet. Infact i quite enjoy the rain

Whilst on the northern front we are expecting hale and the chance of a possible cyclone

... obviously not... keep trying?!?!

Cool!!! I'll go get an inflateable boat and we can go white water rafting :-D

With the knowledge that an unrestrained power could cause I immediately ventured to the scene of the crime to try find my beloved friend and bring her back into the light...

Things appeared to settle for a while, at least thats what I was lead to believe as there were no cries for help in my hearing range. I returned to my studies...

Oh boy was I wrong! From what I can gather from the few witnesses that made it out alive to tell their tale, When Eddie warned me about the cyclone, it was no understatement. She later unwittingly created a micro climate within her lecture theatre and the world was turning upside down...

Clouds had rolled in and lightning was striking

Rain and hail were pelleting down and the water level was rising at an alarming rate

The students were in an uproar... what's going on? why wont the doors open? We're trapped! I can't swim! I want my mummy... there was nothing for it but to try and ride out the storm with only their textbooks for cover.

As i was blissfully unaware of the upheaval one of our powers were causing on the other side of the city I continued with my studies...

By the time I was alerted to any further incident, things had gotten a lot worse.

A north easterly breeze picked up to confuse the thunderstorm, snow is spiraling everywhere.

Eddy have you gone to Europe recently without telling me?! North Easterly' in the southern hemisphere aren't cold enough for snow (are they?!)... Where did the snow come from ;-)

I thought she was joking... apparently not... apparently in Eddy's world a North Easterly brings with it snow... and LOTS of it.

I feel like frosty the snowman who has been left out in the cold. Pain that i have been avoiding is hitting home

Maybe it is just time to face facts, time to come back down to reality and take the first steps towards regaining control... whatever that may entail.

Stay tuned episode 3 coming whenever I feel like it.

P.S. Happy now Eddie??? You have a super power and a whole post all to yourself (if by all to yourself you mean with me :-P)

Monday, March 23, 2009

A note to my precious Codie

I was reading one of my books by Sam de Brito and i came across a passage that i think really sums up what i was thinking when you mentioned to me that you think you have convinced your mum to let you get a tattoo on your stomach (btw - you do realise that they involve needles don't you... you faint at the thought of needles don't you?! so what gave you the idea in the friggin first place!!!!!!)...

"NO TATTOOS BEFORE YOUR THIRTY ... you can have one on your face after that, but rest assured, you wont get a dolphin leaping over your belly button if you wait till then"

I rest my case :D

Disclaimer: this is not my picture, I own none of its rights, I found it at http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00M/00M3DN-37712684.jpg

Sunday, March 22, 2009

SUPER HERO'S - episode 1

So, when I got this crazy idea into my head, that I wanted to start a blog, I promised those I told that it would be fun and we'd all get to be super hero's - or super villains depending on your perspective.

As i have so far neglected mentioning anything of the sort, my faithful readers (Hi Eddy & Cordy & mum :-D) are getting a little antsy... and as i value my life and my body parts, well... here it is.

First allow me to set the scene... Darcy, Codie, Eddy and Bell are all enjoying one of their biweekly (is that even a word?) girls nights in (and no it did not involve pillow fights or spa's... this time at least)

The nutella pizza has just been prepared, the fizzers unwrapped, the rasberry sorbet is getting softer by the second and an earnest discussion is taking place on the merits of starting with a 'friendly' game of Wii tennis to begin verses just starting to movie already.

Then, out of nowhere, a cry for help sounds in the distance! A young girl is in trouble... she has just come out of the shops only to discover that she cannot remember where she parked her car!!! Sounds like a job for...

An here is where we come to our problem... lets return to our heroines in the moment that they hear our poor girls cry for help

Somebody else get that I'm busy

Doing what? spreading nutella on some hot pizza base??

Its a very complicated task... there is a lot of heavy maths involved *one spoon for the pizza one spoon for me repeat...* Cordie can you do it???

Oh do i have to?! I just finished painting my nails and if I go now they will get all squishy :-( Anyway its Eddy's turn!

Nu-uh!! I did it three weeks ago remember? When that thing happened with that thing... Anyway I don't want to have to deal with some freaky girls emotional stuff... its scary

Its your turn!

Oh but I can't anyway, my back hurts too much

*mockingly* My back hurts too much, i'm emotionally retarded la di da di da

*thwack* Eddy hits Darcy in the back of the head & a fight ensues.

(whilst avoiding Darcy's continued attempts to cause serious bodily harm and avoiding hot objects) Cordie, can't you just re-do your nails when you get back???


fighting stops

Please... it'll only take a few minutes

But your done now, why don't you go

I can't be bothered

Well neither can I

Can someone give me a massage?

But you could fly and that would make the whole operation much faster

But you've got your invisibility... thats got to be useful for something

Please can someone give me a massage... my back REALLY hurts and I'll do anything

You could go help this girl find her car

No not that, I don't want to do that


meanwhile... Bell has gone and helped the girl, assisted an old lady with her shopping, solved world hunger and saved a kitten that had gotten itself stuck up a tree...

So are we ready to start the movie yet?

See i told you Bell's super speed would make her perfect for the job i said it i swear i did


Can someone PLEASE give me a massage now?!?!



And the moral of the story is?... Well if your in trouble and in desperate need of assistance... we're probably not the best people to count on. Oh! and Bell is the nice one :-P

Stay tuned... episode 2 coming soon.

just a comment

Ahh... summer... I miss it, well not the weather really because if today is anything to go on we still have at least a few days of it left... but the days of doing nothing, lying on the beach and reading from dawn till dusk - that ill miss.

(but who am i kidding... ill still be doing that anyway - it just isn't quite as fun when you have that heavy sense of guilt hanging around your head because you are acutely aware that you have much more urgent assignments to attend to *cough* Accounting standards and regulations *cough*)

This is the nightscape view from the unit that my family rented for a week this year in the summer (ahh happy memories - my sister keeping me up all night watching her protable dvd player, sharing one bathroom and having no privacy all week... something that world normally drive us all to breaking point but while I wont say it was a walk in the park - we chose to go back next year so it can be too bad)

. I had to draw it because I couldn't figure out how to get my camera to take a photo of it that didn't turn out to be just completely black - and surprisingly it didn't turn out to bad, esp since i never do this type of thing really. Unfortunately my success in this pic seemed to over-inflate my perception of my own talent and i got the idea into my head that it would be fun to experiment with a few more images... needless to say they weren't so good :-P.

Eddy will tell you that its dark and brooding and makes me seem emo... but its in CHARCOAL for christ's sake!... what colour do you expect it to be?!?!?! (btw - hi Ed, just thought i'd let you know that i am taking my time posting this since you started pestering me about it... does it reflect your current state of mind?)

Anyway - i like it :-P obviously... why else would i choose to post it on the WWW.

(96 days until i - edit "we," Eddy doesn't like it when i leave her out - leave woot!!!!!! :-D)

Friday, March 20, 2009

This is me...

OK so early on this week i was in... well what can only be described as a depressingly reflective state of mind (yea thats right I blame Investment Analysis!!! Those who invented this subject should be shot... most of it can't even be proven anyway so what is the point ?!?!... yea i know... I'm not disillusioned / cynical at all :-P)

It was a dark place, it scared Eddy, it scared my mum and well it even freaked me out a little. Luckily i have since recovered and am back to normal :-D Its amazing the difference a few hours and stepping outside of your comfort zone can make.

But, during my self-indulgent and mopey period i embarked on a project... i wanted to know... WHO AM I? So, here's what i came up with.... and at the risk of sounding like a certain Disney starlett.... this is me:

My name for the purpose of this post is Darcy, I am a business student at a Sydney University who spends all of my spare time (and all of my not so spare time such as now) reading photography magazines and browsing fashion mags. I have recently started learning to sew, which I love, but this has taken a back seat to uni which started back 3 weeks ago.

I think I take a while to get to know... I find it hard and stressful to be 'out there' and demand attention, I would much prefer to be the one giving people my attention, which someone has to do :P. But isn't really conducive to making new friends. I think when some people first meet me they think im a snob, but really when I first meet people most of the time im just freaking out trying to remember how it is that I hold a conversation with my friends. Its a surreal experience most of the time because I can see myself giving short answers and I know that if I was the other person I'd get bored and walk away, but at the same time I can't think of how to elaborate and keep a conversation flowing.

Maybe as a result of this or maybe for some other reason entirely I hate 'going out.' I don't particularly feel at home in bars or nightclubs, the eardrum bursting music and the dark lighting make me feel even more closed off and self conscious than usual (which is also probably not really helped by the fact that I don't like drinking... Im a bit too much of a control freak (the loss of my senses really freaks me out), however, I love having friends over and hosting parties, that way I have something to do if I get the feeling that im getting awkward. Things just feel easier when im multitasking, talking at the same time as cooking or organizing an activity :P. This isn't normal for a 19 year old is it????

I'd love to say that I don't care what people think of me as long as I am happy but in the interests of being honest, this is just not true. I am jealous of my little sister who wants to live her dream of performing on stage, not for the reasons you may think though... I am jealous that she has a dream and that gives her purpose. You see I have 2 real fears in my life. I can deal with bugs and spiders and even heights if I have to but I am petrified of being cold. (Not just that normal cold though, its that cold where you can't even remember what it feels like to be warm, where your fingers and toes have ceased to feel part of your body and your brain refuses to think... Just the idea gives my the freaks). I am also afraid that I will never live my life, that I am in danger of putting off the 'life' part until I retire and then finding that its too late, im afraid that this fear will one day become a self fulfilling prophecy (does anyone else relate? Or is it just me?).

I am over studying, it feels like a necessary evil that I must get through to the point where the idea of failing a subject this semester moves me to tears (in fact it did last night) but I can't see a way around it (the fail or the studying?). Maybe this comes back to the whole 'waiting for life to begin' thing again???

I love to read... In fact I think I may live most of my life in a kind of dream world where fiction meets reality, its a fun world to live in most of the time, but it can also get a bit lonely.

Wow... This seems like a depressing read... I swear I mean almost all of these things in a good way, a happy way even but they came out a bit sad. (wonder how I can fix that? Suggestions?)

P.S. WHAT DO I WANT FROM LIFE? I want to be happy. I want to find a job that i enjoy and lets me work to live not live to work.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In the begining...

*Cue dramatic voice over*

Once upon a time, there were two friends. This... is their story ;-P

*dun dun du du dadada... - play law and order theme*

For as long as they could remember (well since year 11 in high school anyway) there had been Darcy and Eddy. They did everything together (well not really but...) no seriously, it was freaky, there was sentence finishing (true), secret handshakes (not so true), special codes (if you consider mind reading through eye contact a code) and so many 'in' jokes that for many of their friends, family and co-workers, a conversation between the two was near impossible to follow (yes that's right - not only do these two losers practically live out of each others pockets but they also work together, have been overseas together, are looking forward to another trip overseas together, and share not just one but 3 completely separate groups of friends).

Our story begins during a period of change for our lovable duo. Eddy has a new person in her life, she... has a brand new sidekick - Goofy.