Saturday, March 28, 2009


Okay... so I'm really only writing about this because a certain someone from work - lets call him the Rabbitto - told me that I wouldn't... and you guys know how I get when someone tells what I will or will not do. It's like a switch is flicked and I loose all sense of reason and propriety... I turn into a crazy and unreasonable B$#ch. But returning to the point at hand...

Today, while I was at work a customer came in who I dutifully served with a smile on my face, then, after I had finished and they were on their way out... this woman exclaimed - SUNNYBOY!!!! And Rabbitto died a thousand deaths.

You see apparently she was an ex highschool teacher/family friend of his who called him, yup, thats right, SUNNYBOY :-P I just loved saying that.

Anyway the point of the story is that under normal circumstances I would have laughed, had my fun, and gotten over the whole issue - well to be honest I would have simple told Eddy who would have tortured the poor soul for the rest of his life... - but thats not the point because I wouldn't have continued torchuring him myself however... he threatened me today, so I threatened him back and he said I'd never go through with it and I said I would and he said I wouldn't so I did...

let this be a lesson to you all...

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* poor sunnyboy. that was a stupid thing 2 do on his part :P go darcy!! i probly would've done the same xoxo
