Sunday, March 22, 2009

SUPER HERO'S - episode 1

So, when I got this crazy idea into my head, that I wanted to start a blog, I promised those I told that it would be fun and we'd all get to be super hero's - or super villains depending on your perspective.

As i have so far neglected mentioning anything of the sort, my faithful readers (Hi Eddy & Cordy & mum :-D) are getting a little antsy... and as i value my life and my body parts, well... here it is.

First allow me to set the scene... Darcy, Codie, Eddy and Bell are all enjoying one of their biweekly (is that even a word?) girls nights in (and no it did not involve pillow fights or spa's... this time at least)

The nutella pizza has just been prepared, the fizzers unwrapped, the rasberry sorbet is getting softer by the second and an earnest discussion is taking place on the merits of starting with a 'friendly' game of Wii tennis to begin verses just starting to movie already.

Then, out of nowhere, a cry for help sounds in the distance! A young girl is in trouble... she has just come out of the shops only to discover that she cannot remember where she parked her car!!! Sounds like a job for...

An here is where we come to our problem... lets return to our heroines in the moment that they hear our poor girls cry for help

Somebody else get that I'm busy

Doing what? spreading nutella on some hot pizza base??

Its a very complicated task... there is a lot of heavy maths involved *one spoon for the pizza one spoon for me repeat...* Cordie can you do it???

Oh do i have to?! I just finished painting my nails and if I go now they will get all squishy :-( Anyway its Eddy's turn!

Nu-uh!! I did it three weeks ago remember? When that thing happened with that thing... Anyway I don't want to have to deal with some freaky girls emotional stuff... its scary

Its your turn!

Oh but I can't anyway, my back hurts too much

*mockingly* My back hurts too much, i'm emotionally retarded la di da di da

*thwack* Eddy hits Darcy in the back of the head & a fight ensues.

(whilst avoiding Darcy's continued attempts to cause serious bodily harm and avoiding hot objects) Cordie, can't you just re-do your nails when you get back???


fighting stops

Please... it'll only take a few minutes

But your done now, why don't you go

I can't be bothered

Well neither can I

Can someone give me a massage?

But you could fly and that would make the whole operation much faster

But you've got your invisibility... thats got to be useful for something

Please can someone give me a massage... my back REALLY hurts and I'll do anything

You could go help this girl find her car

No not that, I don't want to do that


meanwhile... Bell has gone and helped the girl, assisted an old lady with her shopping, solved world hunger and saved a kitten that had gotten itself stuck up a tree...

So are we ready to start the movie yet?

See i told you Bell's super speed would make her perfect for the job i said it i swear i did


Can someone PLEASE give me a massage now?!?!



And the moral of the story is?... Well if your in trouble and in desperate need of assistance... we're probably not the best people to count on. Oh! and Bell is the nice one :-P

Stay tuned... episode 2 coming soon.


  1. normally dont we just bully cordie into doing it and i think it would be more accurate if darcy and eddy were having a fight over the spoon.....please no the goofy the sidekick is no where to be seen

  2. that should read please note that .....

  3. no goofy isn't invited to girls night... and yea we'd probably fight over the spoon

  4. please not that u spelt my name wrong its codie and btw, invisibility does not help 2 find someones lost car and for the record, i cannot even remember where my car is parked half the time. please also note that bells really does seem 2 do all the nice stuff - poor thing...but purple nails r a must...xoxo

  5. sooo what happened 2 episode 2 :p xoxo
