Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Talk about karma!!!!

Today I decided to come home from uni early... it appears now that that was a bad idea.

First, I only realised while I was walking up my street from the station that, yup, you guessed it... this morning I had left my keys in my dancing bag which is currently residing inside the LOCKED house... I am stuck outside.

At first this seemed like it wouldn't be so bad, after all i have a pool in my backyard, some money to buy lunch from the corner store, my laptop, a wireless internet connection and a power source... easy peasy... I can just wait outside until my sister Ariel comes home from school. And with all the entertainment i have at my fingertips the time will pass in a flash.

Until I find that the stupid modem is not letting me connect to the internet, the only way to fix this problem is to disconnect and reconnect the modem, only the modem is inside isn't it... grrrrrrr....

I must say that I have seriously considered breaking into my own house, only the only way I can think of getting in involved a ladder and a whole lot of luck. (I even brought the rubbish bins around the fron of the house to see if they would give me enough of a booster to be able to climb onto the balcony, but alas for my vertically challenged self this was not to be the case.

So, instead I find myself sitting outside my house in the little bit of shade that it provides at this time of day, writing a blog entry to try and entertain myself... don't you feel loved :-P

On another front (yes as you can see this is a venting post... I'm letting it all out), Ok well it is no secret that I have been wanting to get into DSLR photography for a while and in fact the only thing holding me back from buying a camera this very second (well more like 9 months ago) is my impending trip to Europe... what if I buy the camera and then while overseas I run out of money and have to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity?!?!?!

So... I thought I had it all sorted... I was going to go to Europe and then buy a camera when I get back. There. Good. Settled. Then... i find out today that the camera I have been lusting after (Pentax k200D) actually went out of production in December 2008 to be replaced by the Pentax K-m... how did I miss this?!?!?! I read these magazines all the time and the k200D is still being advertised!!!!

So, what does all of this mean? well it means that there are a very limited number of K200D's left in circulation and in fact most stores have already run out of them... What makes it worse is that the new version is actually more expensive that my baby :-( and to top it all off it doesn't come with the key features that made me decide I wanted the Pentax in the first place... weather resistance!!! I am left with two choices... buy the Pentax asap (and hopefully I can find somewhere that still sells it) or give up on my baby, go back to the drawing board and buy another brand/model when I get back from Europe.

I have to decide fast and while I believe I am financially able to buy my camera... well the whole fiasco has left a bad taste in my mouth... and I don't want a bad taste in my mouth... I like sweet stuff.

Its Karma i tell you... Its Karma.

Now I am going to go play tetris... :-D

1 comment:

  1. awwww poor darcy :(:(:( i say go and buy the Pentax NOW if u want something, go and get way or another :) xoxo
