Only one photo for you all to suffer through today, its of a thermometer in my backyard. I'm actually kinda proud of it... especially as its probably in the first 20 photo's I've ever taken with Snappy

Now, before we continue I must clarify a few points... A certain member of our readership *cough* Eddy *cough* has been going arroung claiming that I have been abusing my new love by taking her out in the cold post rain weather... Now I have discussed this with Snappy and she has told me with the utmost certainty that this is not the case in the least. In fact she went so far as to say that it was lovely to be allowed to spread her wings a bit. My centiments exectly - funny that isn't it ;-)
Ok, so I realise that this is a short post but I seem to be fresh out of ideas for the moment (thats what I get for staying home all day and varying between sleeping, browsing the internet and jumping on my trampoline... opps!)
Anyway I hope to have more updates soon... apparently I'm due for another superhero's update so you'd all better get your spandex out and save the world so that I can have something interesting to write about :-P
That's all folks!
(I hope that phrase isn't copywrite/trademarked...)
ok i really do understand ur new found obsession with snappy - amamzing pic btw, but honey, we need 2 take u out more often, dont we? :S lol :P xoxo