Thursday, April 11, 2013

95/365 White dress

95/365 White dress by Darcy89
95/365 White dress, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Creative title I know :-P

It's amazing what you can do with a rectangular piece of jersey, 4 straight seams and a single safety pin. But as that is all I have to say about this photo I think I might change the topic here and ask some inappropriate questions...

***PUBLIC SAFETY WARNING*** If anyone reading this thinks of me as a perfect little angel - the epitome of all things good and 'feminine' and wants to keep it that way... best stop reading now.

It is almost mid-semester break and one of my new American friends asked if she could stay at my house during this time as all of her other roomies are going away. So I discussed it with mum and said sure. It'll be fun right? It's only now that I am realising this may involve a ummmm... LOT of concious work on my behalf... I'm getting tired just thinking about it. You see, I may not have mentioned it before, in fact I tend to make a conscious effort to remove all photographic evidence of these facts and it's probably within the realm of TMI but in real life... I am actually pretty much a slob.

To put things in perspective - when my aunt stayed over last weekend to my great horror walked into my terribly messy room she gasped with glee... because she could actually see about 30cm2 worth of carpet... apparently this is a rare sighting :-S *I shall now hang my head in shame* Mess just doesn't seem to bother me the way it does other people, as long as there is space on the bed or lounge or enough space on my desk to rest my keyboard, meh, I'm pretty much satisfied... as long as the mess is mine. So I thought, in the interests of being a good hostess, I might just make a list of a few of the more pressing issues, reminders if you will, of "appropriate" behaviour when you have a live in guest...

Notes to self:
- must close bathroom door
- must remember to put away make up after use
- towels should be hung up to dry in a neat and orderly manner immediately after use
- If you're not going to clean your bedroom at least close the door
- used dishes should be put in the dishwasher
- it is not necessary to use EVERY SINGLE kitchen utensil at your disposal every single time you enter the kitchen
- it is only decent to leave SOME room on the couch for someone else to sit down
- Just because you have a uni bag, a gym bag, a dancing bag, an assortment of towels, many many shoes, spare sets of keys, etc, does not mean that you have the right to leave them on all of the clean, flat surfaces in the public areas of the house

... Oh God, I am sure there are many more things I should remember but thats a start right? This is what happens when you live like a hermit... you get LAZY.

You see, I've never had the misfortune of living with someone whom I wasn't directly related too or who didn't already know all of my little idiosyncrasies. And lets just face facts, I haven't shared a bathroom that wasn't in a hotel room with anyone besides my sister (who in this instance does not count) in, well, a really really long time.

There is just one thing that I really don't want to change... I walk around the house in my underwear okay?! Pretty much all the time... How exactly does one tell a new house guest that this is just a fact of life?

Much love,

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