Wednesday, April 17, 2013

102/365 Pensive Window Gazing

102/365 Pensive Window Gazing by Darcy89
102/365 Pensive Window Gazing, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So I was walking around uni on this day and had a few hours to spare before the traffic would be expected to reach what I have come to term a "decent level of flow" to be worth my while braving the roads to venture home. Normally I would just head for the library, camp out on a couch and catch up on my class reading but it seems the library has a new security guard and he doesn't like the way I choose to lounge on the lounge so I decided to do a little exploring and see if I couldn't find myself a new hidey-hole (well that and I kind of felt like I was coming down with something and didn't particularly feel like hiking all the way across campus to the library).

Anyway, in the process I stumbled upon this HUGE window on the 2nd floor of one of our lecture theatre buildings which just happened to have a windowsill wide enough to accommodate one Darcy. It reminded me of a time way back when, at the beginning of my parents search for a display home to build on our block of land when my one and only requirement was that my room have a window seat that I dreamed of filling with pillows and curtaining in layer upon layer of soft, floaty, fairy-tale fabric and upon which I would perch myself and gaze out upon my kingdom below...

I wasn't a whimsical child at all...

I like this spot, I think I'll keep it ;-) For the time being anyway hehehe...

Much love,

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