Saturday, May 22, 2010

How many 21 year old girls does it take...

to break a vibrator?

The short answer? 3... and one to watch...

But you don't want the short story do you? Thats no fun! Please, allow me to explain...

Its the night of my 21st birthday party. As per tradition, the school girls have come to mine for a sleepover and ceremoneous 'opening of the presents.' I am about to open the last part of the girls present, one which, I might add they are very excited about... which makes me suspicious... so I take a look at it and notice the shape its wrapped up in... and I look at them... and I look back at the present... and I look back at them... and they giggle - hysterically... and I know, I just know, what's inside...

For some unknown reason...

(you know, it can't have anything to do with the fact that for my 17th birthday party I filled a pass the parcel up with various forms of contraceptive devices culminating with a box of condoms and matching carrots - bannana's were too expensive at the time due to a hurricane in Queensland that summer - toeducate my friends on their options... or the fact that I am caught on a seeminly regular basis in somewhat 'sticky' situations that although mortifying to me at the time, provide much ammusement to my friends on the retelling - if you have no idea what i am talking about read here and here or or here  or here  or well there is plenty more where they came from... but do me a favour and don't [I am only just starting to realise how truely hopeless I am] ;) - no... it can't have anything to do with all of that :-P )

For some unknown reason, these friends of mine decided that my 21st birthday would be perfect excuse for them to enter an 'adult store' and buy me a vibrator... LOL!

Unfortunately though, it was a mere 6 hours before we managed to break it... which may or may not have something to do with the fact that when provoked (although I don't recall by what exactly) I threw my new toy at Eddy shouting "Oh, go think of *insert name of ex boy-toy here*" (hehehe)

I mean, how was I to forsee that this teeny-tiny action would cause her to launch herself at me in rage, starting a grapple/pillow fight that would do many a boys fantasy proud (you see this is why I don't let MTV turn me into a reality TV show... they keep asking and I keep saying no ;-P)... they are stereotypes for a reason right?... I mean really... how was I to know? its not like I'm psychic!

Anyway, we all got involved and in the process lost my toy... by the time it was once again unearthed... it had been broken :-(

I hadn't even had a chance to take it for a test drive yet! :'(

So of course I HAD to go out and buy myself a new one that day (hey! my friends can't be allowed to shop in adult stores without me!)

Want to know what happened next?...

Oh come on... you know you do... ;-)

hmmm... I'll tel you later...

Much love

1 comment:

  1. OK this has been up for nearly 24 hours and no comment yet? Come on girls, be brave
