Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wall progression update...

Rightio, remember those blank walls, well, one of them isn't quite so blank anymore! Woohooo!!!!

And we will stop the celebrations right about there or I will get terribly complacent...

Okay so I am going to show you some pictures.... now bare in mind that its not finished yet, no where near it in fact... but its on its way.

this is before...

And this is now...

Now let me explain, for about the last well 5 years or something I have had it in my head that I would just fill a wall in my house (in this case my room because lets face it I still live at home with my parents but no raining on my parade okay!) with a giant cork-board (spelling anyone?) and have one massive collage going on. You know photo's, movie/theater tickets, other memorabilia, etc.

The problem is... well cork-boards are much more expensive than I had imagined so this is me being using my ingenuity (I am sure that my use of the English language makes many masters turn in their graves each time I open my mouth) and improvising. Its birds netting (you know the stuff they use to keep birds out of trees - you didn't know that existed? well neither did I, you learn something everyday you set foot inside your local Bunnings hardware store) held up and weighted down by 2 curtain rods... still got to work out the kinks. (Bell, Eddy, my two perfectionist friends... that's your cue to jump in and rescue me or ill post picture of it looking like this and make you stare at them for my perverted pleasure until your crack - please also note the four pictures on the side which I have re-hung straight this time, I should get brownie points for doing that all by myself shouldn't I?).

Anyway that's problem one, problem two is that once it was up I realised that I haven't actually printed any photo's in... oh, around 3 years (read since high school graduation week), so.... I have nothing to hang up... enter (what I have been doing the last few days in between watching episodes of "White Collar") Europe photo's - ie finally facing the fact that I have 15 GB of photo's I have to sort through and edit... and that's not including all the other stuff that's happened in the last 3 years...

sigh... *insert me, staring up at my mountain of work...*

anywho, just wanted to give you an update... right now I'm off to see Spring Awakening... tata :D
much love


  1. Bunnings is like heaven. I think my heaven is a weird combination of bunnings, kinokuniya and spotlight lol.
    i love that idea btw! and any excuse to use cute pegs is a plus.

  2. I'm with Ro. Throw in Office Works and I'm there.
