Friday, February 19, 2010

I need a project...

Okay I'm having a little issue over here... I think I need a project... something to write about and annoy your RSS feeds with :-D... cause I'm that type of thoughtfull person hehehe...

I mean, last year I had the whole Europe trip, and that was great fun (and best of all you got to look at the pics instead of listening to me drone on i your heads...) but to be brutally honest I just don't have the funds to repeat that little extravaganza, so I need something new and different...

I'll be straight with you, the project has to be interesting, it has to provide me with something to focus on, something to learn etc... you see here is the thing... I have two subjects left to complete my degree and a graduate job lined up for next March (as in 2011) (which I need to decide whether or not I am going to accept some time in the next week). This means that not only will I be finished by about mid June and (assuming a good exam timetable) and then have 9.5 months of my life to colour in, but from now until then I only have 6 hours of uni a week....

Are you getting where I am going here??? I need something to keep me motivated! Something to make me get out of bed in the morning! (Because we all know I would otherwise be very happy sleeping my way through this year)...

So here is what I am thinking... a project, with specific goals and deadlines and regualr posts, no excuses...

but I dont know what... here are my options so far:

A- Some type of learning to cook challenge thing (Julie and Julia inspired of course)
B- Some type of photography challenge
C- Some type of drawing challenge
D- Lets learn a language challenge...
E- Some combination of all of the above...

The problem is, as I said before, that I need something to focus on... these are all projects I would like to complete at some point in time but unless I have specific goals and some sort of set mindset, I will never get around to any of them...

Now this is where you come in... any ideas? suggestions? please please please, I am begging for your suggestions... hey maybe I should do a challenge challenge... where you send me in the stuff you want me to do and I post my attempts... ooo I think Darcy could get herself into some interesting situations/trouble if she took that on....

So let me know, help me decide :-D
make sure I get out of bed atsome time in the daylight hours ;-)
Much love


  1. Eddy thinks I should get pregnant... hmmm let me think about that for a second... Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha

  2. The gong challenge in Nov - maybe do more bike riding with morpheus and get really fit!!!!

