Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Darcy has her first day of 'real' work...

Sorry about the delay guys... the good news is that because I was too zonked to post last night, tonight you get two for the price of one! :-P... poor you ;-)

So yesterday I started my first day at my summer vacation position... you know, the one I got when i didn't send this application letter...

So the day started off fine, I felt like a nervous wreck! All morning! In fact, once I went to change trains at central station, I heard the call for the train to Mascot... my Mascot... home sweet home! (or the home of my nice fluffy white comfy place of work)... and I tell you, I almost ran for it... so very almost! But I didn't - I held on (Should have taken it as a sign... get on that train!)

It was... how shall I put it - Overwhelming! Actually that doesn't quite sound right, but I have a whole other post to write tonight before I pass out, so it will just have to do. By the end of the day I had been listening to people talk for hours and hours on end. Thats right! No actual work got done. It was "Induction Day"... which translates as watch me bore you to pieces, take away your will to live, speek many many words which can be easily summed up by a few choice expletives that I choose not to publish on the net AND THEN! At the end of all that (when all the soul and personality have been sucked from your soul) we are going to make you talk to more strangers from the firm and get you to practice your newly accuired skills at networking! :-D *gets a mallet and whacks it over her head*...

Nah it wasn't really all that bad... it was just a whole day of Darcy feeling awkward and not really knowing what to do and yet also not feeling like any one is giving any insight into what is expected tomorrow.... or for the next 5 weeks... its all about constantly improving ones self and giving off the right impression so that they want to hire you as a graduate....

Umm.... I'm supposed to be improving?!?! I was just hoping to make it through alive...

and graduate positions... yea sure it would be great to not need to worry about finding a job once I graduate but honestly, I'm not really sure if this is the type of job I want for my future... wasn't that the whole point of this exercise? you try me on for size and I see if your a comfy fit?

Anyway, the day ended with only one great achievement made... my migraine... possibly not helped by the fact that lunch was catered but there was't really enought to eat (then again who was the idiot that brought a packed lunch and then decided it would be to imbarressing to eat it?)

The nicest person I met all day was the PA of one of the partners... and I only met her because I noticed she was struggling with this big cardboard contraption and decided to help her open a door.

After day one Darcy is feeling a little worse for wear and wondering what it is that she got herself I into!!! Maybe I'd be better as a PA ;-P

Much love

P.S. I don't know if I mentioned before but for work I bought these beautiful high leg pantyhose type things (you know the ones that go all the way up to about upper-mid thight and then stop?) because I thought they would be more fun than your average type... they are :-P... but the strangest thing is, the feeling of going to the toilet with your stockings pulled up! have you ever tried it? I mean really? Because normally there you have to pull tights down to about your knees... but not with these!!! there is no need :-D lol :-D

P.P.S. I know at the start of this post I promised a 2-4-1 deal but I'm beat so if you don't mind, I'll save it for another day


  1. So no-one is leaving you comments anymore?
    I think everyone feels awkward on the first day. But you describe it so well. Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. That's normal first week is always the worst one boss told me you feel like a private today but in a few weeks you will be the sergent.
