Monday, June 15, 2009

Celebrate good times - come on!!!!

Ok, for the record, right at this very moment, my life is a musical... or at least there is a running backing track playing in my head (no I'm not crazy, at least the voices haven't grown arms and legs... yet...). Today it goes something like "Zip-i-di-do-daa.... Zip-i-di-de... My oh my what a wonderful day... :D" And I just can't stop smiling - hehehe...

The reason for this sudden irrational bout of euphoric (something :P) is that I AM ON HOLIDAYS!!!! and that means that:

- All of my exams are over

- Semester one of uni is finished (unless i have failed and exam and they ask me to come back and re-sit, which I don't really give a rats ##$ about because...)

- I am leaving for Europe in 12 sleeps!!!!!!!! (eek!) A trip that, for the record, I don't actually have the travel documents for yet... so here's to hoping.

Anywho, the pace of the first half of this year has really freaked me out, I mean it has flown by at the speed of infinity and beyond. Something which is just a little disturbing considering the information my dad gave me last night about our (humans) perception of time...

You see there is this professor??? researcher??? anyway someone in the USA (I'll sort all the details out later and get back to you, they are not really important right now anyway) who has been researching how we humans perceive time. He did this experiment (and once again ill sort out the details later) where he got people high up in this thing and then had them drop in free fall until they hit the bottom (I'm assuming that there were the appropriate safety measures put in place). Once at the bottom he met them with a stopwatch and asked them to measure the amount of time that they thought it took for them to reach the bottom.

What he found was that for almost all of them, their perception of time was about 2x longer than the actual time. And from this (and maybe some other things???) he put out his theory, that our perception of time is linked to the new experiences in our lives; new knowledge, moving beyond our normal boundaries etc. Which when you think about it, makes a whole lot of sense, remember those early years in primary school where every day seemed to take and age... its because it was all so new!

So what my point is (and here is the scary bit) according to him... I haven't learnt anything new all semester. I haven't improved myself in any way, learnt new information, pushed myself or anything. This semester (and a few others in recent history I suspect) I have been living in my own little safety bubble, and living is a slightly suspect term.

On the upside however... the next 6 weeks, including 4 in Europe, should go by rather slowly relative to everything else which is just what I need :D a nice looooooooong holiday :P

thats all for now

1 comment:

  1. darcy,
    just thought i'd pop by and tell you how much i enjoyed reading your blog. your entries aren't boring and you don't whinge!
    can't wait to hear about your journeys across the universe.
