Thursday, June 3, 2010

Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink


I would just like to let all the Sydney-siders out there know (and of course anyone else who is interested) that our dear ‘friend’ Eddy, by her own admission, is the one responsible for all the rain we have been getting in the last month.

Lucerne C_0097

If you want someone to blame don’t look to the weather man/woman, pressure systems, global warming or what-not… your scapegoat is right here – wait no, not me! Her, over there!… *points*

It is she, using her very superpowers that were first recorded here, who, due to her extreme jealousy towards all those members of the human race not completing their honours year, has been summoning the rain every Thursday and continuing the downpour through Sunday so that the rest of us have no choice but to stay inside, like her, and be miserable and bored!

venice verona E_0029 BW

(By the way… just a little bit of trivia for you… Which city – London or Sydney – would you think had the higher annual rainfall?)


But I have decided that enough is enough! I will not sit at home in my warm cosy bed scouring the Internet for ways to entertain myself! Oh no… something must be done! And if the rain wont stop, then I will just have to befriend the rain… but is it cool with you all if I attempt to do this whilst remaining relatively – scratch that – completely warm and dry… I will not let the rain stop me!


But is it okay with you if I start tomorrow?

(Answer: Sydney! With an average of 1213.4mm per annum compared to London’s 583.6mm – that’s more than double! – Statistics courtesy of Wikipedia… that’s right guys, we go all out here at to bring you the very best information from only the most enlightened sources ;-))

Much love,


  1. dear eddy, thank you for ruining my hair multiple times this week. and thank you for making me run over squelching soaked grass today and dirtying my new black jeans. i will utilise my superpowers on you soon.....*sulks* xoxo

  2. dear eddy, thank you for potentially ruining one of my projects by causing the ink to run and the paper to crumple, it's not like it cost me $45 to print or anything.. or another $45 to reprint =P
    Oh but thank you very very much for allowing me to get out of washing the car for the past two weeks!

    p.s. darcy the first and third photos are my favourite, very beautiful!

  3. eddy said...

    dear codie and bell,

    i will not apologise especially to codie because 1- that story made me laugh and the mental image in my head right now will keep we amused for the next couple of days and the only thing that i am disappointed about is that i wasnt there to witness it myself!!!!
    2- bell i kind of feel bad but clearly that print was not meant to be :P ur project clearly didnt want that specific piece of paper

    enjoy the RAIN!!!!!!!
