Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Okay, first person to comment get's their name as the next post title (and its only a little bit because I hate thinking these things up... sort of)

What do you do when it’s the beginning of your final year (semester) at uni and you have about a rainforests worth of course reading, a bedroom floor that hasn’t been visible since colonization, a resume to update and a books worth of tabbed graduate jobs to research and apply for (because you have no idea what you want to do with your life you just know that you want it to be amazing)?...

Any ideas?

Well if your name is Darcy then you feed your TV show addiction and then write a blog about it… sort of.

Oh! And talking online to your friends whilst attempting to type with one hand as the other attempts to glue your laptop back together with clear nail polish (long story – well actually not so long, it gets hauled around a lot and as my legion of broken/ex point and shoot digital camera’s will attest to… I’m not exactly the most gentle of people. But don’t worry, its not as bad as it sounds… :S). I think I am actually getting better at the whole one hand thing – not ready to go full time though.

But that’s not the real point lets get down to business…
Hi my name is Darcy and I’m an addict.

An entertainment addict that is, and my newest obsession? (Don’t worry you can stop reading now, this is where I’ll probably start going a little psycho, not lock my mothers corpse in the basement and have conversations with her type of psycho but, well, you know what I mean).
It’s called “Make it or break it,” a fictional American TV series aimed at (I’m assuming) teenagers about a group of elite female gymnasts trying to make it to the Olympics. We watch as they juggle home schooling, stage parents, coaches and boys and hopefully as they ultimately succeed in their goals. Don’t worry though, I didn’t just give away the end, I have no idea what’s going to happen because I’m not finished but come on, this is America, so one of two things will happen… they will win or they will loose but make some kind of radical self-discovery that leads them “be a winner anyway”.

And yes I am allowed to be a cynic and say these kinds of things because ultimately I enjoy watching it anyway; just call it as I see it.

My point? Do I ever have one? No really, do I?

Well, if you can ignore the sometimes dubious acting and the fact that most of the girls quite obviously don’t have a gymnasts physique (once again don’t kill me, they are all gorgeous healthy girls but just don’t look like world class gymnasts).

Will you laugh if I say that the reason I like it is because it speaks to me? Well of course you will, hey I’m laughing just reading this back now :-P but its true. Not because I was ever an elite gymnast (although I’d be lying if I said that just watching all the flips and leaps doesn’t make my muscles tense and want to fly). In fact, the reasons behind my enjoyment of this series probably has something to do with the lecture readings that I’m avoiding at this very point in time, no not the avoidance but their actual content. But that’s a story for another time.

Suffice to say that the little dreamer girl in me who wants to be a superhero finds the plight of these girls and their everyday life somewhat intriguing.

That’s all for now


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