Saturday, March 27, 2010

Love sac! L-L-Love sac! :-D

Yeah, yeah, yeah... don't think I can't hear you groaning at my pitiful attempt to be smart, witty and funny... and it hurts my friend, it hurts :'( all I ever wanted was to be loved :-(

Moving on!

So I think I may in fact be just about the last person in the world (or at least my world) to have jumped on the Love Sac bandwagon (and just in case I am not and your reading this post thinking of all things kinky - ITS NOT! here is what I mean love sac) They are just about the most comfortable thing on this Earth! Like I have been dreaming about them all week (and all of a sudden the reasons for my chronic 'singleness' become so much clearer).

No really... when a group of us found ourselves in their store in the entertainment quarter (needing some serious cheering up after having seen "Remember me" at the movies - but thats a whole other story) I plonked my butt down in one and refused to get up - seriously - like Eddy was dragging me kicking and screaming out of the store (this even after we had fought over the seats).

I want one. Nei I HAVE to have one! like yesterday! Every house/unit/entertainment area should have one! Except I have no room for one in my room :-(... so it'll just have to wait until I move out... and then I can get a whole set! :-D...

Just don't try telling that to my mum, the conversation won't get you anywhere:

D: When I get my own place I'm going to get a love sac.
Mum: But they are so expensive!
D: Not really. I mean a whole lounge suite will set you back upwards of $7000 and a love sac will only set me back one.
M: But you need the lounges too for people to sit in.
D: No I don't. They can sit in the love sac.
M: I won't.
D: Well you can have a kitchen chair.

And here endeth the story.
Much love

1 comment:

  1. Well if I sit in it I wont be able to get out and you will need a crane. But keep dreaming. It's what you should be doing.
