Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So, what's changed?

Is it just me or do other people also find that they don’t really see how far they have come, how much has or hasn’t changed until they are smacked in the face with it or in my case thrown back into a similar situation as before only with a few extra years under the belt.
Before I go on and loose you completely, please, let me explain. As I think I may have mentioned before, this past week was my first week of classes for Autumn semester (okay so maybe I started writing this post last Friday, but don’t hold that against me, just keep reading and cut me some slack), a semester in which I will complete just two subjects: Corporate Reporting Issues and Managing people and organisations (the latter of which is a compulsory first year subject that I just never got around to starting…)
So I’m sitting in my Friday afternoon lecture, my notes printed, single black pen out and cardigan on (this particular lecture theatre fluctuates between freezing and Arctic even on the warmest of Sydney summer days). Meanwhile, all around me are these bubbly, chatty, young things wearing teeny tiny micro shorts, thongs (aka flip flops) and singlets (needless to say they were freezing already) with bags full of stationary.
A few interesting things happen after this:
1.     I get to hear the wonderful speech that goes along the lines of “your no longer in school and your learning is up to you” whilst simultaneously being spoon-fed and toured through every letter in the subject outline.
2.     Notice a familiar face in the crowd, brain immediately says “public speaking” but think, no I’ve never spoken against her – horror, brain says, “No she’s Ariel’s speaking friend” – Ahh!!! I’m in the same class as my sister’s friends!
3.     Txt Ariel who replies with the text equivalent of rolling on the floor laughing whilst pointing and enjoying it all just a bit much.
4.     Txt Eddy hoping for some sympathy – “OMG just realised that I am doing a first year subject. I mean I knew it but the reality just set in. They are everywhere!!! AND I JUST SAW ONE OF ARIEL’S FRIENDS!!!”
“Have you had a lil too much sugar this morning”
“They scare me Ed, they scare me”
I take that as a yes. They’re 1st years they r scary, your superior, a 4th year Hogwarts”
“lol, no. They are like a nest of ants, everywhere… you can’t see them all but you can feel them crawling all over you and hear their pincers preparing to bite!”
… Needless to point out, I didn’t get the comfort I was looking for… Okay so in hindsight it was a tad melodramatic *cough cough*… I’ll claim that you just had to be there.
5.     The guy next to me introduced himself - *shock* if I was in a movie you would insert a spit take here -  and I quote “wow you don’t look like a 4th year”… still trying to figure out how to do this…
6.     The lecture started, it ended, and I went shopping up the road (yup this is the best part of the day… :-D)

So what’s the point of all of this? Well, apart from the fact that certain ‘friends’ of mine seem to think that since I am only at uni part time this semester it is acceptable for them to pester me for blog posts to distract them from *ehem* work (Oh but I do appreciate it). But no that’s not the real point, the point is that, while I may look like a baby and be mistaken for a teen on an almost daily basis, I am most definitely NOT a first year! And that my friend is nice to know :-D

1 comment:

  1. *said friend raises hand sheepishly and apologises for shamelessly hounding you*

    A BOY!?!?! OMG that's so exciting! ASL?

    ... LOL
