Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Playing with pixs

london day 5 C_0202

 (picture above best viewed in Internet explorer or Safari... don't know why but Mozilla makes the colours look dull)

Its first day back at uni for the 2010 academic year (for me anyway) so what am I doing??? Well it appears I have developed a sudden compulsion? no, more like drive, motivation, bullish single mindedness if you will to do - well just about anything that is not uni related really, but it starts with getting all of my Europe pics in order.... and I mean like NOW!

To be sure, it all started off innocently enough... "I'm bored and have run out of TV shows to watch, what can I do?" I ask myself...

1. Sort photo's and choose those to edit

2. Edit pics (making sure to save a copy as PSD and a JPEG - for importing to iPhoto you know - oh and I can't delete the original just incase I want to do it all again one day) this is all a very large task, worth of much more than one single dot point but as I cant think of ways in which I could break it up I will simply write a whole lot of nothing at the end of the sentense :-P

3. Back up all new files on external hard drives and possible dvd's depending on just how obcessive I am feeling on the day. (this is an ongoing process that should be done at least nightly, after all you - and by you I mean I - don't want to get down to the last photo on my list only to have the whole computer crash and need to repeat the process all over again.... my-oh-my i feel like sobbing at the mere thought of it!)

4. Upload photo's to Flickr so I can share them with all of you lovely people... oh yes there is more... don't for a second think you saw them all last year... I am not done with my world domination... I SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! mwahahahahahahaha.... I haven't quite decided how but I'm sure bombarding my readers with images of my trip overseas is only the beginning...

5. (and most importantly) making a photo book of the tour...

Now this last one is where I'm having a lot of trouble tonight, but thats probably got a lot to do with the fact that I am in serious need of a break from photo editing. You see at first I though it would be easy! iPhoto has an option after all that allows you to create a photo-book and have it printed, all with just a few clicks of a few buttons... I could even make my own map with the places visited! (which I did)... Only one problem - you can only print 100 pages, and so far I'm thinking mine is going to be 110+ (and that's assuming there will be four photo's per page, and we all know I won't do that... some of my photo's need to be all by themselves)

Hey! No looking at me like that! Its not like I am going to force you to read the book! Its my trip and I'm only going to print a book on it once so I might as well do it the way I want! (Sorry Eddy, you don't get a choice, your copy is going to be the same as mine... so maybe I'll be printing it twice...)

Back on topic tho, I now have to find another place that offers the flexibility I want with the pages I need... I'll let you know how it goes... oh the choices!!!

Oh and to top it off, now that I'm doing a lot of reading on it I'm thinking that I probably should have converted the pics to sRGB instead of RGB colour space *oh the pressure!!!!* *sobs*

I'm going to go and crawl back into my little hidy hole now... :-(
See you all next Friday
(thats the time I have worked out that I will be finished editing all my pics... not the rest of it tho...)
although I'll probably start procrastinating again before then

much love

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