Friday, December 18, 2009

Two girls, a toilet and a phone...

So I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this but a few months ago I was splitting my time between home and Eddie's while her parents were overseas. Now we are both generally reasonable smart and clued in girls (if you ignore almost everything I write on this blog and our sheer stupidity when it comes to members of the male sex that is). But then of course there are the occasions when we act like pure bred blond bimbos and, as I'm all for full disclosure I think its time I share another such story...

It was a day sometime in August/September and I have no idea what the weather was like but it doesn't really matter because our story takes place inside. Eddy is standing in the hallway of her house looking through the bathroom door with a quizzical expression spread across her face.

"Darcy," she calls, "Come here, I need you to have a look at something"
"Do I have to?" comes my lazy ass response
"Yes you do"
"Can't you just bring it out for me to see or tell me what it is?"
"No I really need you to come look at this, like now!"
"all right, all right" I concede, and then continue to mumble my reluctance (?) all the way up the stairs, "I don't see why you can't just tell me *grumble* or even wait another 20 minutes until I am ready to come up... what could be that important anyway? *sigh mumble grumble*"

It is at this point that I reach the spot where Eddy stands and follow her gaze into the bathroom...


The two of us stand there in what I can only imagine is a comical fashion, staring in the same direction with similar expressions on our faces neither moving further forward or backwards just...

"it it?"
"its kinda..."
"on a slant!"

*insert the two of us tilting our heads to the left so as to reorient ourselves to the straight world we are used to (if that makes any sense to you at all) and then hysterical laughter as we realize a) how stupid we look and b) that we both did the exact thing at the exact same time (and believe you me this is not a random occurrence, as many of the photo's taken by our fellow shoppers in Melbourne 2 weeks ago would prove)*

You see the thingy at the back of the toilet that holds all the water (yes we are very technical here at appeared to be on about a 30* slant and as we were to discover later was holding onto the wall by sheer willpower...

So we approach the toilet in question and have a little look around. Checking down the back, around the sides, underneath, found a little water on the floor but didn't think much of it at the time... we of course had absolutely no idea what we were doing and so decided to call for re-enforcements. That doesn't mean though that we called the first plumber in the phone book... it means that we went on msn messenger to see which of our friends were online and ask around to see if anyone knew anything about toilets...

We found cheerboy, who by his own admissions knew absolutely jack all about plumbing but we assumed that meant he knew more than we did which was good enough for us! A few seconds later and we are back in the bathroom investigating the bummed toilet with our handy cheer boy assisting via correspondence on the phone. Here's something along the lines of how it went...

"So what is wrong exactly?"
"the bowl thing has come off the wall and is hanging at an angle"
"how did that happen!"
"We don't know!!!! it was just like this!"
"there is a metal thing on the back attached to the wall and it looks like there were some plastic screws that snapped off"
"so the thing was screwed into the metal thing" (Cheeryboy was using some type of terminology and trying to give us a toilet lesson at the same time but I don't remember what he said now so he will be reduced to my own and Eddy's level for now)
"No! the bowl was attached to the wall but the metal thing is also attached to the wall and the plastic screws went through both!"

Anyway I could continue to bore you all day with a continued manuscript of of senseless dialogue (or at least what I remember of it) but that wouldn't be entertaining at all. The gist of the matter is that we took the lid of (for whatever reason I'll never know because I don't think that was the issue) and it was only then that Eddy and I decided to inform Cheer boy that there was water everywhere on the floor oh and were we supposed to turn that water off? ... opps :-P hehehehehe

The water got turned off but the bowl was still leaking so we flushed the toilet... and in the process flushed the silver button down the drain with it... double opps! ummm what do we do now????

Well... we figured that its completely broken now *eek* our answer? put down the lid gently, back away from the toilet like its a lion prepared to pounce... close the door and *click, sigh* its safe. After all out of sight = out of mind = did it really ever happen??? I mean if no one can see it that is. We'll just use the other toilet for the rest of the week until the parents come back....
thankyou, and goodnight! :-P

 much love,

P.S. I really like coments ;)


  1. you flushed the button down the drain?!?! I did not hear about that part of the story!

    Oh my, you girls are such a worry.. first breaking Eddy's mums' poor crockery dish and then her toilet.. you're moving onto bigger and better things i see, hehe. You're lucky she lets you back in the house :)

    love Bell.

  2. Always Good to have a toilet story to start the holidays - moral - dont call friends!D!

  3. got a good laugh I like the hide it business... out of sight out of mind.
    auntie d.
