Monday, December 14, 2009

Is she your... ?

Okay so we all know that I frequently complain about the fact that people often mistake me for being much younger than I actually am. (At least I think we all know, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it once or twice... at least I know that my friends hear me talk about it, not quite so sure I've mentioned it here but I can't really be bothered going through all my past posts to find out)

For example... when doing a little Christmas decoration shopping with the family last week dad ran into a work colleague who happened to know that Ariel had just finished her Higher School Certificate. After a whole discussion on subjects and marks and the relief that comes with finishing school she turned to me and - wait for it - said... "and what year are you in my dear?".... "mumble grumble bumble," goes I, *laughing slightly hysterically but trying to appear casually amused* "Oh me? I finished school three years ago" *take that!*

Ahh well, at least I know where this whole looking young thing came from... seems as if I have years and years of this to look foward to... thanks dad *insert sarcastic, too big for her boots voice here*... please, allow me to explain...

Last Thursday night dad had been out with his work mates for end of year drinks where he was mistaken for a 25 year old by a pair of 'slightly older' (than the '25 year old' they were eyeing off) women.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. This made me laugh :-P  -  like physically fall on the floor bellyaching laugh. Not the type where you say "lol" but are really just staring at the computer screne either slightly amused or completely baffled with no other way to politely react (its for reasons like this that I think it would be quite amusing to watch a video of 2 people having a conversation online, to see the animated and emotional conversation, emoticons and all, juxtaposed against the motionless zombie like persons sitting infront of their screens) but back to the matter at hand...

Even though I admit he looks young for his age (48), could probably pass for a 35 maybe 30 year old (in perfect lighting conditions and provided you squinted a little). But even considering his recent operation to correct the alignment of his jaw (which has apparently taken years off his face... I just don't see it... possibly because when I look all I see is 'Dad') 25 is a bit young...this person obviously wasn't looking to hard (Sorry dad but its true).

Yesterday Dad (who shall be henceforth known @ this space as Morpheus) and I went to do our weekly grocery shop and somehow the check-out-chick came to the conclusion that my dads youth + me = couple... and even asked for confirmation! "Is she your... girlfriend?" WTF?!?!?!!!!!!!!!

Dad politely denied the claim? presumption? (I don't know, it was a presumption but that doesn't sound right in a sentence) and corrected her. It was only then that she took another look at me an said "Of course! I mean I knew she looks like a baby but..." - but what??? she never finished.

Which brings me to the conclusion that she made an inference based on my apparent age, my dads apparent lack of age and assumed that no teenage daughter would been seen dead doing the grocery shopping with her dad at 9:30pm on a Friday night (a situation which I admit to be rather unusual).

I'm sorry if its unusual but i actually enjoy the company of my parents and for the most part even look foward to my weekly one on one time with dad... (and those of you with dirty minds stop that right now! eww! I'm sorry if my language confuses you but as hard as i tried I couldn't find a turn of phrase that couldn't be misconstued...).

For the record, this is not the first time something of this nature has occured to my dad (even if its the first time with me). A few years ago he was shopping with Ariel in Cronulla when 2 of his students saw him. They didn't mention it at the time but the next Monday at school claimed that "hey Sir! Saw you at Cronulla with your girlfriend on the weekend... *raise bushy teenage eyebrows suggestively* LOL. Poor dad... poor mum... *sigh*

Anyway thats all really
Tata for today

1 comment:

  1. Morpheus thinks you are a fantastic daughter/girlfriend.
