Thursday, March 28, 2013

87/365 the model

87/365 the model by Darcy89
87/365 the model, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Hey Y'all!

My uni's photography club is doing a 'basics of photography' course and today was the first day I have been able to make it out there. Fortunately for me it was also portrait day :-D Unfortunately for me I managed to have already forgotten my tripod in one of my lecture theatres earlier in the day (the same lecture theatre where I had just picked it up from because I left it in a tutorial yesterday and my lecturer was kind enough to bring it to class for me... doh! so forgetful)... so I had to go back and take this selfie later in the day.

So... what happens when you get a room full of amateur photographers and tell them to practice taking portraits using each other as models? Well... no one wants to be the model... so the self-portraiter (I think I just made that up) ends up taking a leaf out of yayitscatolyn's book, climbs a tree and says "okay guys, take my photo"


Anyway you guy know how I love to climb trees so its not like I had to go out of my way or anything anyway :) and it was nice to have a bunch of people to take photos with and even nicer that I was in a position where I could actually offer advice and teach :D

All in all a good day!

I feel like its almost tradition now... I have to show a B&W alternate
87/365 the model alternate

Much love,

P.S. :O I just realised its only 3 days until the end of March!

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