Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8/365 Can you fry an egg?...

8/365 Can you fry an egg?...

I have always wanted to try this!
Unfortunately... apparently 41*C is still too low to fry an egg. But it was worth a try ;)
In case you hadn't already guessed It's really hot today... like REALLY hot! (See appendix A) The kind of hot where there are power outages and people are sent home because it's too hot to work in offices without air-conditioning. The kind of hot where road traffic signs say things like "extreme temperatures postpone your trip" and my Facebook feed is filled with links to the NSW health departments guide to staying healthy in the heat (which for your amusement or academic pleasure may be found here.)
So my first photo idea of the day was for something involving ice and the extreme temperature. It didn't turn out exactly as I had planned but at the same time I didn't feel the need to work on it too hard because by then I had already come up with a better idea ;)

So here is the alternate AKA reject:

Rejected: 8/365 Dry ice
And just because I thought it would be fun...

Darcy's guide to surviving the heat:
  1. Always have an icy cold drink in your hand - preferably one that has some kind of hydrating properties but who am I to deny someone their beverage of choice? (See appendix B)
  2. If possible remain indoors within air conditioning
  3. Always have an icy cold drink in your hand
  4. Have a swimming pool in your backyard 
  5. If (4.) is not possible choose your friends wisely... if you know what I mean
  6. Always have an icy cold drink in your hand - no seriously, try it! I swear it lowers the atmospheric temp by at least 10*C
  7. Frozen fruit is your friend! - Mangos, raspberries and pineapples are particular favourites of mine.
  8. Drink....
  9. Don't forget salt - its the other 'fun' ingredient in sweat
  10. Be lazy - now is not the time to go running any marathons or even doing housework for that matter, and its not just me the NSW department of health tells us so too!
  11. Don't make me say it again, you know what I'll say
  12. Now this one is important... NO COOKING! Absolutely none! Not the microwave not the BBQ and certainly no ovens or stoves!!! Its not worth it. Plus its too hot to eat... too much to digest, salads and frozen stuff are your bests bets (see 6).
  13. Go get another icy drink.... and hope to dear God that you don't run out of ice before the cool change comes through.

Appendix A

8/365 Weather

Appendix B

 Slurpee time!

Thats all for today ;-)
Much love,

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