Sunday, January 6, 2013

6/356 Peek-a-boo

6/356 Peek-a-boo by Darcy89
6/356 Peek-a-boo, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
It's a beautiful sunny day in Sydney (28*C at this moment) So I figure I'd better make the most of this pool worthy weather while I have it. This is my first "typical" portrait for this 365 challenge so I got to try my hand at retouching (sun + sweat + sunscreen does not a blemish free face create)... but I am not supposed to admit that am I? :-S


So thats all my Flickr friends get to see... beautiful touched up me :-P

But for all of my good friends reading this on thewarmthofsunshine... I'll let you in on a secretThis is what it looked like pre-retouching...

And just incase you can't tell the difference... here is one with strips of both...

So now you know my dirty little secret...

Anyway it was fun to create and now, If you don't mind, I am going to say goodbye to my computer screen and go enjoy the sun, water and great outdoors. Ciao!

Much love,

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