Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30/365 Wading in

30/365 Wading in

Two days a week I work on the opposite side of the city, we are talking 1.5-2hours travel each way in peak hour. So at the end of the working day I have 2 options
1) Get in the car as fast as possible and pray I make it through town before the first accident/breakdown blocks the entire road system like so much cholesterol in the arteries or
2) Go find something to do for the next 2.5-3hours and then take the leisurly 40 minute drive home post peak hour(s) at an average 80km/h

On the rocksOn the rocks BW

Today I chose option 2 and took myself for a lovely tour of the northern beaches of Sydney and discovered that taking photo's of the beach is a lot more challenging than I anticipated.
Of course who but me would plan a trip to the beach remembering work out gear but forgetting to even think about the possibility that it might be nice to go for a swim post photography session and therefore neglecting to pack swimmers. I mean I knew very well I wasn't going to go for a run! I NEVER run in summer unless it's after 10pm, the sun has disappeared and the night has stolen the heat from the day. But a swim! Now that would have been nice.

Turn around
And also, who else would go to the trouble of lugging said gym gear on the 20 minute walk to the waters edge thinking that it also contains an extra lens that might be needed only to discover upon arrival that no, the other lens was in the other bag... you know the one you left in the car because it wasn't necessary?

Baths BWWading in BW

Ahh well, at least I remembered my memory card, camera, tripod and remote... and who am I kidding, it was a fun excursion all the same :-D
Lot's of out-takes today and I will definitley have to go back... you know when I get around to purchasing a new remote that uses radio waves rather than infra-red so I can get further away from my camera... oh and that polarising filter probably wouldn't go too far astray either. don't get me wrong, I like this photo a lot, it's just not the one I have been dreaming of all week and I WANT THAT PHOTO!!!
Anyway, no long stories today, just rambling me. rejected photos are all over the place and you can find more of the ones I took in my new set On the Coast, as per usual I am completely indecicive about colour v B&W so almost everything you find there will have one version of each :-D


See, I was meant to be somewhere in the left 1/3... but my remote wouldn't reach dn it was too dangerous to use a 12s timer and attempt to run out there and I was too chicken to ask someone for help :'(


Or maybe I was supposed to me on the right hand side of this one...

Or quite possibly I was supposed to be in the centre of the whitewash here in a yoga pose...


Oh wait, no I was definitely supposed to be walking along the railing here...

And of course In all of these shots I was supposed to be wearing my red floor length gown.

And thats all she wrote. For today.

Much Love,

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