Monday, January 28, 2013

27/365 SPLASH!

27/365 SPLASH! by Darcy89
27/365 SPLASH!, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Who says children are the only ones allowed to have fun in the rain?!

So it's been getting a little heavy in my 365 photo stream of late and while I love a good thought experiment I felt like it was just time to get out and have a little bit of fun... thankfully it's been raining so I finally got the chance to go outside and splash around in puddles wearing my (semi) new gum boots, yayayayayayayayayayyyyy!!!!!!! :-D


The story about these gum boots is that my best friend - we will call her Eddie - has on occasion worked at equestrian meets. Now Eddie is not exactly the country horse riding gal, much more comfortable in her high waisted skirts or branded gym gear is she. Anyway, she is away for work for a few days at this equestrian meet and it is raining cats and dogs the whole time. On the first day her sneakers (the only pair of shoes she brought with her) get sodden and she is left feeling grumpy and waterlogged the rest of the day. So on the second day she gets up early and hikes her way to the closest shopping centre in the hopes of buying some gum boots. To her dismay the only pair left in her size were a hot pink and orange version of the pair I am wearing above. She's not exactly the pink wearing type...

So what does this all have to do with me you ask? Well, immediately post purchase she sends me a disgruntled picture message bemoaning the outlandish nature of the gumboots she has been forced to wear for the remainder of the week, to which I replied... "OMG they are awesome!!!! I have to have a pair NOW!!!... where did you buy them?!" and proceeded to drive directly to the local shops and purchase the pair you see here. (I on the other hand wanted the pink pair but there weren't any left in my size so purple it was... not too much of a sacrifice I don't think)

And that is the story of how these AWESOME gum boots came into my possession.


Much love,

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