Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15/365 Through the looking glass

15/365 Through the looking glass


Today was not a good day for me photography wise. Everything else was fine I just didn't have the patience to focus and take a decent picture. Although I really like how this one finally turned out :-) it is nothing like my original idea for today :-(

I discovered something about myself today - I don't like being pressured for time, not when I have a very specific idea anyway. Also, if I am not careful and I come back from a location shoot without anything I am particularly happy with then I also, maybe, sort of have a tendency to get frustrated with and stop paying attention to the details of a scene such as; will this lighting be conducive to taking portraits at this time of day? - you know, kind of important stuff and then would subsequently become even more exasperated when these new shots were not working straight away. Grrrr..... Or maybe I was just in a crappy mood today and am still trying to deny it to myself.

Anyway, this image was really interesting to create. It was like an exercise in year 9 physics. I knew that there must me a method of taking a portrait using a mirror without seeing the camera in the shot - reflective angle and all that - but I had never given it a try. So, I figured I'd just use trial and error to figure it out. Whilst it appears in this photo (to me anyway) that I am looking at myself in the mirror and seeing the same image you're seeing, the angle if the mirror is actually such that if I were to look directly in the centre of it I would see the lens of my camera and to create an image that looked like the one above I had to "fly blind" so to speak and focus my gaze in completely random places ( click on the photo to go to the Flickr website and scroll over the notes on the photo to see where my gaze ended up landing).

Photo taken in my bathroom using a mixture of ambient lights

My original idea, the one that got crushed, had me running down a hill at our local park only I knew when I started out that I wouldn't have much time (maybe 10 minutes?) and on top of that I conveniently forgot how allergic I am to the particular type of grass at this park (oops :-S). So running down the hill barefoot during bindi season after a wave of warm weather that had succeeded in giving the grass that nice (sarcasm warning) crunchy feeling turned out not to be such a good idea and after a few unsuccessful tries I was reluctant to reframe and go for another round... if you know what I mean. o_0

Rejected 15/365 Running down that hill

Nevertheless I'm still quite partial to the idea so I do think I'll give it another go... when I have lots of time... and maybe after a month or so of heavy rainfall :-P

No one can ever say I didn't suffer for my art!

Photo taken using plain old afternoon sunlight

There were a few other concepts attempted today, but as I said, I was in a mood by that point in time (which I like to think is rare for me) and if it wasn't working I was quicker to scrap it and move on to a new something than I was to make the necessary adjustments to make it work.

Darcy's 365 project so far...

Thats all for today :D
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. I like the half passion you have for your art. Both photos are good . Park cute .bathroom my favourite :)
