Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'm Back!

Oh dear, it has been two years and two months since my last confession. So much has changed (eg blogger's editing page has been totally google-efied to the point I am going to have to spend some time re-learning it) and yet so much is still the same. I don't even know where to start catching myself up.

So I won't.

Suffice to say that I have had a sudden impulse to start blogging again and while the idea of creating a whole new site for the whole new blogging me had its merit, I felt there was/is also a certain appeal to continuing my online publishing adventures right where they started. I am after all the same person (technically) in that I am functioning with the same brain (albeit a few years older) and the blog will essentially serve the same purpose.

Then again, did I ever really decide what kind of blog this was supposed to be? Maybe I do have a new purpose.

I don't claim to be an expert. On any subject. If the last year has done anything productive at all then it has burst that little bubble I used to convince myself I knew everything I needed to know. Well that's not quite right because I was well aware I didn't, know everything there was to know in the world; more like, I have questions now, questions that drive me to search for answers and even once I've found answers I try to be flexible enough to acknowledge that there may in fact be more.

I have found my wonder again.

So why back to the writing? I've been doing a lot of reading recently, and a lot of listening to blogs, and a lot of watching informative tv, and a lot more reading. So much new stuff, and it goes in one ear and out the other and all that's left is a sense of sense, or a sense of hey that's really true/profound/ I had never thought of it that way and now I wonder how anyone could possibly think otherwise/ I WANT TO REMEMBER THAT!

And I am developing FOF - fear of forgetting.

To remember, to understand, I need to write.

Silly as this might sound I realize am more consciously aware of the importance of all those annoying assignments they give you whilst your being 'educated'. It's like, when all you do is read or listen or watch its like eating junk food - the calories, the fat and the sugar are there so the brain sends out all these happy chemicals but the essential macro and micronutrients are missing, the calories are empty and the body is unsatisfied so it continues to crave more. So for me at least, information without the accompanying analysis and scrutiny that comes with writing about it is ultimately as un-satisfying as the empty calories associated with junk food.

I guess the point is that I need a forum in which I can scrutinize, study, analyze, group and better understand the information that I am constantly assaulting myself with. And I happen to be just egotistical enough to feel the need to publish my thoughts, ideas and conclusions to the public sphere where there is a chance someone might actually read it rather than leaving them as secret scribbles in my journal.

I'm back!


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