Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oooo cool!!

Sorry this is really just a test post to see how this all works... Blogger on my iPhone cool!

You see this all started when I was dancing in the garage this afternoon ( it's some form of stress relief that I developed years ago and don't seem able to let go of... Don't judge till you try it). Dancing in the garage of my house, on most days involves mooving dads pretty mx-5 out of it and into the open air. On this particular occasion dad had just washed his car... The sky's were dark and so he made me promise to clean the car if it startedti rain... More about that later.

Anyway, when I started Eddy and I were in the midst of organising a movie night but some details needed to be sorted so I said id come back in 15... 45 minutes later I log onto messenger using my iPhone whilst sitting in the dark garage leaning against the second fridge we also keep in here ( and no it's not emo as eddy claims, just Comfy and convenient)...

By this point in time I started thinking that I was ready to stop dancing but then again im not so ready cause I don't really feel like cleaning the car (yes the clouds opened up and filled the world with water... And anyway who washes their car when it's raining?!?!?!)

It is at this point that it randomly occurs to me that maybe there is an iPhone app that allows me to post blogs on-the-go... Hmmm great way to procrastinate :-P... Turns out that there is. I press download, set up my details, remove the pesky little end note that says "posted from my iPhone" because that's just silly... bringing us to this... Me writing a test post which I believe is just about done...

Hope I haven't wasted too many irreplaceble seconds of your life...

Until next time

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