Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just another day in this topsy turvy land

Today has been another topsy turvy day, and so instead of writing about last Sunday when my dad and I decided to do the 90km Sydney to Wollongong bike ride for MS I thought I'd do a bit of sharing (plus this involves significantly fewer brain cells and synapse function so I'll leave the creative writing for another day :P) ... it was my last day of semester so I should have been doing one of 3 things:

  1. Freaking out because its the last week of semester, exams start next week, and I haven't even started studying... or,
  2. Celebrating (it is after all the end of semester and almost beginning of summer holidays)
  3. All of the above
Anywho, instead I turned up to uni after waking up on the fragile side of the bed and all was well, until... the final slide comes up on the projector and its of these two beach chairs on a snow topped mountain looking out into the distance... it is at this point in time that said lecturer decides to quote Henry David Thoreau....
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them"

He then asked us, pleaded with us, not to lead a life like this and of course it is at this point in time that my nose got all tingly, and the back of my throat started constricting involuntarily and there was this funny wet stuff coming out of my eyes, oh no... it was happening again... crying! (and for the record a similar thing - but without so much drama - happened last Friday in ASA when we were told that we should search for a job that we would be prepared to do for free)...


Damn this confusion and paralyzing fear of the future of what I want to do with my life, of whatever... I just, I don't know and thats the problem, I want to take control of my life and be happy but I have no idea how... yup thats right, Darcy is going through the early 20's life crisis (or whatever its called) - which is funny because when I was younger I always thought I'd just skip over this whole phase, in fact if I'm honest with myself I was also quite judgmental of those who did... lol

It's like I'm pulling myself in all different directions and I can't decide which one should win so I resist them all and instead stay in the same place not moving forwards or backwards or even sideways... got to figure that stuff out...

Anyway, the day picked up as it does when its hot and the sun is out :D and I had a strange sense of de-ja-vu as I was walking home and my thongs (now we are talking the rubber ones that go on your feet not the other type) started rubbing and getting uncomfortable... really must build up those calluses for summer again... anywho I just took them off and walked bare feet and all like the little homeless girl I truly am on the inside, all the way home :P...

I like walking around in bare feet :D.............................

1 comment:

  1. Dear Darcy
    I know you have an exam coming up but we need another blog. It's time for an update.
