Tuesday, March 5, 2013

59/365 Hear me ROAR!

59/365 Hear me ROAR! by Darcy89
59/365 Hear me ROAR!, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Ahhh!!! Getting so far behind :S Must do mass upload yesterday... eek!

Okay so its taken a bit longer than I thought it would to get used to my new uni+work+life+365 photo project challenge = life balance. Between work and uni I seem to be spending all of my spare time stuck in traffic and no where near enough of it behind a camera (for my sanity anyway) so you might understand why I am loath to spend what little remains staring at more computer screens. And maybe its because my brain has been hibernating for the last 2 years but all this learning has me so damn tired! The kind of tired that has me in bed, lights out, on my way to sleep by 9pm last night… I haven't been to bed s early since primary school. Don't get me wrong I love it! (please tell me to stop using exclamation points) it is just taking some adjusting...

Maybe I am just over thinking things but I've also been feeling uninspired. I have grown accustomed to the mini studios I set up around the house but it would be much more convenient if I could be photographically inspired by the university surroundings… I walk around all day with my camera in hand and I am looking and looking and looking but I'm just not seeing. Now that I type that I realise that I think I do my best work when I can just sit and be still for a time… haven't really been doing that lately - I might try to give that a go and see if anything changes…

59/365 out-take: What was I thinking?!

Anyway, sorry for all my ramblings and for disappearing for a week. Posts will probably be less frequent from now on but dw I'll be continuing with the project ;-) … if only I could find a computer lab at uni with some kind of photo editing software on it… hmmmm. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on everyone's stuff in the next few days :D now that would be nice!

Much love,

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