Friday, February 15, 2013

46/365 My Spidey Friend

46/365 My spidey friend

This little guy has been hanging around my house for about a week now. He mostly liked to hang about up high near the ceiling in the void above the stairs. He was quiet and kept to himself so I didn't really mind and started walking passed saying "hi" and generally thinking of him as my little spidey pet on the ceiling.
But today he broke the rules and so I had to let him go :(
We had a deal you see, he stays out of my general living area and eats all sorts of other insects and I let him stay but noooooooooo that wasn't enough for this little guy, or so I discovered this morning when I woke up to find him hanging out in his new home on the computer room wall. So bye bye spidey, out you go, I shall trap you under a glass and leave you outside for the rest of your life! It turned out to be a really good use of the parents invitations to what I now refer to as "parent teacher evening" at uni... much better than its intended use anyway.
I hate to admit it, but the joke was on me :( See the glass above? It was actually my favourite breakfast smoothie glass, and after set him free outside spider decided to claim it for his own and wouldn't leave :( Hopefully he is home by morning...
Anyway, on another note, I had to laugh about something today. You know how I ranted a few days ago about the "parent teacher evening"? Well today was a "lots of work but not much brain power necessary" day at work and on those days I like to listen to various podcasts that have the potential to either entertain me, educate me or both! It just so happens that today I decided to randomly scroll through my backlog of "Conversations with Richard Fidler" and just so happened to click on his conversation with Psychology Today editor Hara Estroff Marano. Now my suspect opinions about that publication aside she just so happened to be talking about "modern attitudes to parenting mean anxious mums and dads are crowding out the unsupervised play that kids used to enjoy" and more specifically about the effect this has on them once they reach university levels of education...
It is not the first time something like this - where I learn about or think about something new only to turn the TV or radio on and hear an interview or documentary about that exact issue... funny how the world works like that, just thought I'd share.
Exhibit (A): Guarding his new territory :(
Guarding his new territory...

Much love,

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