Wednesday, February 13, 2013

44/365 Treating myself


Don't you just love it when you get home from a ridiculously long drive home; one of those long drives where you get so angry in the car you seriously consider turning off the engine in the middle if the harbour tunnel and stomping your way home because at least that would be faster! Only to discover that there is leftover crepe batter and strawberries in the fridge, Nutella in the cupboard and fresh bananas on the kitchen bench. Because although you decided at the ripe old age of 8 - and even announced to the world - that you are not religious, your mother still reminds you when its Shrive Tuesday so at least you have an excuse to make pancakes. Only this year you were too sick to eat them all in one sitting... Yeah, me too! :-D

Outtake 44/365

On another note however, I get home only to find a pamphlet from my new university addressed to "the parents of new students" inviting them to what can only be described as the universities version of a parent teacher night.... I am actually so shocked I don't know what to do with this information... I just keep seeing bright green flashing words floating across my vision *DOES NOT COMPUTE. DOES NOT COMPUTE*... When is there a clearer line indicating in a child's life that they must now take responsibility for their own education if not at the end of high school and the beginning of university? I just don't get it.

And on top of that I AM A MATURE AGED STUDENT!!!

Much love,

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