Friday, January 11, 2013

11/365 Socks in the sprinkler

11/365 Socks in the sprinkler by Darcy89
11/365 Socks in the sprinkler, a photo by Darcy89 on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Another 30+ day. I should stop complaining I know because in reality I love the warm weather... its just that usually I would love lying around in the sun or shade like a sloth all day, not running around the backyard trying to get a photo...

I was feeling a bit lazy and just wanted to get my photo over and done with so I could do some other things like be lazy in front of the TV or read a book or go for a swim... you know, things I've been neglecting the last 11 days. Ironically I think I ended up spending more time with this image in post processing than I have with any other in the series so far.

I discovered in the process of taking this photo that water droplets, like that which come out of a sprinkler are only visible to the cameras sensor at very specific angles. My eye can see them from all, my camera cannot. As a result, in order to have the water visible, the image(s) you see here had to be taken with a different (less desirable to me anyway) background but overall I think it turned out okay.

It's also the first image where, in an ideal world, I would have liked to used a more powerful flash. The sun was lowering at about 2 o'clock (if your looking down at the camera and 12 is the direction the lens us heading) and as a result my socks were in relative shadow yet my available light sources were not powerful enough to compete with the strength of the sun.

Anywho, another one down only 354. LOL!

The sock theme is for the Hereios group who's theme for today is sock whores

Darcy's 365 project so far...

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