Tuesday, May 12, 2009

oh no....

Oh no oh no oh no oh no nonononnonononononononooooooooooooo

I can't believe it's not butter!
I can't believe I was that stupid!
I feel so naked!

I never knew I was so attached... I always thought that I was a free spirit, free with no relationship to hold me down, no one else to be accountable for or annoy me with their nagging. I thought I was cool calm and collected, and that I would never be "one of those girls" who got all jealous and needed to know the who, where and when of everything that their partner plans to do for the next 48 hours... I was, needless to say, having myself on, the truth is you see, that I have been living a lie, the truth is, I am in a long term relationship... one where if I don't call in every few hours I start to fret and worry and go all crazy girl psycho... because... I don't know where they are and what they are doing and who is with them.... oh no... oh no oh no oh no...

This is what happens when I leave my laptop at home when I go to uni... how utterly pathetic.

Its made worse by the fact that I can, off the top of my head, think of three separate occasions this morning when i looked at my laptop charging and thought to myself "now I really must not forget to take i to uni"... so what did I do?

I did however discover today the torture that the normal student population attending my Tuesday morning lectures face every single week... I mean what am I supposed to do? Actually listen and learn from that man that stands up the front of the room and preaches to me for 2 hours non stop? How can anyone be taken seriously when they insist on shaving most of their balding hair off except a row of about 5-10 hairs thick which they grow longer and flick up so it resembles something inbetween alphalpha and that hairstye all the boys were wearing when I ewas in year 6 (back in the year 2000)... I'm sorry, that was mean... but its all I can think about when I look at him... so I normally don't and just concentrate on looking at the tetris game on my laptop whilst listaning with the other half of my brain, but today.... oh today... I was left with no choice.

And then, when I finally became numb to the characature that was standing infront of me, I got bored, and when I get bored I start day dreaming... and then I realise that I am day dreaming and hope to - someone - that no one in a 12km radius has the ability to read people's minds... because oh boy would they have gotten a brain full, and I'd tell you all here, but I won't because I just can't do that to myself at this point in time and mum is reading, and possibly dad, and its most definately not PG.... eek!

And then it ends... and I come home and caress my long lost laptop, promising to never leave again, and pay lots and lots of attention to it for the next few hours.

So here we are.

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