First things first... yes I am still sunburnt, worse in fact end though I applied my sunscreen in a much more diligent manner yesterday, probably due to the fact that I have been being an even more diligent tourist and that in itself involves lots of sun time...
Anywho, yesterday Ed and I woke up, went to the internet cafe... realised that it was kinda pointless as i had forgotten the usb connection, and then made our way to buckingham palace for the changing of the guard ceremony...
Now I could tell you a lot about what I saw, but I don't think it would interest you all that much because it mostly involved the backs of peoples heads... Snappy on the other hand had a much better view, so I'll let him tell you his story...
First off, this is our view as we walked towards the gates...

and this is Eddy and I, posing with such wonderful smiles and touristy splendour...

this is me - taken probably only a few seconds after I complained about have to have yet another picture taken (instead of taking one myself of course)...

now we have Snappy's view through the gates...

and some fluffy black hats...

We then proceeded to go for a walk, to be honest we didn't have much of a clue where we were going, but thats okay sometimes, when you don't have anything pressing to do. Turns out though that we were heading for Wellington arch, and so we took some more photo's :P because thats what you do... but i just realised that I didn't choose any pics of this event for blogging, so you will have to live with the one of me taking the pictures :P
here is me taking some 'artistic photo's' which it turns out I don't like now... I know how to fix them... too bad I wont get a second chance... but I took some 'normal' one too so i'm safe :D

Then it was off to the Tower of London... dun dun dahhhhhhhh!
Honestly, I know they say that its haunted, but I wouldn't mind living there myself, its not a hard stretch of the imagination... I could do it quite easily... all I'd need to do is get rid of all those pesky tourists...
here is me in front of the white tower, which is the main tower really...

and here is Eddy in front of a window, looking out onto the Thames... turns out I like taking picks through windows... *warning* you may get sick of them...

and here is Eddy outside ontop of the inner wall... and in the background we have the tower bridge, NOT to be confused with London bridge, we were reminded constantly...

outside again...

me, again...

tower bridge again...

white tower again...

and here endeth your virtual tour of whatever I just gave you a tour of... honestly if I;d made you pay for that you should ask for your money back, but you didn't so there :P
Of course we finished off the day by going to dinner with my first cousin once removed??? These family trees confuse me, but thats not the point... the point is that we lost track of time at the tower, and then i proceeded to drip frozen ribina juice all down my dress, we came home and well it was all just one big comedy of errors ... lol... but we made it... eventually.
lots of love and hugz
I have never seen so many photos with you in them Darcy. Keep it up. LOL. Looking like you are having a great time and we are enjoying the updates. Enjoy Wicked tonight.
ReplyDeletei find it funny that mum wrote lol with capital letters. LOL. that actully made me laugh out loud reading that. sorry mum hahahah
ReplyDeleteand dont talk to me. EVER AGAIN. BECAUSE U ARE GOING TO WICKED WITHOUT ME!!!... the sister hood is offically ended. I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU.. FOREVERRRRRRR
but.. if u buy me something from wicked.. maybeee i will accept ur apology and we can be sisters again!!??? :D
i think that is rather reasonable dont you think! :D lol
ariel. (i find this whole differnt name hard to adjust to. is it strange taht people call u darcy when commenting you??... lol)
i LOVE the touristy photos. eddy looks v sunburnt though :S
That's because I was laughing really loudly ariel