Day 2 in London was about a million trillion billion times better than the one before (probably something to do with the fact that we had managed to get 14 hours sleep the night before). We spent most of the day on a hop-on-hop-off bus tour of the city and all its attractions (Yes those two idiots on the roof of the open top double decker bus leaning out to take photo's and just generally looking like touristy lunatics was us). It was i must say, probably the best 23 ponds I have spent so far (and possibly in the future also).

However, this whole open bus tour thing brings me to a more pressing matter... I deserve a medal... no really I do... Eddy deserves one also but I am going to press the issue a little more than her. You see, yesterday I managed to do the impossible, I managed to achieve something that the brits have tried unsuccessfully to achieve for about 2000 years, back when London went by a slightly different name... what did I do you ask? Well give me a second, I'm getting to that.... I managed.... wait for it... I managed (and so did Eddy) to get SUNBURNT in LONDON!!!!!!! And its not just a little pink glow, oh no that would be far too subtle... its a nice shade of strawberry.
I suppose it serves me right, its carma coming back to bite me in the ass. I shall never make fun of a country and its crazy water bottle heat wave messages again. I just can't risk it. But what about sunscreen? I hear you... well I was wearing that... it just wasn't applied all over... you can tell because while my face and upper delecotage (spelling?) is still a lovely shade of white, the rest of me (shoulders, lower delecotage, back & neck, are all a lovely shade of strawberry. Eddy is the same, but with panda (sunglass) eyes...
But now that you are all rolling around on the floor laughing at me :( I'll tell you about another interesting journey we had on day 2 in London... the case of the illusive internet cafe...
So there we are, Eddy and I, in the middle of Piccadilly Circus (or thats the station we got of at least) trying to find somewhere with an internet cafe and access to a usb port so we can update blogs, check e-mails, chat to you al on facebook, etc. So we ask some random in a shop who tell us that "If you go down that street over there you'll get to a maccas, at the maccas you can turn left and go up an alley (and alley he said! it felt dodgy) or you can cross the road and go up some stairs and there will be an internet cafe." Sounded easy enough... not so. We got to the maccas, looked across the road... no stairs in sight, so we go up the alley, internet cafe closed, so we ask another gentleman shop keeper who points us in another direction all together. Long story short, this process repeated itself for about half an hour and we ended up in some sort of red light district with XXX book stores and Thai massages that I don't think were Thai massages (and I was thanking some higher power that today was a day I decided to dress in a conservative manner), at which point we decided to give up and return to the main street, which is of course, when all else had failed, when we found the stairs, which were actually escalators, and an internet cafe. The things we do for you all... ;P
Now, back to the tour bus...

From our tour bus we saw... The national gallery, Nelson's column and Trafalgar square, and basically all the big stuff plus more like Westminster Abbey, houses of parliament, the London eye, London Dungeon and went on a free Thames river cruise, etc but I don't really want to write much about then because we are going to do most of them in detail over the next few days and then maybe I can write something that isn't what you'd find in your average travel book or encyclopedia.

So, instead, a few random facts we learnt on the bus...The Australian High commission (members of the commonwealth don't have embassies they have High Commissions) was used as Gringots the bank in the First Harry Potter movie and Dragon statues mark the border between the city of London and the City of westminster (picture).

So at the end of the day we found ourselves back at Trafalgar square, and it was really enjoyable to just sit and watch people and take photo's for a little while...
Anywho, thats all I'll bore you all with today
Lots of love and hugz
P.S. Eddy wanted me to let you know that the highlight of my day was in fact when I almost broke my plate at dinner time whilst I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to shake some ketchup out of a bottle... oops :D
PPPS... just realised how bad the quality of one of the pix is... ill fix that tomorrow morning... im downsizing the pics to make this all faster but i didn't realise how bad that one had gotten... tata
Love following your adventures Darcy!
ReplyDeleteThe photos are weird. If you click on them they are fine. I think Blogger makes them even smaller when you upload them. Can I suggest making the photos about 1000 pixelos wide and 100dpi. That works for mine.
ReplyDeleteHope the sunburn isn't too bad
love the harry potter trivia! sucks about the sunburn though! who would've thought you'd get burnt in london when you live in australia! so dodgy lol.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see more.
awww poor girlies!! dw, we all know aloe vera spray + sobelene cream will fix it right up :) and yes, we r grateful u havent forgotten us and being addicted to the net (well eddy is anyway) and we now know 2 start worrying if there is a day u haven't posted anything up :p xoxo
ReplyDeletecarina im so bored at home without you.
i like love reading ur blogs because it makes me realise that you are living a dream and damn it i wish i was there with you!!!
but im so excited, cause on friday i finish extension history! i wish you were here!! i keep thinking about how im going to be finished on friday and all i want to do is go out with you or spend the night doing something!!!
But i know your having an awesome time and i miss you dearly!!
more photos of u fool!!! lol
love 'ariel'
p.s. i think you should DEFINATLY buy me a london t-shirt. damn i relaly wanna go to london now!!! lol
congrats for almost finishing extension history ariel... you'll find something to do im sure... and we can come back to london together some day ;P
ReplyDeleteCodie... don#t even get me started about sunburns and you... you are still not forgiven
the hp trivia was just for you robo
glad everyone is having fun :D