Maybe I should also add blog posts to that list ... but I wouldn't want you getting any ideas that if you stopped reading I might actually do some work... that would be semantically inaccurate (and here I go murdering the English language again)...
But I just HAD to show you this...
Taken at dinner on Easter Sunday after a full day of walking around the Sydney Royal Easter Show with the family. I know its random and just a little bit strange but it made Ariel and me laugh so hard :-P... Speaking of hot ranga's...
If you don't know him, he's Owen from the TV series Grey's Anatomy... his character is real and no one can tell me otherwise! Bless his poor little tormented soul... :-P
Now who said Ranga's couldn't be hot? *cough* Elvira *cough*
(OMG did I really just put that in this post :-S... Yeah because I'm not a sad little tweeny bopper at all :-P)
We'll do this in bite sized pieces shall we...
Until next time (the woodchop!)
Much love,
I'm very flattered!