Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Days 2 and three

So things picked up in days two and three... eventually :-P

So it started off with more meet and greet opportunities *fun* lol, nah it wasn't so bad, people were nice... okay so you don't realy want to hear about my boring day so I'll tell you anyway (but quickley) and then we'll get down to the gritty details that are running through my head.

So the meet and greet ended and we picked up our security passes and got assigned lockers (wow is anyone else having flashbacks to the first days of high school???)and it was arround about here that a few of us realised that we had absolutley no idea where we were supposed to be and what we should be doing... I mean I had an assignment but when I went to my timesheet I couldn't find anyone else I could contact... turns out thats because the client I was supposed to be working on doesn't technically start for a few weeks and they just had some odds and ends that needed doing before it starts...

Anyway there was an hour or so there where I couldn't contact anyone because they were all out on assignment so I had to leave messages and send e-mails and try desperatley to find something! anything!... an then - out of nowhere - some random is talking to me on the intra office instant messaging system and I'm sitting there thinking "well someone knows I'm here and is asking me where I am so they can meet..." Okay!

So he sorted me out with some work and we eventually fiuured out what had happened and I've been doing that stuff for the last 2 days.

Now here is the thing... even if I do start liking the work and people (when I move onto a real job with a team and all next week) and the place in general... well its not exactly a healthy lifestyle. I'm not talking here about the foods they eat or the fact that I've been sitting on my ass at a desk staring at a computer all day, I'm talking about the work life balance here...

Now lets get a few things straight here:
  1. its the 'busy season' for auditors so there is a lot of work to be done and deadlines to make and not a heck of a lot of time to do it in
  2. Although as vacationers we are encouraged not to run out the door as soon and the chime strikes 5, I am also not allowed to work longer than my 7.5 alloted hours per day without managers written approval...
So now we can start at the begining...

On my first day in the office, during our morning break I walk into the bathrooms (why do all of my stories end up here???) and overhear 2 of the human resource ladies talking to each other through the cubicals, it went something along the lines of
"Yea, you know I wouldn't mind working 12 hour days if it meant I got the 5th day off"
"yea I think it would be great, three day weekends!!!"

Meanwhile I am sitting there thinking... "its a really strange feeling, this whole going to the toilet with your stockings pulled up" Oh! and!... "12 hour days?! what are they thinking... thats no way to live, and whats the point anyway? All you'll end up doing is sleeping the 5th day and then your left with no social life because your sleeping and no sunlight because your in the office all day"

Its amazing how quickley you can aclimatise to a new situation though, those comments now suddenly make sense... I mean these people are already working 10 to 11 hours a day (one guy on my level was still at work last night at 2 in the morning!!! (I mean is that even productive?). So whats an extra hour if you get an extra day off anyway?

But do I really want to be a part of this? Now thats a question I have to answer...

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Darcy has her first day of 'real' work...

Sorry about the delay guys... the good news is that because I was too zonked to post last night, tonight you get two for the price of one! :-P... poor you ;-)

So yesterday I started my first day at my summer vacation position... you know, the one I got when i didn't send this application letter...

So the day started off fine, I felt like a nervous wreck! All morning! In fact, once I went to change trains at central station, I heard the call for the train to Mascot... my Mascot... home sweet home! (or the home of my nice fluffy white comfy place of work)... and I tell you, I almost ran for it... so very almost! But I didn't - I held on (Should have taken it as a sign... get on that train!)

It was... how shall I put it - Overwhelming! Actually that doesn't quite sound right, but I have a whole other post to write tonight before I pass out, so it will just have to do. By the end of the day I had been listening to people talk for hours and hours on end. Thats right! No actual work got done. It was "Induction Day"... which translates as watch me bore you to pieces, take away your will to live, speek many many words which can be easily summed up by a few choice expletives that I choose not to publish on the net AND THEN! At the end of all that (when all the soul and personality have been sucked from your soul) we are going to make you talk to more strangers from the firm and get you to practice your newly accuired skills at networking! :-D *gets a mallet and whacks it over her head*...

Nah it wasn't really all that bad... it was just a whole day of Darcy feeling awkward and not really knowing what to do and yet also not feeling like any one is giving any insight into what is expected tomorrow.... or for the next 5 weeks... its all about constantly improving ones self and giving off the right impression so that they want to hire you as a graduate....

Umm.... I'm supposed to be improving?!?! I was just hoping to make it through alive...

and graduate positions... yea sure it would be great to not need to worry about finding a job once I graduate but honestly, I'm not really sure if this is the type of job I want for my future... wasn't that the whole point of this exercise? you try me on for size and I see if your a comfy fit?

Anyway, the day ended with only one great achievement made... my migraine... possibly not helped by the fact that lunch was catered but there was't really enought to eat (then again who was the idiot that brought a packed lunch and then decided it would be to imbarressing to eat it?)

The nicest person I met all day was the PA of one of the partners... and I only met her because I noticed she was struggling with this big cardboard contraption and decided to help her open a door.

After day one Darcy is feeling a little worse for wear and wondering what it is that she got herself I into!!! Maybe I'd be better as a PA ;-P

Much love

P.S. I don't know if I mentioned before but for work I bought these beautiful high leg pantyhose type things (you know the ones that go all the way up to about upper-mid thight and then stop?) because I thought they would be more fun than your average type... they are :-P... but the strangest thing is, the feeling of going to the toilet with your stockings pulled up! have you ever tried it? I mean really? Because normally there you have to pull tights down to about your knees... but not with these!!! there is no need :-D lol :-D

P.P.S. I know at the start of this post I promised a 2-4-1 deal but I'm beat so if you don't mind, I'll save it for another day

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the Holidays...

Those of you who have known me for any significant period of time will be aware that I am quite capeable of "going off the radar" for a while... this little habbit of mine was especially prevalent during my schooling years where I would practically sever all contact with my school chums over the summer break. I liked this part of my year... it was great! and by the time school went back I was actually looking foward to catching up with everyone...

Unfortunatley, since leaving school it has become more difficult to destinguish between the "on" and "off" times of the year, whilst at the same times many friends have come to view any extended absence from "group activities" as being a personal affront to their persons AND "the group"... a crime punishable by expulsion (from what I am not yet certain)... Anyway I must confess...

It has been three years since my last hyatus... three long long years...

And so it has came to be that one day, this very day infact, that Darcy found herself on a family holiday somewhere along the NSW central coast. Sharing a 2 bedroom flat with Mum, Dad, Ariel and Auntie D, a mere stones throw from the beech.

The great thing about holidays such as these (at least in my humble oppinion) is that, appart from the obvious neccesities required to sustain life there is literally nothing that has to/should be/must be done. No famous historical art/archetecture to visit, no people to talk to, no theme park up the road... not even particularly good TV reception (thus preventing one from needing to be home in time to watch the cricket/news/latest episode of the thrilling new medical dramas on channel 7/9/10. There is almost nothing to do... and thats kind of the point. Even the act of writing this post feels like some sort of criminal act against... something...
It is my last week of freedom before I take my first steps towards joining the rest of the workforce in full time employment via my sumer internship...

So I have decided, for today at least (who knows what I'll decide to do tomorrow) that I will not pay any attention to the time... the sun will rise and set alerting me that another day has passed, I shall eat when I am hungry and read and sleep and swim and generally do as I please... if the mood takes me I may even venture out and take a few photo's...

Wow that sounds selfish... but why the hell not?! Its only for a week after all. :D
And now... I think I shall go get a frosty fruit...

until next time

P.S. Funniest sight today at dinner... 4 kids who appeared to be under the age of 5 sitting quietly at a table by themselves each playing their own Nintendo DS... :-P
PPS... I have no idea what this post was about... If you figure it out be sure to let me know...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

4 hours later...

4 hours later... It's 1:30, lunch has been had and they are about to complete the coin toss...

Ponting has won the toss and elected to bat...

Play is sceduled to start at 2... Here's to hoping the rain will hold off until then.

New seats, undercover this time...

As the openers warm up for their second or third time today, Eddy and I sit in eager anticipation, tummys full after a trip to the Bavarian beer cafe in the entertainment quarter *contented sigh*... we're goig to have a game!!!! : D

Sorry to all those with no interest what-so-ever in cricket... Usual broadcasting will continue tomorrow

Until next time.

This bright and sunny summer of cricket

It's the first day of the Sydney test, australia v Pakistan... At least it is supposed to be.

Eddy and I are currently sitting under a light sprinkle in the ladies stand of the SCG waiting for the umpires to deem that the surface is dry enough for play to begin... A daclaration that at this point in time seems unlikely. Nevertheless we persist... Haven't missed a test in 5 long years :D

You see the harpers bazar umbrella in the left corner??? That's Eddy... Doesn't she look just so happy to be here :-P

Only the die hards come on days like today... And those who bought tickets before the weather forecast came out...

I should hurry this up because I'm running on a strict 15 minute time limit... Eddy demands entertainment and when Mitchel Johnson is off the field this responsibility comes downtown me... She's really very demanding when she can't eat carbs (not by choice... Dw were not going on some Hollywood crash diet, it's just thatshe has a stomach bacteria or something and this type f food inflames the stomach lining...)... It kinda ruins the binge eating day we had planned too...

Instead we have Lollies...

And a view of a large green patch of grass...

Please don't get me wrong... I am very happy to be here, just thought I should tell it how it is - no sugar coating at all...

Play update: coin toss has been delayed...

Anywho, I'd better go.
Until next time

Edit/bloggers note: yes we realise sugar is a carb... But in this case they don't count... Brain has to function somehow right??? We r thinking more breads and pasta and rice... U know heavy stuff :-P

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oooo cool!!

Sorry this is really just a test post to see how this all works... Blogger on my iPhone cool!

You see this all started when I was dancing in the garage this afternoon ( it's some form of stress relief that I developed years ago and don't seem able to let go of... Don't judge till you try it). Dancing in the garage of my house, on most days involves mooving dads pretty mx-5 out of it and into the open air. On this particular occasion dad had just washed his car... The sky's were dark and so he made me promise to clean the car if it startedti rain... More about that later.

Anyway, when I started Eddy and I were in the midst of organising a movie night but some details needed to be sorted so I said id come back in 15... 45 minutes later I log onto messenger using my iPhone whilst sitting in the dark garage leaning against the second fridge we also keep in here ( and no it's not emo as eddy claims, just Comfy and convenient)...

By this point in time I started thinking that I was ready to stop dancing but then again im not so ready cause I don't really feel like cleaning the car (yes the clouds opened up and filled the world with water... And anyway who washes their car when it's raining?!?!?!)

It is at this point that it randomly occurs to me that maybe there is an iPhone app that allows me to post blogs on-the-go... Hmmm great way to procrastinate :-P... Turns out that there is. I press download, set up my details, remove the pesky little end note that says "posted from my iPhone" because that's just silly... bringing us to this... Me writing a test post which I believe is just about done...

Hope I haven't wasted too many irreplaceble seconds of your life...

Until next time