Another day on the bus... yes I do realise that we have a lot of them but it is actually a really good way to see the counrtyside... at least thats what I'll keep telling myself... above is me sleeping so I'm not so sure I was making the most of the scenery there...
Here is "The Yellow Submarine"... yes THE yellow sub... from the song...

The day consisted of driving, eating stops on the side of the road, a trip to a perfumery in the South of France (eze I believe), and night time sight seeing in Monaco...

So this is a Cathedral on Monaco...

and here we are at a look out...

The same lookout, different angle... I like taking night time exposures... incase you hadn't noticed...

The view from our dinner resteraunt...

Again but with our tour guide...

and finally one of the Casino's in Monaco... we didn't go to this one in particular because the age to get in is 21 and they actually check and keep your passports, but there is another to the left of this pic that we snuck into... got bored... and left pretty quick... I really don't get the big deal...
hope you had fun...
lots of love and hugz.
Well it sounds like you are spending a lot of time on a bus which can be a bit of a drag. Your night time shots are fantastic. Great smiles and the group looks friendly. I think you will be happy to stop for a bit and let the whirlwind settle but loving your tales.